Remote measures and assessment tools
Top tips and assessment tools that can be used remotely, including research evidence

I am concerned that we are all using assessment techniques which lack known reliability and validity if conducted in a context different to that in which they are supposed to be used (i.e. using them remotely rather than face-to-face).
Physiotherapist, Musculoskeletal/Rheumatology
Some practitioners have concerns about the validity, reliability and safety of the physical assessment tools and outcome measures they are using when these have not been designed for remote use. The evidence for when and how they can be successfully used remotely is limited, but this section includes some of the commonly used assessment tools that can be used remotely. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but includes examples of outcomes that practitioners report having used them remotely with some success, with links to studies that have assessed validity and reliability.
For guidance on safely carrying out remote assessments, see our information governance and safety section.
Listening to patients and undertaking thorough subjective examinations can give many insights into our expected outcomes. When I have done this, I would say that my outcomes following remote objective screening do not change. This means that where any doubt or difficulties occur during the assessment of physical impairment I’m confident that despite this, the safest outcome for the patient happens.
Physiotherapist, Trauma and Orthopaedics
Try to only assess one or two impairments or functions to make it more likely that the experience for both patient and therapist is successful.
Physiotherapist, Neurology
Somebody might be able to get on and off a chair in clinic because we’ve got nice suitable high orthopaedic kind of chairs, but then you actually see what they’re trying to get out of at home and no wonder they’re having difficulty, or no wonder they’re falling when they’re trying to get out of their chair because it’s very low and it’s not supportive.
Occupational Therapist, Neurology
The first session is about getting to know the patient and then decide what level of assessment to perform. For example, if the patient is unsteady I complete a more functional assessment with a family member (if possible). If it is safe then I have completed a more formal balance assessment (e.g. Berg Balance Scale) but with the family member close by.
Physiotherapist, Neurology
ICC refers to Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. This measures the test-retest and inter-rater reliability of data in groups (i.e. how reliable and consistent are the results when repeated over time or between people). An ICC closer to 1 indicates increasing similarity between groups with >0.9 being excellent reliability.
R refers to Pearson’s r. This measures the degree of correlation between two different variables. The correlation can be positive or negative and the larger the number the greater the correlation (e.g. foot size will be positively correlated with height).
Technology for remote assessment:
Wide angled webcam using high bandwidth transmission frequency
Validity / reliability:
Moderate to good inter-rater reliability for Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment gait scale (POMA-G) across all configurations (ICC = 0.66 - 0.77). Moderate validity for in-person (R = 0.62) and Normal Speed video (R = 0.74) ratings compared with the Slow Motion review. (Venkataraman 2020)
Key studies / resources:
Venkataraman (2020) Teleassessment of Gait and Gait Aids: Validity and Interrater Reliability
Technology for remote assessment:
Sensors placed in shoes
Validity / reliability:
Excellent reliability (ICC = 0.74 - 0.97) across smartphone assessed step length and gait velocity measures, and high correlation between smartphone and ‘GAITRite’ assessed step length/speed (R = 0.798 - 0.985) (Silsupadol et al. 2017)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Commercial grade activity trackers such as Fitbit, Polar monitor etc.
Validity / reliability:
High validity versus Actigraph accelerometer for Fitbit One (ICC = 0.94) and Charge HR (ICC = 0.86). Variable reliability - overestimation of between 167 and 2690 steps in comparison to research grade accelerometers. (Stainton et al. 2018)
Key studies / resources:
Stainton et al. (2018) The validity and reliability of consumer-grade activity trackers in older, community-dwelling adults: A systematic review
Technology for remote assessment:
iTUG (instrumented Timed Up And Go) using a free smartphone application downloaded via iTunes - requires IOS 9.0 or later.
Validity / reliability:
Excellent test/retest reliability: ICC = 0.97 for iTUG time across heterogeneous patient groups (Yamada et al. 2019)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
ITUG-Triaxial accelerometer measured via a device worn on a belt around the waist (Bts-g walk)
Validity / reliability:
Good reliability (R = 0.9) for temporal measures of gait (Salarian et al. 2010)
Excellent reliability ICC = 0.998 - in comparison to stopwatch-timed TUG/opto-electronic/Gait lab system (gold standard) (Kleiner et al. 2017)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Smartphone app / commercial activity monitor
Validity / reliability:
Excellent agreement between Fitbit and visually counted steps (ICC = 0.88) for the 2MWT (Paul et al. 2015)
Key studies / resources:
Paul et al. (2015) Validity of the Fitbit activity tracker for measuring steps in community-dwelling older adults
Technology for remote assessment:
Smartphone apps (e.g. SA-6MWT app). May be linked with Google Fit for Android phones.
