Publications within the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS)

Books, journals and conference proceedings

Publication track record

Staff at the CRNS were included in the REF2014 submission in computer science and informatics. 23 per cent of the CRNS’ publications were judged to be world-leading, and 54 per cent were considered to internationally excellent.


  • Blesa M.J., Blum C., Cangelosi A., Cutello V., Di Nuovo A., Pavone M., Talbi E. (Eds.) (2016). Hybrid Metaheuristics: Proceedings of 10th International Workshop, HM 2016 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9668), Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
  • Cangelosi A., Schlesinger M. (2015). Developmental Robotics: From Babies to Robots. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Bradford Books.
  • Harris C, Gottlob I, Sanders J (2012) The challenge of nystagmus. Nystagmus network press, Cardiff, UK. ISBN 978-0955894022.
  • Z. Li, C. Yang and L. Fan, Advanced Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulums Systems, Springer London, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4471-2962-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2963-9.
  • Belpaeme T., Bugmann G., Melhuish M. and Witkowski M. (eds) (2010). TAROS 2010: Proceedings of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2010. University of Plymouth.
  • Belpaeme, T., Cowley, S.J. and MacDorman, K.F., eds. (2009) Symbol Grounding. John Benjamins: Amsterdam.



  • Cangelosi A., Stramandinoli F. (in press). A review of abstract concept learning in embodied agents and robots. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
  • Cangelosi A., Schlesinger M. (in press). From Babies to Robots: The Developmental Robotics Contribution to Developmental Psychology. Child Development Perspectives.
  • Taniguchi A., Taniguchi T., Cangelosi A. (in press). Cross-situational learning with bayesian generative models for multimodal category and word learning in robots. Frontiers in Neurorobotics
  • Vulchanova M., Baggio G., Cangelosi A., Smith L. (2017). Understanding language development in the digital age. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00447 
  • Howard I., Ford C., Cangelosi A., Franklin D. (2017). Active lead-in variability affects motor memory formation and slows motor learning. Scientific Reports, 7-7806. 10.1038/s41598-017-05697-z
  • Di Nuovo A., Broz F., Wang N., Belpaeme P., Cangelosi A., Jones R., Esposito R., Cavallo F., Dario P. (in press). The multimodal interface of robot-era multi-robot services tailored for the elderly. Intelligent Service Robotics. 10.1007/s11370-017-0237-6
  • Patacchiola M., Cangelosi A. (2017). Head pose estimation in the wild using convolutional neural networks and adaptive gradient methods. Pattern Recognition, 27, 132-143 10.1016/j.patcog.2017.06.009
  • Grzyb B., Cattani A., Cangelosi A., Floccia C. (2017). Decreased attention to object size information in scale errors performers. Infant Behavior and Development, 10.1016/j.infbeh.2017.03.001 
  • Jamone L., Ugur E., Cangelosi A., Fadiga L., Bernardino A., Piater J., Santos-Victor J. (2017). Affordances in psychology, neuroscience and robotics: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 10.1109/TCDS.2016.2594134 
  • Li C., Yang C., Wan J., Annamalai A.S.K., Cangelosi A. (2017). Teleoperation control of Baxter robot using Kalman filter-based sensor fusion. Systems Science and Control Engineering, 5(1). 10.1080/21642583.2017.1300109 
  • Colin T.R., T Belpaeme, A Cangelosi, N Hemion (2017). Hierarchical reinforcement learning as creative problem solving. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 86, 196-206. 10.1016/j.robot.2016.08.021, 86: 196–206 
  • Cangelosi A., Invitto S. (2017). Human-robot interaction and neuroprosthetics: A review of new technologies. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 6(3), 24-33 10.1109/MCE.2016.2614423
  • Stramandinoli F., Marocco D., Cangelosi A. (2017). Making sense of words: A robotic model for language abstraction. Autonomous Robots. 41(2): 367-383. 10.1007/s10514-016-9587-8


  • Burigo M., Coventry K.R., Cangelosi A., Lynott D. (2016). Spatial language and converseness. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
  • Carroll TJ, de Rugy A, Howard IS, Ingram JN & Wolpert DM (2016). Enhanced crosslimb transfer of force-field learning for dynamics that are identical in extrinsic and joint-based coordinates for both limbs JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 115, (1) 445-456 Author Site , DOI PEARL.
  • Conti D., Di Nuovo A., Cangelosi A., Di Nuovo S. (2016). Lateral specialization in unilateral spatial neglect: A cognitive robotics model. Cognitive Processing.
  • Denham SL,Coath M, Háden GP, Murray F, Winkler I (2016). Relative Pitch Perception and the Detection of Deviant Tone Patterns. Adv Exp Med Biol. ;894:409-17. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25474-6_43.).
  • Desroches, M., Guillamon, A., Ponce, E. Prohens, R., Rodrigues, S., Teruel, A. E. (2016). Canards, folded nodes and mixed-mode oscillations in piecewise-linear slow-fast systems.
  • Farkas D, Denham SL, Bendixen A, Tóth D, Kondo HM, et al. (2016) Auditory Multi-Stability: Idiosyncratic Perceptual Switching Patterns, Executive Functions and Personality Traits. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154810. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154810.
  • Farkas, Dávid and Denham, Susan L. and Bendixen, Alexandra and Winkler, István (2016). Assessing the validity of subjective reports in the auditory streaming paradigm, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139, 1762-1772, DOI:
  • Georgios Pierris and Torbjørn S. Dahl (2016). Learning Robot Control based on a Computational Model of Infant Cognition. In the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, accepted for publication.
  • Jie Ma and Torbjørn S. Dahl, (2016). A Cross-Platform Tactile Capabilities Interface for Humanoid Robots. Accepted for publication in Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Humanoid Robotics.
  • Lyon C., Nehaniv C.L., Saunders J., Belpaeme T., Bisio A., Fischer K., Foerster F., Lehmann H., Metta G., Mohan V., Morse A., Nolfi S., Nori F., Rohlfing K., Sciutti A., Tani J., Tuci E., Wrede B. Zeschel A., Cangelosi A. (2016). Embodied language learning and cognitive bootstrapping: Methods and design principles. International Journal of Autonomous Robotic Systems.
  • Morse A, Cangelosi A (2016). Why are there developmental stages in language learning? A developmental robotics model of language development. Cognitive Science.
  • Myachykov A., Ellis R., Cangelosi A., Fischer M.H. (2016). Ocular drift along the mental number line. Psychological Research, 10.1007/s00426-015-0731-4.
  • Rodrigues, S., Desroches, M., Krupa, M., Cortes, J. M., Sejnowski, T. J., Ali, A. B. (2016). SIAM Review. 
  • Time-coded neurotransmitter release at excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 113(8): E1108-E1115.
  • Twomey K.E., Morse A.F., Cangelosi A., Horst J. (2016). Children's referent selection and word learning: Insights from a developmental robotic system. Interaction Studies. 


  • Adams S, Harris CM (2015) A computational model of innate directional selectivity that is refined by visual experience. Scientific Reports | 5:12553 | DOI: 10.1038/srep12553.
  • Ali H. Al-Timemy, Khushaba, R.N., Bugmann, G., Escudero, J. (2015). Improving the Performance Against Force Variation of EMG Controlled Multifunctional Upper-Limb Prostheses for Transradial Amputees. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, (Volume:PP , Issue: 99) Biosystems.
  • Biscione V, Harris CM (2015) Investigating decision rules with a new experimental design: the EXACT paradigm, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (in press).
  • Broz F., Di Nuovo A., Belpaeme T., Cangelosi A. (2015). Talking about task progress: Towards integrating task planning and dialog for assistive robotic services. Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 6(1), 111-118 10.1515/pjbr-2015-0007.
  • Burylko O, Kazanovich Y & Borisyuk R 2014 'Bifurcation study of phase oscillator systems with attractive and repulsive interaction' Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 90, (2). 
  • Burylko O, Kazanovich Y & Borisyuk R 2014 'Bifurcation study of phase oscillator systems with attractive and repulsive interaction' PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90.
  • Chizhov, A. V., Sanchez-Aguilera, A., Rodrigues, S., Menendez de la Prida, L., (2015). Simplest relationship between local field potential and intracellular signals in layered neural tissue.
  • de Greeff, J. and Belpaeme, T. (2015) Why Robots should be Social: Enhancing Machine Learning through Social Human-Robot Interaction. PLoS ONE, 10(9): e0138061. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138061.
  • G Terzakis, PF Culverhouse, G Bugmann, R Sutton (2015). Fitting multiple projective models using clustering-based Markov chain Monte Carlo inference. Image and Vision Computing 33, 15-25.
  • Golosio B, Cangelosi A. Gamotina O., Masala G.L. (2015). A cognitive neural architecture able to learn and communicate through natural language. PLoS ONE, 10(11) 10.1371/journal.pone.0140866.
  • Howard IS & Franklin DW 2015 'Neural Tuning Functions Underlie Both Generalization and Interference' PLOS ONE 10, (6) Author Site , DOI PEARL.
  • Howard IS, Wolpert DM & Franklin DW 2015 'The value of the follow-through derives from motor learning depending on future actions' Curr Biol 25, (3) 397-401.
  • Kennedy, J., Baxter, P. and Belpaeme, T. (2015) Comparing Robot Embodiments in a Guided Discovery Learning Interaction with Children. International Journal of Social Robotics. 7:293-308.
  • Koutsou A., Bugmann G. Christodoulou C. (2015). On learning time delays between the spikes from different input neurons in a biophysical model of a pyramidal neuron. 
  • Li WC, Merrison-Hort R, Zhang HY & Borisyuk R 2014 'The generation of antiphase oscillations and synchrony by a rebound-based vertebrate central pattern generator' J Neurosci 34, (17) 6065-6077.
  • Messum P & Howard IS 2015 'Creating the cognitive form of phonological units: The speech sound correspondence problem in infancy could be solved by mirrored vocal interactions rather than by imitation' JOURNAL OF PHONETICS 53, 125-140 Author Site , DOI PEARL.
  • Morse A., Belpaeme T, Smith L, Cangelosi A. (2015). Posture affects how robots and infants map words to objects PLoS ONE, 10(3) 10.1371/journal.pone.0116012. 
  • Myachykov A., Cangelosi A., Ellis R., Fischer M.H. (2015). The oculomotor resonance effect in spatial–numerical mapping. Acta Psychologica, 161, 162–169 10.1016/j.actpsy.2015.09.006 Physical Review E 92(6): 062704.
  • Read, R. and Belpaeme, T. (2015) People Interpret Robotic Non-linguistic Utterances Categorically. International Journal of Social Robotics. 10.1007/s12369-015-0304-0.
  • Roberts A, Conte D, Hull M, Merrison-Hort R, al Azad AK, Buhl E, Borisyuk R & Soffe SR 2014 'Can simple rules control development of a pioneer vertebrate neuronal network generating behavior?' J Neurosci 34, (2) 608-621. 
  • Seepanomwan K., Caligiore D., Cangelosi A., Baldassarre G., (2015). Generalization, decision making, and embodiment effects in mental rotation: A neurorobotic architecture tested with a humanoid robot. Neural Networks, 7:31-47 doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2015.09.010.
  • Smith A.M., Yang C., Ma H., Culverhouse P., Cangelosi A., Burdet E. (2015). Novel hybrid adaptive controller for manipulation in complex pertubation environments. PLoS ONE, 10(6) 10.1371/journal.pone.0129281.
  • Vollmer A-L., Rohlfing K., Wrede B., Cangelosi A. (2015). Alignment to the actions of a robot. International Journal of Social Robotics, 7(2):241-252 10.1007/s12369-014-0252-0. 
  • Waddington J, Harris CM (2015) Human optokinetic nystagmus and spatial frequency. Journal of Vision 15:7, 1–16.
  • Yilmazyildiz, S., Read, R., Belpaeme, T. and Verhelst, W. (2015) Review of Semantic Free Utterances in Social Human-Robot Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 32(1): 63-85, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2015.1093856. (pdf).
  • Yilmazyildiz, S., Read, R., Belpaeme, T. and Verhelst, W. (2015) Review of Semantic Free Utterances in Social Human-Robot Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2015.1093856.


