Environment Question Time
Seeking sustainable solutions to environmental challenges

Welcome and introduction
Dr John Maskall
I have been giving talks on environmental issues for 50 years. I have wasted my time as all warnings have been ignored and environmental issues are overridden by Big Business and ignorant politicians. Should we not just accept the fact that we are all doomed and headed into the next (sixth) Global Extinction?
Peter Brooks
Many of us are aware of the increasing amount of plastic being dumped into the world's oceans. I have heard quotes that if we i.e. human beings, carry on like this, there will be more plastic than fish in the seas by 2050! This will obviously be disastrous for all marine organisms. What do the members of the panel consider to be the most effective ways of reducing and hopefully reversing this most alarming trend?
Sheila Evans
Which types of renewable energy should be prioritised and should they be primarily terrestrial or marine? What barriers do we face in producing policy changes to increase renewable energy infrastructure?
James Baxter and George McIlroy
As marine species migrate with warming seas should we be concerned about "invasions" displacing indigenous species?
Ray Holland
In these times where scientists and academia appears to be distrusted, devalued and 'a pain' in terms of environmental suggestions, how much of this negative perception do the panel think is the academic community's fault (snobbery, inaccessibility, etc) and how can we win back the trust of the public on specifically environmental issues?
Tria Burton
What does sustainability mean to you personally?
Megan Strobel