How do I become a course rep?
At the start of the semester students on each course will be asked to elect their course rep. This process is often facilitated by a course lead and should take place in a class which all students can attend and express their interest in becoming a course rep, should they so wish. Students present vote to elect course reps for their course/stage. For each stage of each course there should be two course reps, although if a cohort is particularly large, more than two may be elected.
Successful candidates will serve for one academic year in the first instance. The same person may hold the position of course rep for more than one year but they must be re-elected annually. This ensures that the opportunity is open to all and that no student must commit to the role for the entirety of their course.
The Students’ Union (UPSU) offers full training to course reps during late October/early November. A representative from the Faculty will also give a bespoke session with faculty specific information, followed by time for questions. Course reps will also be given the opportunity to get to know their school reps and staff support.