  • Borghi A.M., Cangelosi A. (2014). Action and language integration: From humans to cognitive robots. Topics in Cognitive Science, 6, 344–358.
  • Borisyuk R., Kalam al Azad A., Conte D., Roberts A., Soffe S.R. (2014). A developmental approach to predicting neuronal connectivity from small biological datasets: a gradient-based neuron growth model. PLOS ONE.
  • Cortes J.M., Desroches M., Rodrigues S., Veltz R., Muñoz M.A. & Sejnowski T.J. (2014). Short-term synaptic plasticity in the deterministic Tsodyks-Markram model leads to unpredictable network dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110(41):16610-16615 Article number n/a 23 Sep 2013.
  • De La Cruz V.M., Di Nuovo A., Di Nuovo S. & Cangelosi A. (2014). Making fingers and words count in a cognitive robot. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 8:13. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00013.
  • Roberts A., Conte D., Hull M., Merrison-Hort R., Kalam al Azad A., Buhl E., Borisyuk R. and Soffe S. R. (2014). Can Simple Rules Control Development of a Pioneer Vertebrate Neuronal Network Generating Behavior? The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(2), pp. 608–621.
  • Zhong J., Cangelosi A. and Wermter S. (2014). Toward a self-organizing pre-symbolic neural model representing sensorimotor primitives. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00022.


  • Al-Timemy A.H., Bugmann G., Escudero J. & Outram N. (2013). Classification of Finger Movements for the Control of Dexterous Hand Prosthesis with Surface Electromyogram. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 17(3), pp. 608-618.
  • Belpaeme, T., Baxter, P., Read, R., Wood, R., Cuayáhuitl, H., Kiefer, B., Racioppa, S., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Athanasopoulos, G., Enescu, V., Looije, R., Neerincx, M., Demiris, Y., Ros-Espinoza, R., Beck, A., Cañamero, L., Hiolle, A., Lewis,M., Baroni, I., Nalin, M., Cosi, P., Paci, G., Tesser, F., Sommavilla, G. & Humbert, R. (2013). Multimodal Child-Robot Interaction: Building Social Bonds. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 1(2), 33-53.
  • Beim Graben P., & Rodrigues S. (2013). A biophysical observation model for field potentials of networks of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6, 100.
  • Bugmann G., Goslin J. & Duchamp-Viret P. (2013). The speed of learning instructed stimulus-response association rules in human: Experimental data and Model. Brain Research, vol. 1536, pp. 2-15.
  • Dai S.- L., Yang c., Ge S. S. &Lee T. H. (2013). Robust Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems with Nonlinear Uncertainties and Unknown Control Directions, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 23(13), pp. 1472-1495.
  • Denham S.L., Bendixen A., Mill R., Toth D., Wennekers T., Coath M., Bőhm T., Szalardy O. & Winkler I. (2012). 'Characterising Switching Behaviour in Perceptual Multistability', J Neurosci Methods, 210(1), pp. 79-92. Epub 2012 Apr 21.
  • De Wilde P., Martinez-Ortiz C., Pearson D., Beynon I., Beck M. & Barlow N. (2013). Building Simulation Approaches for the Training of Automated Data Analysis Tools in Building EnergyManagement. Submitted (31st Jan 2013) revised manuscript to: Advanced Engineering Informatics.
  • D’Ambrosio D., Filippone G., Marocco D. & Spataro W.(2013). Efficient application of GPGPU for Lava Flow Hazard Mapping. International Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Press.
  • Di Nuovo A., Marocco D., Di Nuovo S. & Cangelosi A. (2013). Autonomous Learning in Humanoid Robotics Through Mental Imagery, Neural Networks.
  • Dura-Bernal S., Garreau G, Georgiou J., Andreou A., Denham S. & Wennekers T. (2013). Bio-inspired acoustic systems for human behavior analysis.
  • Ford C., Bugmann G. & Culverhouse P. (2013). Modelling the human blink: A computational model for use within human-robot interaction. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 10(1).
  • Li Z., Yang C. & Tang Y. (2013). Decentralized Robust Adaptive Coordinated Control of Multiple Mobile Manipulators Interacting with Nonrigid Environments, IET Control Theory & Applications, 7(3), 397-410. 
  • Li Z., Wang B., Yang C., Xie Q. & Su Y. (2013). Boosting-Based EMG Patterns Classification Scheme for Robustness Enhancement, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 17(3).
  • Nazarpour K., Timemy Al-A., Bugmann G., Jackson A.(2013). A note on the probability distribution function of the surface electromyogram signal. Brain Research Bulletin, Volume 90, January 2013, pp. 88-91.
  • Mill, R., Bőhm, T., Bendixen, A., Winkler, I., and Denham. S.L. (2013). Competition and Cooperation between Fragmentary Event Predictors in a Model of Auditory Scene Analysis. PLoS Computational Biology.
  • Pezzulo G., Barsalou L.W., Cangelosi A., Fischer M.H., McRae K., Spivey M. (2013). Computational grounded cognition: A new alliance between grounded cognition and computational modelling. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(612), 1-11.
  • Quiroga-Lombard C.S., Hass J, Durstewitz D (2013) Method for stationarity-segmentation of spike train data with application to the Pearson cross-correlation. Journal of Neurophysiology 110, pp. 562-72. 
  • Richter S.H., Zeuch B., Lankisch K., Gass P., Durstewitz D., Vollmayr B. (2013) Where have I been? Where should I go? Spatial working memory on a radial arm maze in a rat model of depression. PLoS One 8: e62458 
  • Sieber, J., Rapaport, A., Rodrigues, S., & Desroches, M. (2013). A method for the reconstruction of unknown non-monotonic growth functions in the chemostat. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineerings, Online First.
  • Tills O., Bitterli T., Culverhouse P., Spicer J. I. & Rundle S. (2013). A novel application of motion analysis for detecting stress responses in embryos at different stages of development. BMC bioinformatics, 14(1), 37.
  • Waddington J., Harris C.M. (2013). The distribution of quick phase interval durations in human optokinetic nystagmus. Experimental Brain Research 224, pp. 179-187.
  • Xu B., Shi Z., Yang C. & S. Wang (2013). Neural control of hypersonic flight vehicle model via time-scale decomposition with throttle setting constraint, Nonlinear Dynamics.
  • Yang C., Li J. & Li Z. (2013). Trajectory Planning and Optimized Adaptive Control for a Class of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Vehicle Models, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 43(1), pp. 24-35.
  • Yang C., Ma Y. H. & Fu M. (2013). Adaptive Predictive Control of Periodic NARMA Systems Using Nearest-Neighbor Compensation, IET Control Theory & Applications, 7(3).


  • Adams S., Wennekers T., Denham S., Culverhouse P. F. (2012). Adaptive Training of Cortical Feature Maps for a Robot Sensorimotor Controller.
  • Allsop T.D., Ronald N., Mou C., Kalli K., Saied S., Rehman S., Webb D., Culverhouse P., Sullivan J. and Bennion I. (2012). Formation and characterization of ultra-sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensor based upon a nano-scale corrugated multi-layered coated d-shaped optical fiber. Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 48(3), pp. 394-405.
  • Apel J.K., Cangelosi A., Ellis R., Goslin J., Fischer M.H. (2012). Object affordance influences instruction span. Experimental Brain Research, 223, pp. 199–206.
  • Avitabile D., Desroches M. & Rodrigues S. (2012). On the numerical continuation of isolas of equilibria. International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos,22(11), 1250277. DOI: 10.1142/S021812741250277X.
  • Basalyga G., Montemurro M., Wennekers T. (2012). Information Coding in the Laminar Computational Model of Cat Primary Visual Cortex. Journal of Computational Neuroscience.
  • Belpaeme T. and Morse A. (2012). Word and category learning in a continuous semantic domain: comparing cross-situational and social learning. Advances in Complex Systems, 15(3 and 4):1250031-1-13. DOI: 10.1142/S0219525912500312.
  • Bugmann G. (2012). Modelling fast stimulus-response association learning along the occipito-parieto-frontal pathway following rule instructions. Brain Research, vol.1434, Jan 2012, pp. 73-89.
  • Borisyuk R., AlAzad K. A., Roberts A., Soffe, S., Conte D., & Buhl E. (2012). Modelling of Sensory Pathway of Swimming Initiation in Young Frog Tadpole Spinal Cord: a Developmental Approach. Neural Coding 2012, 5.
  • Burylko O., Kazanovich Y. & Borisyuk R. (2012). Bifurcations in phase oscillator networks with a central element. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena.
  • Bőhm T.M., Shestopalova L., Bendixen A., Andreou A.G., Georgiou J., Garreau G., Pouliquen P., Cassidy A., Denham S.L., Winkler I. (2012). Spatial location of sound sources biases auditory stream segregation but their motion does not. J. Learning & Perception.
  • Bendixen A., Bőhm T.M., Szalárdy O., Mill R., Denham S.L., Winkler I. (2012). Different roles of similarity and predictability in auditory stream segregation. J. Learning & Perception.
  • Caligiore D., Borghi A.M., Parisi D., Ellis R., Cangelosi A., Baldassarre G. (2012). How affordances associated with a distractor object affect compatibility effects: A study with the computational model TRoPICALS. Psychological Research, 77(1), pp. 7-19.
  • Desroches M., Krupa M., & Rodrigues S. (2012). Inflection, canards and excitability threshold in neuronal models. Journal of Mathematical Biology, Online First. DOI: 10.1007/s00285-012-0576-z.
  • Dura-Bernal S., Wennekers T., Denham S.L. (2012). Top-Down Feedback in an HMAX-Like Cortical Model of Object Perception Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Networks and Belief Propagation. PLoS ONE 7(11): e48216. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048216.
  • Dai S.L. , Yang C., Ge S. S. , and Lee T. H. (2012). Robust Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems with Nonlinear Uncertainties and Unknown Control Directions, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, DOI: 10.1002/rnc.2834.
  • Denham S.L., Gymesi K., Stefanics G., Winkler I. (2012). Multistability in auditory stream segregation: the role of stimulus features in perceptual organisation. Special issue of the Journal Learning & Perception.
  • Davies L.A., Garcia-Lazaro J.A., Schnupp J., Wennekers T., Denham S.L. (2012). Tell me something interesting: Context dependent adaptation in somatosensory cortex Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 210(1), pp. 35-48. 2011 Dec 13.
  • Fumagalli M., Ivaldi S., Randazzo M., Natale L., Metta G., Sandini G., Nori F. (2012). Force feedback exploiting tactile and proximal force/torque sensing. Theory and implementation on the humanoid robot iCub.. Autonomous Robots. 33(4) pp.381-398.
  • Goslin J., Dixon T., Fischer M., Cangelosi A., Ellis R. (2012). Electrophysiological examination of embodiment in vision and action. Psychological Science, 23(2), pp. 152-157.
  • Gijsberts A., Metta G .(2012). Real-time model learning using Incremental Sparse Spectrum Gaussian Process Regression. Neural Networks.
  • Howard I.S., Ingram J.N., Franklin D.W. & Wolpert D.M. (2012). Gone in 0.6 seconds: The encoding of motor memories depends on recent sensorimotor states,Journal of Neuroscience 32(37):12756-12768.
  • Hertäg L., Hass J., Golovko T., & Durstewitz D. (2012). An approximation to the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model allows fast and predictive fitting to physiological data. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6: Article 62.
  • Humble J., Denham S.L., Wennekers T. (2012). Spatio-temporal pattern recognisers using spiking neurons and spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.
  • Harris C., Waddington J. (2012). On the convergence of time interval moments: caveat sciscitator. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, pp. 345-356.
  • Hyman J.M., Ma L., Balaguer-Ballester E., Durstewitz D. & Seamans J.K. (2012). Contextual encoding by ensembles of medial prefrontal cortex neurons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109, pp. 5086-91.
  • Jamone L.., Natale L., Metta G., Nori F., Sandini G. (2012). Autonomous Online Learning of Reaching Behavior in a Humanoid Robot. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. 9(3) pp.1250017 1-26.
  • Jiang B.B., Davies L.A.., Wennekers T., Denham S. L. (2012). Listening in the Real World: Cochlear Mechanisms for Automatic Gain Control.
  • Koutsou A., Christodoulou C., Bugmann G., Kanev J. (2012). Distinguishing the Causes of Firing with the Membrane Potential Slope.Neural Computation, 24(9), pp. 2318-2345.
  • Iizuka H., Marocco D., Ando H., Maeda T. (2012). Experimental study on co-evolution of categorical perception and communication systems in humans, Psychological Research, vol. 2.
  • Li Z., C. Yang, N. Ding, S. Bogdan and T. Ge (2012). Robust Adaptive Motion Control for Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles with Velocity Constraints, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (IJCAS), 10(2), pp.421-429, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s12555-012-0222-y.
  • Li Y., S. S. Ge, C. Yang, Learning Impedance Control for Physical Robot-Environment Interaction, International Journal of Control, 85(2), pp. 182-193, February 2012, DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2011.642309.
  • Li Z. and Yang C., Neural-Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Class of Transportation Vehicles Based on Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Models, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 20(6) , pp.1583-1591, Nov 2012 DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2011.2168224.

