Supporting neurodivergent and disabled students in engineering
The University of Plymouth has created resources thanks to funding from the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Diversity Impact Programme

Our School has around 21% of students in the three engineering subjects that are registered disabled and/or neurodivergent, so the project focus was to improve their experience and sense of inclusion.
Dr Asiya Khan
Project lead, from the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
The toolkit provides tips for the teaching staff to help understand how to incorporate diversity into their practice and help the students themselves feel empowered to pursue a career in the sector.
Ms Tetiana Buzykina
Data Scientist
We’re really proud of the work we’ve done in collaboration with students and local employers and look forward to growing and developing the toolkit by incorporating the provided feedback.
Dr Liz Hodgkinson
Diversity Inclusion Officer
Our disciplines provide a vibrant inter-disciplinary and collaborative environment dedicated towards producing graduates with the necessary applied knowledge and skills to meet demands of employers today and tomorrow.