iPod Touch 5th generation internal sensor
Validity / reliability:
High correlation (R = 0.9) between smartphone assessed outdoor 6MWT and trundle wheel measurement (Salvi et al. 2020)
High correlation between iPod Touch and body worn sensors (R = 0.9) across all temporo-spatial gait parameters (Proessl et al. 2018)
High correlation (R = 0.99) between staff-administered clinic 6MWT and self-administered 6MWT via app (Brooks et al. 2015)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Internet / virtual goniometry
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
Internet-based goniometer valid and accurate (knee joint range) even with low bandwidth. ICC = 0.77 - 0.99 for intra-tester reliability and ICC = 0.93 - 0.99 for inter-tester reliability (Russell et al. 2003)
Knee and wrist joint range assessment with virtual goniometry reliable and feasible but may be less accurate than face-to-face, particularly for inexperienced clinicians. Inter-rater reliability ICC = 0.78 for student vs ICC = 0.9 for experienced clinicians (Mehta et al. 2020)
Good to excellent concurrent validity of internet-based physiotherapy assessments across 7 separate studies (Mani et al. 2016)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
Consistent with the reliability of conventional assessment methods (Steele et al. 2012)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
High level of intra-rater (89%) and moderate level of inter-rater (67%) reliability for telerehabilitation assessments (Richardson et al. 2016)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
High agreement between face-to-face and internet assessed diagnoses with 76% exact agreement (Russell et al. 2010)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
High agreement between face-to-face and telerehabilitation evaluations (alpha reliability > 0.80) for 7 of the 9 outcome measures. Excellent inter- and intra-rater reliability (ICC = 0.92 - 0.96) (Palacin-Marin et al. 2013)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
Good concurrent validity and excellent reliability for virtual musculoskeletal assessments across most areas (Mani et al. 2016)
High level of agreement between videoconference assessment and in-person assessment of patients with chronic lumbar spine, knee or shoulder conditions referred to a tertiary advanced-practice physiotherapy screening clinic (Cottrell et al. 2018)
Key studies / resources:
e.g. Symbol Digit Modalities Test, SDMT
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment.
Validity / reliability:
High correlation between standard SDMT and Smartphone-based Symbol Digit Modalities Test (S-SDMT) (ICC = 0.838), but SDMT score was on average 12% higher than S-SDMT score (van Oirschot et al. 2020)
Key studies / resources:
e.g. range of motion post-stroke
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
Valid and reliable measurement of upper limb range of motion following stroke (Hoffmann et al. 2007)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
Almost perfect agreement (94%) between two examiners identifying spasticity remotely (Harper et al. 2021)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Recommendations: High-definition video with slow motion review (bandwidth >768kbps and frame rate >30fps)
Validity / reliability:
High inter-rater reliability comparing face-to-face and high definition video (ICC = 0.96) (Venkataraman et al. 2017)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Sensors within iPhone 6 or Samsung Galaxy phone placed in trouser pocket
Video assessment
Validity / reliability:
Strong correlation between smartphone measured sit-stand (via internal sensors) and face-to-face stopwatch measurement (R > 0.97). Good to excellent inter-rater reliability (ICC > 0.98) for all three outcomes assessed: Five Times Sit-Stand, TUAG and 30 Second Sit-Stand (Lein et al. 2019)
Key studies / resources:
Range of motion, sensation, strength testing, functional testing, and special tests / provocative manoeuvres
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Validity / reliability:
High agreement between telehealth assessment and traditional clinical assessment for a range of subjective and objective outcomes (Worboys et al. 2018)
Key studies / resource:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment
Virtual goniometer using a Chrome extension such ‘Protractor’
Smartphone goniometer
Validity / reliability:
Excellent reliability (inter- and intra-rater) and validity of smartphone apps such as Clinometer and Goniometer-Pro in comparison to normal goniometer. ICC > 0.75 for more than 50% of joint movements reported in 23 studies (Keogh et al. 2019)
Key studies / resources:
Technology for remote assessment:
Video-based assessment.
Key studies / resources:
Most of these could be sent via e-mail or post prior to the consultation.
The most frequently assessed aspects of health and wellbeing, with some examples of questionnaires used by practitioners are:
Activities of daily living
Caregiver wellbeing
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
Quality of life (health-related, generic)
Other disease-specific
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI)
Egen Klassifikation (EK Scale) for muscular dystrophy and atrophy
Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29)
12-item Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12)
Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) and PDQ-Carer have versions designed for remote use
Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale-39 (SAQOL-39)