2012 (continued)

  • Lallée S., Pattacini U., Lemaignan S., Lenz A., Melhuish C., Natale L., Skachek S., Hamann K., Steinwender J., Sisbot E.A., Metta G., Pipe T., Alami R., Warnier M., Guitton J., Warneken F., Dominey P.F. (2012). Towards a Platform-Independent Cooperative Human Robot Interaction System: III. An Architecture for Learning and Executing Actions and Shared Plans. IEEE Transaction of Autonomous Mental Development. 4(3), pp.239-253.
  • Messum P., Howard I.S. (2012). Speech Development: Toddlers Don't Mind Getting it Wrong,Current Biology 22(5), R160–R161.
  • Petit M., Lallee S., Boucher J-D., Pointeau G., Cheminade P., Ognibene D., Chinellato E., Pattacini U., Gori I., Martinez-Hernandez U., Barron-Gonzalez H., Iderbitzin M., Luvizotto A., Vouloutsi V., Demiris Y., Metta G., Ford Dominey P. (2012). The coordinating role of language in real-time multi-modal learning of cooperative tasks. IEEE Transaction of Autonomous Mental Development. pp.1.
  • Parmiggiani A., Maggiali M., Natale L., Nori F., Schmitz A., Tsagarakis N., Santos Victor J., Becchi F., Sandini G., Metta G. (2012). The Design of the iCub Humanoid Robot. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. 9(4) pp.1250027 1.
  • Roper D., Sharma S., Sutton R., & Culverhouse P. (2012). Energy-Shaping Gait Generation for a Class of Underactuated Robotic Fish. Marine Technology Society Journal, 46(3), pp. 34-43.
  • Stramandinoli F., Marocco D., Cangelosi A. (2012). The Grounding of Higher Order Concepts in Action and Language: a Cognitive Robotics Model, Neural Networks, vol. 32, pp. 165-173.
  • Saegusa R., Metta G., Sandini G. (2012). Body definition based on visuomotor correlation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 59(8) pp.3199--3210.
  • Sauser E., Argall B.D., Metta G., Billard A.G. (2012). Iterative Learning of Grasp Adaptation through Human Corrections. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 60(1), pp.55-71.
  • Shimizu T., Saegusa R., Ikemoto S., Ishiguro H., Metta G. (2012). Self-Protective Whole Body Motion for Humanoid Robots based on Synergy of Global Reaction and Local Reflex (2012). Neural Networks. pp.109-118.
  • Sciutti A., Bisio A., Nori F., Metta G., Fadiga L., Pozzo T., Sandini G. (2012). Measuring human-robot interaction through motor resonance. International Journal of Social Robotics. 4(3) pp.223-234.
  • Szalárdy O. , Bendixen A., Tóth D. , Denham S. L. & Winkler I. (2012). Modulation-frequency acts as a primary cue for auditory stream segregation. Special issue of the Journal Learning & Perception.
  • Sheik S., Coath M., Indiveri G., Denham S.L., Wennekers T., Chicca E. (2012). Emergent auditory feature tuning in a real- time neuromorphic VLSI system’. Frontiers in NeuromorphicEngineering, 6, 10.3389/fnins.2012.00017.
  • Yang C. , Li J. and Li Z. (2012). Optimized Adaptive Control Design and NN based Trajectory Planning for a Class of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Vehicle Models, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 43(1), pp. 24 – 35, Feb 2013, DOI: 10.1109/TSMCB.2012.2198813.
  • Yousif N., Borisyuk R., Pavese N., Nandi D. & Bain P. (2012). Spatiotemporal visualization of deep brain stimulation‐induced effects in the subthalamic nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 36(2), pp. 2252-2259.
  • Wood R., Baxter P. and Belpaeme T. (2012). A review of long-term memory in natural and synthetic systems. Adaptive Behavior, 20(2), pp. 81-103. DOI: 10.1177/1059712311421219.
  • Waddington J., Harris C.M. (2012). Human optokinetic nystagmus: a stochastic analysis. Journal of Vision 12/12/5, pp. 1-17.
  • Winkler I., Denham S.L., Mill R., Bőhm T.M., Bendixen A. (2012). Multistability in auditory stream segregation: A predictive coding view. Proc. Royal Soc. B Biol Sci. 367(1591), pp. 1001-12.


  • Adams S.V., Wennekers T., Bugmann G., Denham S. & Culverhouse P.F. (2011). Application of arachnid prey localisation theory for a robot sensorimotor controller. Neurocomputing 74(17), pp. 3335-3342.
  • Apel J.K., Revie R., Cangelosi A., Ellis R., Goslin J., Fischer M.H. (2011). Attention deployment during memorizing and executing complex instructions. Experimental Brain Research, 214(2), pp. 249-259.
  • Balaguer-Ballester E., Lapish C.C, Seamans J.K. & Durstewitz D. (2011). Predictive Attractor Dynamics of Cortical Populations During Memory-Guided Decision-Making. PLoS Computational Biology 7(5): e1002057. 
  • Basalyga G., Montemurro M., Wennekers T. (2011). Phase-of-firing information coding in laminar cortical architecture.BMC Neuroscience 2011, 12(Supplement 1):P369 (Abstract, CNS2011).
  • Belpaeme, T. (2011). Symbol grounding: shall we move on to the hard bits now? Commentary to Cangelosi, A. (2011) Solutions and open challenges for the Symbol grounding Problem. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems, 1(1), pp. 58-59.
  • Borisyuk R, Al Azad AK, Conte D, Roberts A, Soffe S.R. (2011). Modeling the connectome of a simple spinal cord. Front Neuroinform. 2011; 5(20). doi: 10.3389/fninf.2011.00020. Epub 2011 Sep 23.
  • Borghi A.M., Flumini A., Cimatti F., Marocco D., Scorolli C. (2011). Manipulating objects and telling words: A study on concrete and abstract words acquisition, Frontiers in Psychology 2(15), doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00015.
  • Cangelosi A. (2011). Solutions and open challenges for the symbol grounding problem. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems. 1, 49-54, (55-79 commentaries and reply).
  • Coutinho E, Cangelosi A. (2011). Musical emotions: predicting second-by-second subjective feelings of emotion from psycho-physiological measurements. Emotion, 11(4), pp. 921-937.
  • Coath M, Mill R, Denham S.L., Wennekers T. (2011). Emergent feature sensitivity in a model of the auditory thalamocortical system. Adv Exp Med Biol.718:7-17.
  • Coath M. , Sheik S., Chicca E., Indiveri G., Denham S.L. and Wennekers T. (2011). The classification of auditory stimuli in a recurrently connected network of spiking neurons.
  • Coath M., Mill R., Denham S. & Wennekers T. (2011). Is Cortical Modulation of Thalamus Responsible for the Emergence of Stimulus Feature Sensitivity? A Computational Study of Plasticity in the Auditory Thalamocortical Network.
  • Davies L.A., Garcia-Lazaro J.A., Schnupp J., Wennekers T., and Denham S.L. (2011). Tell me something interesting: Context dependent adaptation in somatosensory cortex. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 
  • Dura-Bernal S., Garreau G., Andreou C., Andreou A., Georgiou J., Wennekers T. & Denham S. (2011). Human action categorization using ultrasound micro-Doppler signatures. 
  • Denham S., Bendixen A., Mill R., Toth D., Wennekers T., Coath M., Bohm T., Szalardy O., Winkler I. (2011). Characterising Switching Behaviour in Perceptual Multistability Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
  • Dura-Bernal S., Wennekers T., Denham S.L. (2011). The role of feedback in a hierarchical model of object perception. Adv Exp Med Biol.;718, pp.165-79.
  • Fontanari J. F., Cangelosi A. (2011). Cross-situational and supervised learning in the emergence of communication. Interaction Studies, 12(1), pp. 119-133.
  • Georgiou J., Pouliquen P., Cassidy A., Garreau G., Charalambos A., Stuarts G, d'Urbal C., Andreou A. G., Denham S., Wennekers T., Mill M., Winkler I., Bohm T., Szalardy O., Klump G. M., Jones S. & Bendixen A. (2011). A Multimodal-Corpus Data Collection System for Cognitive Acoustic Scene Analysis.
  • Hass J., & Durstewitz D. (2011). Models of dopaminergic modulation. Scholarpedia 6(8): 4215.
  • Humble J., Furber S., Denham S.L., Wennekers T. (2011). STDP Pattern Onset Learning Depends on Background Activity. Adv Exp Med Biol.;718, pp. 19-31.
  • Howard I.S., Messum P. (2011). Modeling the development of pronunciation in infant speech acquisition. Motor Control 15, pp. 85-117.
  • Ingram J.N., Howard I.S., Flanagan J.R. & Wolpert D.M. (2011). A single-rate context-dependent learning process underliesrapid adaptation to familiar object dynamics, PLoS Computational Biology 7(9): e1002196.
  • Li Y. , Yang C. , Ge S. S. & Lee T. H. (2011). Adaptive Output Feedback NN Control of a Class of Discrete-Time MIMO Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Control Directions, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 41(9), pp. 507-517.
  • Masud M.S., Borisyuk R. (2011). Statistical technique for analysing functional connectivity of multiple spike trains. J Neurosci Methods. 2011 Mar 15.196(1), pp. 201-19. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.01.003. Epub 2011 Jan 12.
  • Mill R.; Coath M.; Wennekers T. and Denham S. L. (2011). A Neurocomputational Model of Stimulus-Specific Adaptation to Oddball and Markov Sequences. PLoS Computational Biology, 7.
  • Mill R., Coath M., Wennekers T., and Denham, S.L. (2011) Characterising Stimulus-Specific Adaptation Using a Multi-Layer Field Model. Brain Research.
  • Mill R., Coath M., Wennekers T. and Denham S.L. (2011). Characterising Stimulus-Specific Adaptation Using a Multi-Layer Field Model, Brain Res. 2012 Jan 24; 1434, pp. 178-88.
  • Mill R., Sheik S., Indiveri G., Denham S.L. (2011). A Model of Stimulus-Specific Adaptation in Neuromorphic Analog VLSI, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 5(5), pp. 413-419.
  • Mill R., Coath M., Wennekers T., Denham S.L. (2011). Novelty and rarity responses in a model of stimulus specific adaptation, PLoS Comput Biol. 2011 Aug;7(8):e1002117. Epub 2011 Aug 18.
  • Mill R., Coath M., WennekersT., Denham S.L. (2011). Abstract Stimulus-Specific Adaptation Models, Neural Computation. 23(2), pp. 435-76.
  • Olbrich E., Achermann P. & Wennekers T. (2011).The sleeping brain as a complex system. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
  • Pezzulo G., Barsalou L.W., Cangelosi A., Fischer M.H., McRae K. and Spivey M. (2011). The mechanics of embodiment: A dialogue on embodiment and computational modelling. Frontiers in Psychology, 2(5), pp. 1-21.
  • Rumbell T., Barnden J., Denham S.L., Wennekers T. (2011). Emotions in autonomous agents: comparative analysis of mechanisms and functions. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
  • Rumbell T., Barnden J. Denham S. and Wennekers T. (2011). Emotions in Autonomous Agents - Comparative Analysis of Mechanisms and Functions. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
  • Schmitz A., Maiolino P., Maggiali M., Natale L., Cannata G. & Metta G. (2011). Methods and Technologies for the Implementation of Large-Scale Robot Tactile Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 27, pp. (389-4000 - (389-400).
  • Tikhanoff V., Cangelosi A., Metta G. (2011). Language understanding in humanoid robots: iCub simulation experiments. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 3(1), pp. 17-29.
  • Tikhanoff V., Cangelosi A. & Metta G. (2011). Integration of Speech and Action in Humanoid Robots: iCub Simulation Experiments. IEEE Transation on Autonomous Mental Development 3, pp. 17 - 29. 
  • Uno R., Marocco D., Nolfi S., Ikegami T. (2011). Emergence of Protosentences in artificial communicating systems, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, vol. 3(2), pp. 146-153.
  • Xu B., F. Sun and C. Yang, D. Gao and J. Ren, Adaptive Discrete-time Controller Design with Neural Network for Hypersonic Flight Vehicle via Back-stepping, International Journal of Control, 84(9), pp. 1543-1552., October 2011, DOI:10.1080/00207179.2011.615866.
  • Yang C., G. Ganesh, S. Haddadin, S. Parusel, Albu-Schaeffer A. and Burdet E.(2011). Human Like Adaptation of Force and Impedance in Stable and Unstable Tasks, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 27(5), pp.918-930, DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2011.2158251 14.


