Large Group of People Listening to a PresentationDefocused shot of crowd in the lecture hall. Purposely blurred with a lens.

The University of Plymouth continues its commitment to engaging the public with its research. Here you can find some of the ways our researchers have worked to engaged with the public, share specific research findings, and help the public to benefit from the research being done at the University.

VC Awards – Civic and Public Engagement Winner 2023

Ian Sherriff BEM, Dr Kate Turner and Dr Alison Warren, Dementia Research Team, Faculty of Health
Ian Sherriff, Dr Kate Turner and Dr Alison Warren in collaboration with key stakeholders in the United Kingdom have contributed to guidance to support people living with dementia to travel by air. The research informed recommendations are of importance to airports, airlines and policy makers to enhance the travel experience of people with non-visible disabilities and their travel companions. A working group, the Prime Minister’s Dementia Group for Air Transport, was formed in 2015 and brought together people living with dementia, their carers, dementia ambassadors, passenger experience consultants, cabin crew trainers, hidden disability advocates and others to share best practice and influence the air travel chain experience.
The outputs from the working group and research have informed best practice at key airports in the UK with growing interest further afield.
Ian Sherrif and dementia research team posing with the VC and their VC award
Representatives from the University are presented with their award by broadcaster and author Sandi Toksvig