student working in the chemistry lab with highly fluorescent compounds under UV light

Why Plymouth?


Chemistry is key in solving our current challenges because it studies the molecules that make up everything around us from the sand on the beach to the silicon chip that drives our smartphone. The chemistry course at Plymouth is designed to provide students with the skills and experience of modern chemical and analytical techniques that makes them so valuable to employers. Recent graduates are working in diverse fields such as environmental protection, energy and pharmaceuticals, contributing to making the world a better place.
Dr Hayley Manners
Programme Leader
Dr Hayley Manners
with a colleague on board the research vessel Chikyū, investigating life in the
deep biosphere
Dr Hayley Manners with a colleague on board the research vessel Chikyū, investigating life in the deep biosphere

Read about our student and staff success in our latest newsletter.

Recent edition: Spring 2025

Jon ShawProfessor Jon Shaw
Head of School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

SoGEES newsletter cover Spring 2025

Biogeochemistry Research Centre

Researching the environmental behaviour, fate and impact of nutrients, metals and pharmaceuticals in terrestrial, atmospheric and aquatic systems.
The Biogeochemistry Research Centre comprises expert researchers and instrumentation, with acknowledged international leaders in organic geochemistry and environmental analytical chemistry and a strong focus on marine science and current and past ecosystems and climates.
Scientists working with a University of Plymouth team on sea ice in the Arctic (credit: Simon Belt/University of Plymouth)

Dr Roy Lowry, Associate Professor of Chemistry runs a YouTube channel designed to help teachers and students get to grips with the important concepts in chemistry.

Here is Roy explaining 'The Peculiar Atom'

Earth Smart

At Plymouth, we are bridging the gap between research and action – we are Earth Smart. By bringing research directly into the field, working with farmers, landowners and communities, we are co-creating sustainable land management strategies. We are developing practical approaches to using advanced agri-tech and sensor technology to provide rapid, real-world data that can be applied at the right time and in the right place for productive, sustainable, healthy landscapes.
Earth Smart logo
A diverse and respectful place in which to work and study is fundamental to everything we do.
Find out more about equality, diversity and inclusion in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Science .

Academic staff