  • Bédard, C., Rodrigues, S., Roy, N., Contreras, D., & Destexhe, A. (2010). Evidence for frequency-dependent extracellular impedance from the transfer function between extracellular and intracellular potentials. Journal of computational neuroscience, 29(3), pp.389-403.DOI: 10.1007/s10827-010-0250-7.
  • Belpaeme T. and Morse A. (2010). Time will tell - why it is too early to worry. Commentary to Sharkey, N. & Sharkey, A. Interaction Studies, 11(2), pp. 191-195.
  • Cangelosi A. (2010). Grounding Language in Action and Perception: From Cognitive Agents to Humanoid Robots. Physics of Life Reviews, 7(2), pp. 139-151.
  • Cangelosi A. (2010). Solutions and open challenges for the symbol grounding problem. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems. (with commentaries).
  • Cangelosi A. (2010). The symbol grounding problems has been solved: Or maybe not? Autonomous Mental Development Newsletter, 7(1), pp. 2-10. (online version) (target column with commentaries). 
  • Cangelosi A. (2010). Connectionist modelling of music emotions: Commentary on Perlovsky. Physics of Life Reviews, 7, pp.37-38. 
  • Coventry K.R., Cangelosi A., Newstead S.N., Bugmann D. (2010). Talking about quantities in space: Vague quantifiers, context and similarity. Language and Cognition.
  • Cangelosi A., Metta G., Sagerer G., Nolfi S., Nehaniv C.L., Fischer K., Tani J., Belpaeme B., Sandini G., Fadiga L., Wrede B., Rohlfing K., Tuci E., Dautenhahn K., Saunders J., Zeschel A. (2010). Integration of action and language knowledge: A roadmap for developmental robotics. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development. 
  • Coventry K.R, Lynott L., Cangelosi A., Monrouxe L., Joyce D., Richardson D.C. (2010). Spatial language, visual attention, and perceptual simulation. Brain and Language, 112, pp. 202–213. 
  • Durstewitz D., Vittoz N.M., Floresco S.B. & Seamans J.K. (2010). Abrupt transitions between prefrontal neural ensemble states accompany behavioral transitions during rule learning. Neuron 66, pp. 438-48.
  • Marsden J., Harris C.M. (2010). Cerebellar ataxia: pathophysiology and rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation 25, pp. 195-216.
  • Bendixen A., Denham S.L., Gymesi K., Winkler I. (2010). Regular patterns stabilize auditory streams. J.Acoust. Soc. Am. 128(6), pp. 3658-66.
  • Fontanari J. F., Cangelosi A. (2010). Cross-situational and supervised learning in the emergence of communication. Interaction Studies
  • Howard I.S., Ingram J.N. & Wolpert D.M. (2010). Context dependent partitioning of motor learning in bimanual movements. Journal of Neurophysiology 104, pp. 2082-2091. HowIngWol_JNP_2010.pdf Supplementary material
  • Ingram J.N., Howard I.S., Flanagan J.R. & Wolpert D.M. (2010). Multiple grasp-specific representations of tool dynamics mediate skilful manipulation. Current Biology 20(7), pp. 618-623.
  • Lanyon L.L., Denham S.L. (2010). Modelling Visual Neglect: Computational Insights into Conscious Perception. PLoS One, 5 (6). e11128. 
  • Li Y., Yang C, Ge S. S. and Lee T. H. (2010). Adaptive Output Feedback NN Control of a Class of Discrete-Time MIMO Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Control Directions, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, no.9.
  • MacLeod N., Benfield M. & Culverhouse P. (2010). Time to automate identification, Nature, 467, pp. 154-155.
  • Marocco D., Cangelosi A., Fischer K., Belpaeme T. (2010). Grounding action words in the sensorimotor interaction with the world: Experiments with a simulated iCub humanoid robot. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 4:7
  • Mill R., Coath M., Wennekers T. and Denham S. (2010). Abstract stimulus-specific adaptation models, Neural Computation.
  • Morse A.F., de Greeff J., Belpaeme T., Cangelosi A. (2010). Epigenetic robotics architecture (ERA). IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development.
  • Rodrigues S., Chizhov A. V., Marten F. & Terry J. R. (2010). Mappings between a macroscopic neural-mass model and a reduced conductance-based model. Biological cybernetics, 102(5), pp. 361-371. DOI: 10.1007/s00422-010-0372-z
  • Rodrigues S., Barton D., Marten F., Kibuuka M., Alarcon G., Richardson M. P. & Terry J. R. (2010). A method for detecting false bifurcations in dynamical systems: application to neural-field models. Biological cybernetics, 102(2), pp. 145-154. DOI: 10.1007/s00422-009-0357-y.
  • Somerville J., Stuart L., Sernagor E. and Borisyuk R. (2010). iRaster: a novel Information Visualization tool to explore spatiotemporal patterns in multiple spike trains. Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
  • Tikhanoff V., Cangelosi A., Metta G. (2010). Language understanding in humanoid robots: iCub simulation experiments. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development.
  • Yang C., Li Y., Ge S. S. and Lee T. H. (2010). Adaptive Control of a Class of Discrete-Time MIMO Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Couplings. International Journal of Control, 83(10), pp.2020–2133. 


  • Ballaguer-Ballester E., Clark N., Coath M., Krumbholz K. and Denham S.L. (2009).'Understanding Pitch Perception as a Multi-Scale Hierarchical Generative Process, PLoS Computational Biology, 1009 Mar; 5(3). e1000301 
  • Belpaeme, T. and Bleys, J. (2009). The impact of statistical distributions of colours on colour category acquisition. Journal of Cognitive Science. 10(1), pp. 1-20. 
  • Borisyuk R., Kazanovich Y., Chik D., Tikhanoff V. and Cangelosi A. (2009). A neural model of selective attention and object segmentation in the visual scene: An approach based on partial synchronization and star-like architecture of connections. Neural Networks, 22(5-6), pp. 707-19. 
  • Borisyuk R, Chik D, Kazanovich Y. (2009). Visual perception of ambiguous figures: synchronization based neural models. Biological Cybernetics,100(6), pp. 491-504. 
  • Cutsuridis V., Wennekers T., Graham B.P., Vida I., Taylor J.G. (2009). Microcircuits -- their structure, dynamics and role in brain function. Neural Networks, 22, pp. 1037-1038 
  • Cutsuridis V., Wennekers T. (2009). Hippocampus, microcircuits and associative memory. Neural Networks, 22, pp. 1120-1128.
  • Cangelosi A. (2009). The symbol grounding problems has been solved: Or maybe not? AMD Newsletter, 6(2), pp. 10-12. 
  • Chik D., Borisyuk R., Kazanovich Y. (2009). Selective attention model with spiking elements. Neural Networks, 22(7), pp. 890-900. 
  • Coath M., Denham S.L., Smith L.M., Honing H., Hazan A., Holonowicz P., Purwins H. (2009). An auditory model for the detection of perceptual onsets and beat tracking in singing. Connection Science, 21, pp. 193-205. 
  • Coutinho E., Cangelosi A. (2009). The use of spatio-connectionist models in psycho-physiological studies of musical emotions. Music Perception. 
  • Cutsuridis, V., Wennekers, T., Graham, B.P., Vida, I., Taylor, J.G. (2009). Microcircuits - their structure, dynamics and role in brain function. Neural Networks 22, 1037-1038 
  • Cutsuridis V., Wennekers T. (2009). Hippocampus, Microcircuits and Associative Memory. Neural Networks 22, pp. 1120-1128.
  • Durstewitz D. (2009). Implications of synaptic biophysics for recurrent network dynamics and active memory. Neural Networks 22, pp. 1189-1200. 
  • Fontanari J.F., Tikhanoff V., Cangelosi A., Ilinc R. & Perlovsky L. (2009). Cross-situational learning of object-word mapping using Neural Modeling Fields. Neural Networks. 
  • Garagnani M., Wennekers T., Pulvermuller F. (2009). Recruitment and consolidation of cell assemblies for words by way of Hebbian learning and competition in a multi-layer neural network. Journal of Cognitive Computation, 1, pp. 160-176. 
  • Ge S. S., Yang C., Dai S.-L. , Jiao Z. and Lee T. H. (2009). Robust Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Discrete-Time Systems with Exact Output Tracking, Automatica, 45(11), pp. 2537-2545. 
  • Harris C.M. (2009). Biomimetics of human movement: functional or aesthetic? Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 4. 
  • Lanyon L.L., Denham S.L. (2009). Modelling the effects of attention at the single cell level leads to realistic saccadic timing. Journal of Cognitive Neurodynamics, 3, pp. 223-242. 
  • Lopes M., Melo F.S., Kenward B. and Santos-Victor S.(2009). A Computational Model of Social-Learning Mechanisms. Adaptive Behaviour. 
  • Montesano L., Lopes M., Melo F., Bernardino A. and Santos-Victor J. (2009). A Computational Model of Object Affordances. Advances in Cognitive Systems. 
  • Martin D. Vestergaard, Háden G.P., Shtyrov Y., Patterson R.D. , Pulvermüller F., Denham S.L., Sziller I, Winkler I. (2009). Auditory size-deviant detection in adults and newborn infants. Biol Psychol, 82, pp. 169-175. 
  • Marten F., Rodrigues S., Benjamin O., Richardson M.P., Terry J.R. (2009). Onset of polyspike complexes in a mean-field model of human electroencephalography and its application to absence epilepsy. Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci.
  • Dahiya R.S., Metta G., Valle M., Adami A. & Lorenzelli L. (2009). Piezoelectric oxide semiconductor field effect transistor touch sensing devices. Applied Physics Lletters 95.
  • Rodrigues S., Barton D., Szalai R., Benjamin O., Richardson M.P., Terry J.R. (2009). Transitions to spike-wave oscillations and epileptic dynamics in a human cortico-thalamic mean-field model. Computationla Neuroscience.
  • Ruini F., Cangelosi A. (2009). Extending the evolutionary robotics approach to flying machines: an application to MAV teams. Neural Networks.
  • Schiffman R., Fitzgibbon E.J., Harris C., DeVile C., Davies E.H., Abel L., van Schaik I.N., Benko W., Timmons M., Ries M., Vellodi A. (2008). A randomized controlled trial of miglustat in Gaucher disease type 3. Annals of Neurology, 64, pp. 514-522. 
  • Symes A. and Wennekers T. (2009). A large-scale model of spatiotemporal patterns of excitation and inhibition evoked by the horizontal network in layer 2/3 of Ferret visual cortex. Neural Networks, 2, pp. 1079-1092. 
  • Wennekers T. (2009). On the natural hierarchical composition of cliques in cell assemblies. Journal of Cognitive Computation, 1, pp. 128-138 (Invited key-note paper for the inaugural issue). 
  • Wennekers T., Palm G. (2009). Syntactic Sequencing in Hebbian Cell Assmblies. Journal of Cognitive Neurodynamics.
  • Winkler I., S.L. Denham and I. Nelken (2009). Modeling the auditory scene: predictive regularity representations and perceptual objects. Trends Cognitive Science.
  • Yang S. S. Ge, T. H. Lee (2009). Output Feedback Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Unknown Control Directions, Automatica, 45(1), pp. 270-276.

Conference proceedings and book chapters

  • Battini Sonmez E., Cangelosi A. (2016). Trust in Human Robot Interaction via Embodiment of Emotions. Proceedings of ISBCS 2016: 3rd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science, Istanbul, 8 May 2016.
  • Baxter, P., Ashurst, E., Kennedy, J., Senft, E., Lemaignan, S. and Belpaeme, T. (2015) The Wider Supportive Role of Social Robots in the Classroom for Teachers, In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Educational Robotics.
  • Belpaeme T., Adams S., De Greeff J., Di Nuovo A., Morse A., Cangelosi A. (in press). Cognitive development of humanoid robots through social interaction. In: Esposito A. & Lakhmi C.J. (Eds), Socially Believable Behaving Systems - The Quest for Equipping Machines with Human-Level Automaton Intelligence. Springer Series on Intelligent Systems Reference Library
  • Belpaeme, T. (2015) Color Category Learning in Naming-Game Simulations. In Jameson,K. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, (Ronnier Luo, Ed.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-642-27851-8. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8.
  • Belpaeme, T., Adams, S.V., de Greeff, J., di Nuovo, A., Morse, A., and Cangelosi, A. (2015) Interacting with humanoid robots for cognitive development and learning. In Esposito, A., and Jain, L. (Eds.) Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems – Volume I, Springer.
  • Belpaeme, T., Kennedy, J., Baxter, P., Vogt, P., Krahmer, EEJ., Kopp, S., Bergmann, K., Leseman, P., Küntay, A.C., Göksun, T., Pandey, A.K., Gelin, R., Koudelkova, P., Deblieck, T. (2015) L2TOR – Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Educational Robotics at ICSR 2015, Paris, France; 10/2015.
  • Bugmann G. (2015). Joint Torques and Velocities in a 3-mass Linear Inverted Pendulum Model of Bipedal Gait. LNAI 9287, Proceedings of Taros'2015, Liverpool, pp. 82–93, 2015.
  • Cangelosi A. (in press). Language Processing. In M. Arbib & J. Bonaiuto (Eds.), From Neuron to Cognition via Computational Neuroscience. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
  • Cangelosi A., Bongard J. Fischer N.H, Nolfi S. (2015). Embodied Intelligence. In J Kacprzyk & W. Pedrycz (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence. Springer, pp. 697-714.
  • Cangelosi A., De La Cruz V., Morse A., Di Nuovo A., Rucinski M., Stramandinoli F., Marocco D., Fischer F. (2015). L’apprendimento linguistico e numerico nei “Developmental Robots” Angelo In Aireni G. et al. (Eds.) Le Scienze Cognitive a Confronto, Roma: Corisco Editori (in Italian).
  • Cangelosi A., Morse A., Di Nuovo A., Rucinski M., Stramandinoli F., Marocco M., De La Cruz V., Fischer K. (2015). Embodied language and number learning in developmental robots. In M.H. Fischer & Y. Coello (Eds.), Foundations of Embodied Cognition. Taylor & Francis Press.
  • Carmantini, G., beim Graben, P., Desroches, M., Rodrigues, S. (2015). Turing computation with recurrent artificial neural networks. 29th annual conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Montréal (Canada), December 7-12.
  • Di Nuovo A., Cangelosi A. (in press). Artificial mental imagery in cognitive robots interaction. SSCI2015: Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2015, CCMB Symposium. Cape Town, IEEE Press
  • Di Nuovo A., Marocco D., Di Nuovo S., Cangelosi A. (2016). Embodied mental imagery in cognitive robots. In Handbook of Model Based Science. Springer.
  • Di Nuovo A., Wang N., Broz F., Belpaeme T., Jones R., Cangelosi A. (2016). Experimental evaluation of a multi-modal user interface for a robotic service. Proceedings of TAROS 2016, Sheffield, 28-30 June 2016.
  • Kennedy, J., Baxter, P. and Belpaeme, T. (2015) Head Pose Estimation is an Inadequate Replacement for Eye Gaze in Child-Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Extended Abstracts (HRI’15 Extended Abstracts). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 35-36.
  • Kennedy, J., Baxter, P. and Belpaeme, T. (2015) The robot who tried too hard: Social behaviour of a robot tutor can negatively affect child learning. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 67-74. (local copy).
  • Klein M., Cangelosi A., Wennekers T. (2015). Learning bidirectional connections between areas with standard spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Proceedings of NCPW 2014. World Scientific.
  • Li C., Yang C., Liang P., Cangelosi A., Wan J. (2016). Teleoperation of Nao robot using Kinect. Proceedinsg of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ARM), Macau.
  • Mohamed A., Yang C, Cangelosi A. (2016). Stereo vision based object tracking control for a movable robot head. Proceedings of ICONS 2016: 4th IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences, Reims, France, 1-3 June 2016.
  • Rast A., Stokes A.B., Davies S., Adams S.V., Akolkar H., Lester D.R., Bartolozzi, C., Cangelosi, S. Furber (2016). Transport-Independent protocols for universal AER communications. Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2016). Kyoto, October 2016.
  • Senft, E., Baxter, P., Kennedy, J. and Belpaeme, T. (2015) When is it Better to Give Up?: Towards Autonomous Action Selection for Robot Assisted ASD Therapy. InProceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Extended Abstracts (HRI’15 Extended Abstracts). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 197-198.
  • Stoelen M., Bonsignorio F., Cangelosi A. (2016). Co-exploring actuator antagonism and bio-inspired control in a printable robot arm. Proceedings of SAB2016, Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Aberystwyth. 
  • Wang N., Cangelosi A. (2015). A user-centric design of service robots speech interface for the elderly. Proceedings of NOLISP'2015, International Conference on Nonlinear Speech Processing, Vietri Sul Mare, May 2015.
  • Zhong J., Novianto R., Dai M, Xinzheng Z., Cangelosi A. (2016). A hierarchical emotion regulated sensorimotor model: Case studies. Proceedings of 5th Data-Driven Control and Learning Systems (2016 DDCLC), Yinchuan, China, May 29-31, 2016.
  • Cangelosi A. (2014). Language Processing. In M. Arbib & J. Bonaiuto (Eds.), From Neuron to Cognition via Computational Neuroscience. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
  • Denham S.L., Winkler I. (2013). Auditory Perceptual Organization. Wagemans, J. (ed). Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization, Oxford University Press.
  • Beim G., P., & Rodrigues, S. (2013). On the electrodynamics of neural networks, In: Neural Field Theory, Eds. S. Coombes, P. Beim Graben, R. Potthast and J. J. Wright, Springer-Verlag. Proceedings Papers.
  • Billard A., Bonfiglio A., Cannata G., Cosseddu P., Dahl T., Dautenhahn K., Mastrogiovanni F., Metta G., Natale L., Robins B., Seminara L. and Valle M. (2013). The ROBOSKIN Project: Challenges and Results, In Romansy 19 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, Proceedings of the 19th CISM-Iftomm Symposium, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Volume 544, Vincent Padois, Philippe Bidaud and Oussama Khatib (Eds.), June 12-14, 2012, Paris, France, pp351-358, Springer, 2013. 
  • Cangelosi A., Bongard J. Fischer N.H, Nolfi S. (2013). Embodied Intelligence. In Alippi C. et al. (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence. Springer.
  • D’Ambrosio D., Filippone G., Rongo R., Spataro W., Marocco D. (2013). Achieving High Speedups on Cellular Automata models with GPGPU. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS, International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS13), Cambridge, UK, February 20-22, 2013.
  • Fachantidis A., Di Nuovo A., Cangelosi A., Vlahavas I. (2013). Model-based reinforcement learning for humanoids: A study on forming rewards with the iCub platform. Proceedings of IEEE SSCI 2013, Singapore, April 2013.
  • Filippone G., Spataro W., D’Ambrosio D., Marocco D. (2013). An Interactive Visualization System for Lava Flows Cellular Automata Simulations using CUDA - poster of GTC 2013 (GPU Technology Conference), San Jose, California, 18-21 March, 2013.
  • Marocco D., Spataro W., D'Ambrosio D., Filippone G., Rongo R., Iovine G., Neri M. (2013). Morphological evolution of protective works by Genetic Algorithms: An application to Mt Etna. Abstract EGU 2013 (European Geosciences Union), Vienna, Austria, April 7-12, 2013.
  • Fanello, S.R.; Noceti, N.; Metta, G.; Odone, F. Multi-Class Image Classification: Sparsity Does It Better. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP). 
  • Gori, I.; Fanello, S.R.; Odone, F.; Metta, G. A Compositional Approach for 3D Arm-Hand Action Recognition. IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision (WoRV). Clearwater, Florida, USA, January 16-18, 2013.
  • Fanello, S. R.; Ciliberto, C.; Natale, L.; Metta, G. Weakly Supervised Strategies for Natural Object Recognition in Robotics. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013.
  • Fanello, S. R.; Gori, I.; Metta, G.; Odone, F. One-Shot Learning for Real-Time Action Recognition. Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Madeira, Portugal, June 5-7, 2013.
  • Saegusa, R.; Metta, G.; Sandini, G.; Natale, L. Action Learning based on Developmental Body Perception. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 
  • Seepanomwan K., Caligiore D., Baldassarre G., Cangelosi A. (2013). A cognitive robotic model for mental rotation. Proceedings of IEEE SSCI 2013, Singapore, April 2013.
  • Browatzki, B.; Tikhanoff V.; Metta G.; Bulthoff, H.; Wallraven, C. Active Object Recognition on a Humanoid Robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. , pp.2021 - 2028 St. Paul Minnesota USA May 14-18 2012.
  • Seminara, L.; Pinna, L.; Valle, M.; Basiricò, L.; Cosseddu, P.; Bonfiglio, A.; Ascia, A.; Biso, M.; Ansaldo, A.; Ricci, D.; Metta, G. Design, fabrication and test of arrays of piezoelectric transducers for robotic tactile sensors. IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. , pp.4 Boston, USA, March 5-8, 2012.
  • Ascia, A.; Biso, M.; Natale, L.; Ricci, D.; Metta, G.; Sandini, G. Comparison Between Two Implementations of iCub’s Fingertip. Eurosensors XXVI. , pp.1231–1234 Krakow, Poland, September 9-12, 2012.
  • Seminara, L.; Pinna, L.; Valle, M.; Basiricò, L.; Loi, A.; Cosseddu, P.; Bonfiglio, A.; Ascia, A.; Biso, M.; Ansaldo, A.; Ricci, D.; Metta, G. Piezoelectric Polymer Transducer Arrays for Flexible Tactile Sensors. IEEE Sensors. Taipei, Taiwan, October 28-31, 2012.
  • Del Prete, A.; Nori, F.; Metta, G.; Natale, L. Control of Contact Forces: the Role of Tactile Feedback for Contact Localization. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012). Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-12, 2012.
  • Ciliberto, C.; Fanello S. R.; Natale, L.; Metta, G. A Heteroscedastic Approach to Independent Motion Detection for Actuated Visual Sensors. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012). Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-12, 2012.
  • Gori, I.; Fanello, S. R.; Metta, G.; Odone, F. All Gestures You Can: A Memory Game Against A Humanoid Robot. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. 
  • Gori, I.; Pattacini, U.; Nori, F.; Metta, G.; Sandini, G. DForC: a Real-Time Method for Reaching, Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance in Humanoid Robots. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS2012). Osaka, Japan, November 29 - December 1, 2012.
  • Maita, F.; Maiolo, L.; Pecora, A.; Valletta, A.; Ricci, D.; Metta, G.; Fortunato, G. SPICE model for lossy piezoelectric PVDF-TrFE touch sensor integrated with flexible polysilicon TFTs. ITC 2012 – 8th International Thin Film Transistor Conference, January 30-31, 2012, Lisbon – Portugal. Lisbon, Portugal, January 30-31, 2012. 
  • Fortunato, G.; Maiolo, L.; Pecora, A.; Maita, F.; Minotti, A.; Ricci, D.; Metta, G. Flexible tactile sensors based on polysilicon TFT technology for robotics Application. IMID2012 – The 12th International Meeting on Information Display, 28-31 August 2012, Daegu, Korea. Daegu, Korea, 28-31 August, 2012.
  • Badino, L.; Canevari, C.; Fadiga, L.; Metta, G. Deep-Level Acoustic-to-Articulatory Mapping for DBN-HMM Based Phone Recognition. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology. 
  • Lepora, N.F.; Martinez-Hernandez, U.; Barron-Gonzalez, H.; Metta, G.; Prescott, T.J. Embodied hyperacuity from Bayesian perception: Shape and position discrimination with an iCub fingertip sensor. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012). Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-12, 2012, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-12.
  • Parmiggiani, A.; Metta, G.; Tsagarakis,N. The mechatronic design of the new legs of the iCub robot. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS2012). Osaka, Japan, November 29 - December 1, 2012.
  • Vahrenkampa, N.; Krohnert, M.; Ulbricha, S.; Asfour, T.; Metta, G.; Dillmann, R.; Sandini, G. Simox: A Robotics Toolbox for Simulation, Motion and Grasp Planning. 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Jeju Island, Korea, June 26-29, 2012.
  • Billard, A.; Bonfiglio, A.; Cannata, G.; Cosseddu, P.; Torbjorn D.; Dautenhahn, K.; Mastrogiovanni, F.; Metta, G.; Natale L.; Robins, B.; Seminara, L.; Valle, M. The ROBOSKIN Project: Challenges and Results. Romansy 19 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, Proceedings of the 19th CISM-Iftomm Symposium. Ed.Padois, V.; Bidaud, P.; Khatib, O., pp.351-358 Vienna.
  • Sciutti, A.; Bisio, A.; Nori F.; Metta, G; Fadiga, L.; Sandini, G Anticipatory gaze in human-robot interactions. "Gaze in HRI from modeling to communication” workshop at the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 5 - 8, 2012.
  • Sciutti, A.; Bisio, A.; Nori F.; Metta, G.; Sandini, G; Fadiga, L. Human and robotic goal oriented actions evoke motor resonance - a gaze behavior study. 5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems. TU Vienna, Austria, February 22-23, 2012.
  • Ascia, A.; Maggiali, M.; Natale, L.; Ricci, D.; Metta, G. Integration of a sensorized skin on the iCub robot. HRI 2012 Workshop on Advances in Tactile Sensing and Touch based Human-Robot Interaction. Boston, MA, March 5, 2012.
  • Del Prete, A.; Natale, L.; Nori, F.; Metta, G. Contact Force Estimations Using Tactile Sensors and Force/Torque Sensors. HRI 2012 Workshop on Advances in Tactile Sensing and Touch based Human-Robot Interaction. Boston, MA, March 5, 2012.
  • Maiolo, L.; Pecora, A.; Maita, F.; Minotti, A.; Fortunato G.; Ricci, D.; Metta, G. Piezoelectric flexible tactile sensor based on poly-silicon TFT for humanoid robots. ITC 2012 - 8th International Thin Film Transistor Conference, January 30-31, 2012, Lisbon - Portugal. Lisbon, Portugal, January 30-31, 2012.
  • Badino, L.; D'Ausilio, A.; Fadiga, L.; Metta, G. .2013, Computational validation of the motor contribution to speech perception. Topics in Cognitive Science.
  • Martinez Ortiz, C., D. Pearson, I. Beynon, M. Beck, N. Barlow and P. de Wilde, (2012). Intelligent analysis of monitored utility data. EG-ICE 2012, Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Herrsching, Germany, July 4-6.
  • Martinez Ortiz, C., D. Pearson, M. Beck, N. Barlow and Wilde, (2012). Developing automated energy management tools. CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium - Buildings Systems and Services for the 21st Century, London, UK, April 18.
  • Sieber, J., Rapaport, A., Rodrigues, S., & Desroches, M. (2012). A new method for the reconstruction of unknown non-monotonic growth functions in the chemostat. Proceedings of the 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Barcelona (Spain), July 2012. DOI: 10.1109/MED.2012.6265633.
  • Natale, L.; Nori, F.; Metta, G.; Fumagalli, M.,; Ivaldi, S.; Pattacini, U.; Randazzo, M.; Schmitz, A.; Sandini, G. The iCub platform: a tool for studying intrinsically motivated learning. Intrinsically motivated learning in natural and artificial systems. Springer-Verlag Ed.Baldassarre, Gianluca and Mirolli, Marco (2012). 
  • Maiolino, P.; Ascia, A.; Natale, L.; Cannata, G.; Metta, G. Large Scale Capacitive Skin for Robots. Smart actuation and sensing systems - Recent advances and future challenges. InTech Ed.Berselli, G.; Vertechy, R.; Vassura, G. (2012) ISBN:979-953-307-990-4.
  • Harris C, Waddington J, Erichsen J (2012) Infantile nystagmus: an adaptationist approach. In The challenge of nystagmus. eds. Harris C, Gottlob I, Sanders J. Nystagmus Network Press pp:27-48.
  • Jones P, Wiggins D, Margrain TH, Ennis FA, Woodhouse JM, Harris CM, Erichsen JT (2012) The impact of stress on visual performance in congenital nystagmus In The challenge of nystagmus. Eds. Harris C, Gottlob I, Sanders J. Nystagmus Network Press, pp:239-260.
  • Harris CM, Waddington J (2012) Biomimetics of choice behaviour for autonomous agents. G. Herrmann et al. (Eds.): FIRA-TAROS 2012, LNAI 7429, pp. 96-104. Springer, Heidelberg.
  • Harris C, Kashou NH (2012) Infantile nystagmus syndrome: what can fMRI tell us? [letter] Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 49:189-190.
  • Baxter, P., Cuayahuitl, H., Wood, R., Kruijff-Korbayova, I. & Belpaeme, T. (2012), Towards Augmenting Dialogue Strategy Management with Multimodal Sub-Symbolic Context, in KI 2012, Saarbruecken, Germany, September 24-27.
  • De Greeff, J., Baxter, P., Wood, R. and Belpaeme, T. (2012), From Penguins to Parakeets: a developmental approach to modelling conceptual prototypes, in PG Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition at ICANN 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Baxter, P., Wood, R. and Belpaeme, T. (2012) A touchscreen-based "Sandtray" to facilitate, mediate and contextualise human-robot social interaction. In ACM Human-Robot Interaction 2012, Boston, MA, U.S.A.
  • Read, R. and Belpaeme, T. (2012) How to Use Non-Linguistic Utterances to Convey Emotion in Child-Robot Interaction. In ACM Human-Robot Interaction 2012, Boston, MA, U.S.A.
  • Rucinski M., Cangelosi A., Belpaeme T. (2012). Robotic model of the contribution of gesture to learning to count. Proceedings of IEEE ICDL-EpiRob 2012, Joint International Conference on Development and Learning and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, November 7-9, 2012, San Diego, California, USA. Paper of Excellence Award.
  • Stoelen M.F., Bonsignorio F., Balaguer C., Marocco D., Cangelosi A. (2012). Online learning and grounding for sensorimotor interaction: Benchmarking and first results. Proceedings of IEEE ICDL-EpiRob 2012, Joint International Conference on Development and Learning and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, November 7-9, 2012, San Diego, California, USA.
  • Li-Wen C, Lin C-Y, Cangelosi A. (2012). Learning of composite actions and visual categories via grounded linguistic instructions: humanoid robot simulations. Proceedings of IJCNN-2012, the 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Brisbane.
  • Di Nuovo A., De La Cruz V.M., Di Nuovo S., Marocco D., Cangelosi A. (2012). Mental practice and verbal instructions execution: a cognitive robotics study. Proceedings of IJCNN-2012, The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Brisbane.
  • Cangelosi A. (2012). Cognitive modelling with multi-agent systems. In Seel N.M (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer.
  • Metta G., Cangelosi A. (2012). Cognitive robotics. In Seel N.M (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer.
  • Finger Movements Classification for the Dextrous Control of Upper Limb Prosthesis Using EMG Signals. Ali Al-Timemy, Bugmann G., Outram N., Escudero J., Li H. (2012) in Hermann G. et al. (eds) FIRA-TAROS 2012, LNAI 7429, 434-435.
  • Da Silva Gomes, J., & Borisyuk, R. (2012). Biological Brain and Binary Code: Quality of Coding for Face Recognition. Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2012, 427-434.
  • Iizuka, H., Ando, H., Maeda, T., Marocco, D. (2012). Co-Creativity of Communication System on Behavioral Interaction. 2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, September 9-13, 2012, Paris, France.
  • Iizuka, H., Marocco, D., Ando, H., Maeda, T. (2012). Turn-taking Supports Humanlikeness and Communication in Perceptual Crossing Experiments -Toward developing human-like communicable interface devices-. 2012 IEEE Virtual Reality, March 04-March 08, Costa Mesa, CA, USA.
  • B. Wang, C. Yang, Z. Li and A. Smith, sEMG-based Control of an Exoskeleton Robot Arm, the 5th International Conference, ICIRA 2012, Proceedings, Part III, pp.63-72, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 3-5, 2012, (Intelligent Robotics and Applications, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7507, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33515-0).
  • C. Yang, Z. Li, J. Li and A. Smith, Adaptive Neural Network Control of Robot with Passive Last Joint, the 5th International Conference, ICIRA 2012, Proceedings, Part III, pp.113-122, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 3-5, 2012, (Intelligent Robotics and Applications, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7508, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33503-7).
  • J. Li, C. Yang, P. Culverhouse and H. Ma, Stochastic Neural Network Control of Rigid Robot Manipulator with last Passive Joint, UKACC International Conference on Control 2012, Cardiff, UK, 3-5 September 2012, pp.662-667.
  • B. Xu, D. Wang, C. Yang, J. Li and S. Wang, Discrete Flight Path Angle Tracking Control of Hypersonic Flight Vehicles Via Multi-rate Sampling, UKACC International Conference on Control 2012, Cardiff, UK, 3-5 September 2012, pp.713-718.
  • A. Santana and C. Yang, Robotic Control using Physiological EMG and EEG Signals, FIRA 2012, Bristol, UK, 20-25 August (Advances in Autonomous Robotics Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7429, 2012, pp 449-450).
  • C. Yang, B. Xu, H. Ma and P. Culverhouse, Adaptive Asymptotic Tracking Control of Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Discrete-Time System with Periodic Time Delay, IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 3-5, 2012, accepted.
  • M. Wang, H. Ma, M. Fu, C. Yang, A New Discrete-time Guidance Law Base on Trajectory Learning and Prediction, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota 13-16 August, 2012.
  • P. He, H. Ma, C. Yang and M. Fu, Data-driven Kalman Filter for Linear Continuous-time Parametric Uncertain Systems with Non-uniformly Sampled Data, the 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hefei, China, 2012.
  • C. Yang, H. Ma, M. Fu and A. Smith, Optimized Model Reference Adaptive Motion Control of Robot Arms with Finite Time Tracking, the 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hefei, China, 2012.
  • C. Yang and Z. Li, Adaptive Neural Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Models, the 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hefei, China, 2012.
  • H. Ma, Y. Zhao, M. Fu and C. Yang, Decentralized Adaptive Control for a Class of Semi-parametric Uncertain Multi-agent Systems, the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 2060-2065, Beijing, China, July 6-8, 2012.
  • W. Ye, C. Yang and Q. Xie, The development of an Exoskeleton Robot for Co-Manipulation of Human Upper Limb Movement, the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 3909-3914, Beijing, China, July 6-8, 2012.
  • B. Wang, C. Yang, X. Qing and Z. Li, Human-machine Interfaces based on Electromyography and Kinectapplied to Teleoperation of a Mobile Humanoid Robot, the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 3903-3908, Beijing, China, July 6-8, 2012.
  • C. Yang and H. Ma, Adaptive Control with Nearest-neighbor Previous Instant Compensation for Discrete-time Nonlinear Strict-feedback Systems, the 2012 American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 1913-1918, Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montréal, Canada on June 27-June 29, 2012.
  • Torbjørn S. Dahl and Alexandros Paraschos, A force-distance model of humanoid arm withdrawal reflexes. In Advances in Autonomous Robotics, Joint Proceedings of the 13th Annual TAROS Conference and the 15th Annual FIRA RoboWorld Congress, Bristol, UK, August 20-23, 2012, LNAI 7429, Herrmann, G.; Studley, M.; Pearson, M.; Conn, A.; Melhuish, C.; Witkowski, M.; Kim, J.-H.; Vadakkepat, P. (Eds.), pp13-24, Bristol, UK, August 20-25, 2012.
  • Michael Roe, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Daniel Polani, Ben Robins, Luke Wood, Torbjørn S. Dahl, and Peter Gibbons. Reconstructing a robots topology from sensor data. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Workshop on Advances in Tactile Sensing and Touch-Based Human- Robot Interaction, Boston, Massachussetts, March 5-8 2012.
  • Peter Gibbons, Torbjrn S. Dahl, and Owain Jones. Identi cation and production of simple tactile gestures. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Workshop on Advances in Tactile Sensing and Touch- Based Human-Robot Interaction. Boston, Massachussetts, March 5-8, 2012.
  • Torbjørn S. Dahl, Erick A. R. Swere and Andrew Palmer, Touch-Triggered withdrawal Reflexes for Safer Robots. In New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction, Kerstin Dautenhahn and Angelo Cangelosi (Eds.), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp281-304, 2011.

  • Md Omar Faruque Sarker and Torbjørn S. Dahl, Bio-Inspired Communication for Self-Regulated Multi-Robot Systems. In Multi-Robot Systems, Trends and Development, Toshiyuki Yasuda (Ed.), Intech, pp367-392, 2011.
  • Martinez Ortiz, C., M. Beck., N. Barlow, and Wilde, (2011). EWMA based approaches for automated building energy analysis. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Bilbao, Spain, December 14-17.
  • Howard IS & Messum P, Modelling caregiver tutored development of pronunciation in a young child,In: Kröger BJ, Birkholz P (eds.) Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (TUDpress, Dresden, Germany), pp.75-82.
  • Howard IS & Messum P,The computational Architecture of Elija: A model of a young child that learns to pronounce,In: Kröger BJ, Birkholz P (eds.) Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (TUDpress, Dresden, Germany), pp.138-145.
  • Zacharias F, Howard IS, Hulin T, Hirzinger G (2010), Workspace Comparisons of Setup Configurations for Human-Robot Interaction,Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 3117 – 3122.
  • Avitabile, D., Desroches, M., & Rodrigues, M. (2011). Numerical continuation of isolas of equilibria. Proceedings of the 7th European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference (ENOC), Roma (Italy), July 2011.
  • Baxter, P., Wood, R., Morse, A. and Belpaeme, T. (2011) Memory-Centred Architectures: Perspectives on Human-level Cognitive Competencies. Advances in Cognitive Systems at AAAI Fall Symposium 2011, Arlington, Virginia.
  • Rucinski, M., Cangelosi, A. and Belpaeme, T. (2011). An embodied developmental robotic model of interactions between numbers and space. Proceedings of 2011 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2011). Boston.
  • Morse, A.F., Baxter, P., Belpaeme, T., Smith, L.B., Cangelosi, A., (2011) The power of words and space. Proceedings of the joint International Conference on Developmental Learning (ICDL) & Epigenetic Robotics 2011, Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Baxter, P., Wood, R. , Belpaeme, T., Nalin, M. (2011), On Memory Systems for Companion Robots: Implementation Methodologies and Legal Implications, Proceedings of the 2nd AISB Symposium on Human Memory for Artificial Agents, York, U.K., April 4-5.
  • de Greeff, J. and Belpaeme, T. (2011) Coordination of meaning within different embodiments through linguistic interactions. Proceedings of the joint International Conference on Developmental Learning (ICDL) & Epigenetic Robotics 2011, Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Morse, A.F., Belpaeme, T., Cangelosi, A., & Floccia, C., (2011) Modelling U shaped performance curves in ongoing development. Proceedings of 2011 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2011). Boston.
  • de Greeff, J. and Belpaeme, T. (2011) Coordination of meaning within different embodiments through linguistic interactions. Alife Approaches to Artificial Language Evolution (AAALE), workshop at the 20th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), Paris, France.
  • Baxter, P., Belpaeme, T., Cañamero, L., Demiris, Y., Enescu, V., Hiolle, A., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Looije, R., Nalin, M., Neerincx, M.A., Sahli, H., Sommavilla, G., Tesser, F. and Wood, R. (2011), Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction with Young Users. In Robots with Children workshop at IEEE/ACM Human-Robot Interaction 2011 conference, Lausanne, Switserland, 5 March 2011.
  • Ros, R., Nalin, M., Wood, R., Baxter, P., Looije, R., Demiris, Y., Belpaeme, T., Giusti, A., Pozzi, C. (2011) Child-Robot Interaction in The Wild: Advice to the Aspiring Experimenter. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2011, Alicante, Spain.
  • Hauert S., Leven S., Varga M., Ruini F., Zufferey J-C., Cangelosi A., Floreano D. (2011). Reynolds flocking in reality with fixed-wing robots: communication range vs. maximum turning rate. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2011), San Francisco.
  • Morse A.F., Baxter P., Belpeame T., Smith L.B., Cangelosi A. (2011). The power of words. Proceedings of IEEE ICDL-EpiRob 2011, Joint International Conference on Development and Learning and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, Frankfurt.
  • Larcombe C., Morse A.F., Cangelosi A. (2011) Learning to react to abstractions: Accumulating adaptations in a humanoid embodiment. Proceedings of IEEE ICDL-EpiRob 2011, Joint International Conference on Development and Learning and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, Frankfurt.
  • Peniak M., Morse A., Larcombe C., Ramirez-Contla S., Cangelosi A. (2011). Aquila: An open-source GPU-accelerated toolkit for cognitive and neuro-robotics research. Proceedings of IJCNN-2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose, 1753 - 1760.
  • Di Nuovo A., Marocco D., Di Nuovo S., Cangelosi A. (2011). A neural network model for spatial mental imagery investigation: A study with the humanoid robot platform iCub. Proceedings of IJCNN-2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose.
  • Stramandinoli F., Cangelosi A., Marocco D. (2011). Towards the grounding of abstract words: A neural network model for cognitive robots. Proceedings of IJCNN-2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose.
  • Rucinski M., Cangelosi A., Belpaeme T. (2011). An embodied developmental robotic model of interactions between numbers and space. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher, T.F. Shipley (Eds.), Expanding the Space of Cognitive Science: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 237-242.
  • Morse A., Belpaeme T., Cangelosi A., Floccia C. (2011). Modeling U-shaped performance curves in ongoing development. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher, T.F. Shipley (Eds.), Expanding the Space of Cognitive Science: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 3034-39.
  • Cangelosi A. (2011). Robotics and embodied agents modelling of the evolution of language. In M. Tallerman (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Language Evolution, Oxford University Press.
  • Reduction in classification Errors for Myoelectric control with Independent Component Analysis. Ali, A. H., Bugmann, G., Outram, N.and Escudero J.(2011) Proc. ICIT 2011, Amman.
  • What can a personal robot do for you? Bugmann G. and Copleston S.N. (2011) Proc. TAROS'2011, Sheffield, LNAI 6856, Springer, p.360-371.
  • Classification of Finger Movements for the Proper Control of Prosthetic Hand. Ali Al-Timemy, Guido Bugmann, Nicholas Outram, Javier Escudero and Hai Li (2011) Proc. UKCI 2011, the 11th Annual Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Manchester, 7-9 Sept. 2011, pp.103-108.
  • A role for robotics in sustainable development? Bugmann G., Siegel M. and Burcin R. (2011) Proc. of IEEE Africon'2011, 13-15 Sept., Livingstone, Zambia.
  • Iizuka, H., Marocco, D., Ando, H. and Maeda, T. (2011). Evolution of Symbolic Communication in the Perceptual Crossing Experiment, The 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language(Evolang IX) (Campus Plaza Kyoto).
  • Iizuka, H., Marocco, D., Ando, H., Maeda, T. (2011). Emergence and Evolution of Communication system in Embodied Interaction (in Japanese), Human-Agent Interaction Symbosium 2011, HAI-2011, III-2A-6, Kyoto, Japan.
  • L. Rong, H. Ma and C. Yang, Decentralized Adaptive Tracking with One-Step-Guess Estimator, the 9th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), pp. 1320-1325, Santiago, Chile, on December 19-21, 2011.
  • C. Yang and H. Ma, Asymptotic Tracking Adaptive Control of NARMA Systems with Periodic Uncertainties, the 9th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), pp. 1299-1304, Santiago, Chile, on December 19-21, 2011.
  • C. Yang and E. Burdet, A Model of Reference Trajectory Adaptation for Interaction with Objects of Arbitrary Shape and Impedance, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 4121-4126, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.
  • C. Yang, H. Ma, Adaptive Predictive Control of Time-varying NARMA Systems with Exact Output Tracking, Proceedings of the Chinese Control Conference (CCC), pp. 2515 -2520, Yantai, China, July 22 - July 24, 2011.
  • H. Ma, M. Wang, Z. Jia and C. Yang, A New Framework of Optimal Muli-Robot Formation Problem, Proceedings of the Chinese Control Conference (CCC), pp. 4139 - 4144, Yantai, China, July 22 - July 24, 2011.
  • Guillaume Garreau, Charalambos M. Andreou, Andreas G. Andreou, Julius Georgiou, Salvador Dura-Bernal, Thomas Wennekers and Sue Denham Gait-based Person And Gender Recognition Using Micro-Doppler Signatures. Accepted at BioCAS 2011, San Diego.
  • Dura-Bernal, S.; Wennekers, T. and Denham, S.L. Modelling object perception in cortex: hierarchical Bayesian networks and belief propagation. Accepted at Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS2011, Baltimore, 23-25 March 2011.
  • Md Omar Faruque Sarker and Torbjørn S. Dahl, Robotic Validation of an Inter-disciplinary Generic Model of Self-regulated Division of Labour in Social Systems. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS'2010), LNCS 62354, Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Gianni A. Di Caro, René Doursat, Andrieas P. Engelbrecht, Dario Floreano, Luca Maria Gambardella, Roderich Groß, Erol Sahin, Hiroki Sayama, Thomas Stützle (Eds.), Springer, pp24-35, Brussels, Belgium, September 8-10, 2010. 
  • Zacharias F, Howard IS, Hulin T, Hirzinger G (2010), Workspace Comparisons of Setup Configurations for Human-Robot Interaction,Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 3117 – 3122.
  • Denham, S.L., Dura-Bernal, S., Balaguer-Ballester, E., Coath, M. (2010). Neurocomputational models of perceptual organisation, in Winkler, I. and Czigler, I. (ed.s), 'Unconscious memory representations in perception: Processes and mechanisms in the brain', in the series "Advances in Consciousness", 147-178.
  • Wood, R., Baxter, P. & Belpaeme, T. (2010), A developmental perspective on memory-centred cognition for social interaction, In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, poster abstract, 2010.
  • Baxter, P. & Browne, W. (2010), Memory as the substrate of cognition: a developmental cognitive robotics perspective, In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, 2010.
  • Read, R. And Belpaeme, T. (2010) Interpreting non-linguistic utterances by robots: studying the influence of physical appearance. In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2010, Florence, Italy.
  • Morse, A., Belpaeme, T. and Cangelosi, A. and Smith, L.B. (2010) Thinking With Your Body: Modelling Spatial Biases in Categorization Using a Real Humanoid Robot. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, August 11-14, 2010, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • Cangelosi A. (2010). Robotics and embodied agents modelling of the evolution of language. In M. Tallerman (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Language Evolution, Oxford University Press. 
  • Adams, S.V.; Culverhouse, P.F; Wennekers, T.; Bugmann, S. and Denham, S. (2010). A Sensori-Motor Model of Arachnid Prey Localisation. In TAROS 2010: Proceedings of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2010. University of Plymouth.
  • Dura-Bernal, S.; Wennekers, T. and Denham, S. The role of feedback in a hierarchical model of object perception Proceedings of BICS 2010 - Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 14-16 July 2010, Madrid, Spain.
  • Gibbons P, Mason M, Vicente A, Bugmann G and Culverhouse PF (2009) Optimisation of Dynamic Gait for Small Bipedal Robots. In Proc. 4th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots. A workshop of the 2009 IEEE-RAS Intl. Conf. On Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2009), Paris (France), 2009, December 7-10, pp. 9-14. 
  • Ford C., Bugmann G., Culverhouse P. (2010). Eye Movement and Facial Expression in Human-Robot Communication. Proceedings of KEER2010, Paris, pp. 717-729.
  • Culverhouse P, Martin S, Talloneau R, Rodier T, Hughes N, Gibbons P and Bugmann G (2009) Vision Processing on the Bunny Robot Humanoid Robot. In Proc. 4th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots. A workshop of the 2009 IEEE-RAS Intl. Conf. On Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2009), Paris (France), 2009, December 7-10, pp. 60-65.
  • Coath, M.; Mill, R.; Denham, S. and Wennekers, T. The emergence of feature sensitivity in a recurrent model of auditory cortex with spike timing dependant plasticity Proceedings of BICS 2010 - Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 14-16 July 2010, Madrid, Spain.
  • Humble, J., Furber, S.; Denham, S. and Wennekers, T. STDP pattern onset learning depends on background activity Proceedings of BICS 2010 - Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 14-16 July 2010, Madrid, Spain. 
  • Rumbell, T.; Barnden, J.; Denham, S. and Wennekers, T. A Generic Framework for the Analysis of Emotion Mechanisms in Autonomous Agents. Proceedings of BICS 2010 - Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 14-16 July 2010, Madrid, Spain.
  • Basalyga, G.; Gleiser, P.M. and Wennekers, T. Emergence of small-world structure in networks of spiking neurons through STDP learning Proceedings of BICS 2010 - Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 14-16 July 2010, Madrid, Spain. 
  • Durstewitz D., Balaguer-Ballester E. (2010) Statistical Approaches for Reconstructing Neuro-Cognitive Dynamics from High-Dimensional Neural Recordings. Neuroforum 4.10: 266-276.
  • Denham, S.L., Dura-Bernal, S., Balaguer-Ballester, E., Coath, M. (2010). Neurocomputational models of perceptual organisation, In Winkler, I. and Czigler, I. (eds.),Unconscious memory representations in perception: Processes and mechanisms in the brain / Advances in Consciousness, 147-178. 
  • Denham, S.L., Gymesi, K., Stefanics, G., Winkler, I. (2009).'Stability of perceptual organisation in auditory streaming. Iin Lopez-Poveda, E.A., Palmer, A.R., Meddis, R. (eds.) 'The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception, Springer, 477-488. 
  • Peniak M., Bentley B., Marocco B., Cangelosi A., Ampatzis C., Izzo D., Biscani F. (2010). An evolutionary approach to designing autonomous planetary rovers. In TAROS 2010: Proceedings of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2010. University of Plymouth, 198-204. 
  • Ruini F., Cangelosi A. (2010). An incremental approach to the evolutionary design of autonomous controllers for micro-unmanned aerial vehicles. In TAROS 2010: Proceedings of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2010. University of Plymouth, 239-246.
  • Morse A.F., Belpaeme T., Cangelosi A., Smith L.B. (2010). Thinking with your body: Modelling spatial biases in categorization using a real humanoid robot. Proceedings of 2010 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Portland., pp 1362-1368.
  • Cangelosi A. (2011). Cognitive modelling with multi-agent systems. In Seel N.M (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer. 
  • Metta G., Cangelosi A. (2011). Cognitive robotics. In Seel N.M (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer.
  • Ruini F, Cangelosi A. 2010). An evolutionary robotics 3D model for autonomous MAVs navigation, Target tracking and group coordination. Proceedings of IJCNN2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Barcelona, July 2010. 
  • Peniak M., Bentley B., Marocco D., Cangelosi A., Ampatzis C., Izzo D., Biscani F. (in press). An island-model framework for evolving neuro-controllers for planetary rover control. Proceedings of IJCNN2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Barcelona, July 2010. 
  • Torbjørn S. Dahl, Hierarchical Traces for Reduced NSM Memory Requirements. In the Proceedings of the BCS SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp165-178, Cambridge, UK, December 14-16, 2010. 
  • Md Omar Faruque Sarker and Torbjørn S. Dahl, Flexible Communication in Multi-robotic Control System Using HEAD: Hybrid Event-driven Architecture on D-Bus, In the Proceedings of the UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2010, pp926-931, Coventry, UK, September 7-10, 2010.
  • Georgios Pierris and Torbjørn S. Dahl, Compressed Sparse Code Hierarchical SOM on Learning and Reproducing Gestures in Humanoid Robots. In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN'10), pp350-355, Viareggio, Italy, September 12-15, 2010.
  • Torbjørn S. Dahl and Andrew Palmer, Touch-Triggered Protective Reflexes for Safer Robots. In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction (AISB'10), pp27-33, Leicester, UK, 31 March - 1 April, 2010.
  • Andrew Palmer and Torbjørn S. Dahl, Single Camera Depth Estimation in Humanoid Robots using Head Movements. Presented at the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA) Technical Meeting on Robotics and Vision, London, UK, 24 March, 2010.0, Madrid, Spain.
  • Macura Z., Cangelosi A., Ellis R., Bugmann D., Fischer M.H. & Myachykov A. (2009). A cognitive robotic model of grasping. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, Venice, November 12-14 2009.
  • Peniak M., Marocco D., Ramirez-Contla S. & Cangelosi A. (2009). Co-evolving controller and sensing abilities in a simulated Mars Rover explorer. IJCAI-2009, Special Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Space Research. Los Angeles, July 2009.
  • Coutinho E. & Cangelosi A. (2009). A neural network model for the prediction of musical emotions. In J. Gray, & S. Nefti-Meziani., Advances in Cognitive Systems. Herts, UK: IET Publisher.
  • Denham, S.L., Kinga Gyimesi, Gábor Stefanics, and István Winkler (2009). Stability of perceptual organisation in streaming. International Symposium on Hearing, Salamanca, June 2009.
  • Ballaguer-Ballester, E., Clark, N., Coath, M., Krumbholz, K., Denham, S.L., (2009). 'Understanding Pitch Perception as a Multi-Scale Hierarchical Generative Process', International Symposium on Hearing, Salamanca, June 2009.
  • Durstewitz, D. (2009) Neurocomputational analysis of dopamine function. In Dopamine Handbook (eds. Björklund, A., Dunnett, S., Iversen, L., & Iversen, S.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Wolf J., Alexandre Vicente, Peter Gibbons, Nicholas Gardiner, Julian Tilbury, Guido Bugmann and Phil Culverhouse (2009). BunnyBot: Humanoid Platform for Research and Teaching. In Proceedings of FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009, Incheon, Korea, August 16-20, 2009 (Springer Progress in Robotics: ISBN 978-3-642-03985-0) pp. 25-33.
  • Gibbons P., Phil Culverhouse, and Guido Bugmann (2009). Visual Identification of Grasp Locations on Clothing for a Personal Robot. Proceedings of Taros'09, Londonderry, 31 Aug.-2 Sept. 2009, pp: 78-81.
  • Bugmann G. (2009). A Neural Architecture for Fast Learning of Stimulus-Response Associations. Proceeding of IICAI'09, Bangalore.
  • Macura Z., Cangelosi A., Ellis R., Bugmann D., Fischer M.H. & Myachykov A. (2009). A cognitive robotic model of grasping. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, Venice, November 12-14 2009.
  • Coutinho E. & Cangelosi A. 2009). A neural network model for the prediction of musical emotions. In J. Gray, & S. Nefti-Meziani, Advances in Cognitive Systems. Herts, UK: IET Publisher.
  • Denham, S.L., Dura-Bernal, S., Balaguer-Ballester, E., Coath, M. (2009, accepted). Neurocomputational models of perceptual organisation, in Winkler, I. and Czigler, I. (eds,), Unconscious memory representations in perception: Processes and mechanisms in the brain, in the series "Advances in Consciousness".
  • Peniak M., Marocco D., Martinez-Contla S., Cangelosi A. (2009). An active vision system for navigating unknown environments: An evolutionary robotics approach. IJCAI-2009, Special Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Space Research. Los Angeles, July 2009.
  • Fontanari J.F., Tikhanoff V., Cangelosi A., Perlovsky L. (2009). A cross-situational algorithm for learning a lexicon using neural modeling fields. IJCNN-09 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Atlanta, June 2009.
  • Lopes M., Melo F. and Montesano L. (2009). Active Learning for Reward Estimation in Inverse Reinforcement Learning. European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML/PKDD) Bled, Slovenia.
  • Lopes M., Bernardino A., Santos-Victor J., von Hofsten C. and Rosander K. (2009). Biomimetic Eye-Neck Coordination. IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning, Shanghai.
  • Montesano L. and Lopes M. (2009). Learning grasping affordances from local visual descriptors. IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning, Shanghai, China.
  • Ruini F., Cangelosi A., Zetule F. (2009). Individual and cooperative tasks performed by autonomous MAV teams driven by embodied neural networks controllers. IJCNN-09 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Atlanta, June 2009.
  • Mazzapioda M., Cangelosi A. & Nolfi S. (2009). Co-evolving morphology and control: A distributed approach. CEC-2009 Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Trondheim, Norway. Best paper award.
  • Peniak M., Marocco D. & Cangelosi A. (2009). Co-evolving controller and sensing abilities in a simulated Mars Rover explorer. CEC-2009 Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Rafiq, M. Y., Beck, M. & Hughes, N. (2008), Interactive visualisation as a powerful decision support tool for conceptual design, Proceeding of the 25th CBI W78 Int. conf. on information technology, Santiago Chile, pp 156-165.
  • Rafiq, M. Y. & Beck, M. (2008), A scenario based exploration of multi-disciplinary solution space using a visualisation tool, Proceeding of the Intelligent Computing in Engineering Conf. edt (Rafiq, Borthwick & de Wilde), Plymouth UK, 2-4 July, pp 46-56.
  • Ernest Montbrió, Rita Almeida, Johan Larsson, Sue Denham and Gustavo Deco (2008). 'A model of the primary auditory cortex response to sequences of pure tones', CNS2008, Portland, Oregon, USA, July 19-24.
  • Stefanics G., Háden G., Sziller I., Huotilainen M., Vestergaard M.D., Balázs L., Beke A., Fellman V., Denham S.L., Winkler I. (2008). Higher-level auditory skills in newborn infants. FENS2008 (6th Forum of European Neuroscience Societies), Geneva, Switzerland, July 12-16.
  • Courtney P., Michel O., Cangelosi A., Tikhanoff V., Metta G., Natale L., Nori F., & Kernbach S. (2008). Cognitive systems platforms using open source. In: R. Madhavan, E. Tunstel & E. Messina. Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Intelligent Systems, Springer.
  • Copleston S.N. and Bugmann G. (2008) Personal Robot User Expectations. Technical Report 08-01, Robotics and Intelligent Systems, University of Plymouth, UK.
  • Harris CM (2008) Biomimetics and proportional noise in motor control. Proceedings of the first international conference on bio-inspired systems and signal processing. (Biosignals 2008) INSTICC 2008, Portugal, pp. 37-43.
  • Wolf J.C. and Bugmann G. (2008). Converting Multi-Modal Task Instructions to Rule-Based Robot Instructions. Proceedings of IEEE ROMAN'08, Munich, Germany, pp. 586-591.
  • Gibbons P., Phil Culverhouse, and Guido Bugmann (2008). Fabric Manipulation: An Eye Tracking Experiment. Proceedings of Taros'08, Edinburgh, pp. 130-134.
  • Cangelosi A. (2008). The grounding and sharing of symbols. In I.E. Dror & S. Harnad (Eds.), Cognition Distributed. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp.83-92 (reprint of paper from Pragmatics and Cognition, 2006).
  • Lopes M, Melo F.S., Kenward B. and Santos-Victor J. (2008). A Computational model for social learning mechanisms. IEEE IROS – Intelligent Robotic Systems: Workshop - From motor to interaction learning in robots Nice, France.
  • Melo F.S. and Lopes M. (2008). Fitted natural actor-critic: A new algorithm for continuous state-action MDPs. European Conference on Machine Learning(ECML/PKDD) Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Ruesch J., Lopes M., Bernardino A., Hörnstein J., Santos-Victor J., Pfeifer R. (2008). Multimodal Saliency-Based Bottom-Up Attention: A Framework for the Humanoid Robot iCub. IEEE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'08), Pasadena, California, USA.
  • Peniak M., Cangelosi A. & Marocco D. (2008). Autonomous robot Exploration of unknown terrain: A preliminary model of Mars Rover robot. Proceedings of 10th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA 2008), 11-13 November 2008, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
  • Tikhanoff V, Cangelosi A., Fitzpatrick P., Metta G., Natale L., Nori F. (2008). An open-source simulator for cognitive robotics research: The prototype of the iCub humanoid robot simulator. In R. Madhavan & E.R. Messina (Rds.), Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS’08). Washington, D.C.
  • Ruini F, Cangelosi A. (2008). Distributed control in multi-agent systems: A preliminary model of autonomous MAV swarms. Proceedings of11th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION2008), ISIF IEEE, ISIF IEEE, pp. 1043-1050.