Mat, Professor in Medical Microbiology at the Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research and the lead for the Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens Research Group, is engaged in ground-breaking research to develop a potent first in class antibiotic for drug resistant infections.
The global antibiotic resistance threat
Professor Upton and his team in the Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens Research Group are currently working on what has been described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as one of the major threats to human health and modern medicine - antibiotic resistance. The WHO and international governments have stated that urgent measures are needed to avert the crisis we face. No new class of antibiotic has been introduced into clinical use for nearly 30 years. The team's programme of drug discovery aims to help meet this need for new antibiotics.
Deep sea sponges
Mat's research has taken him to the deep sea in a powerful collaboration with Kerry Howell of the Deep Sea Conservation Research Group. By combining their expertise, Mat and Kerry aim to identify and develop potential new antimicrobials produced in the microbiome of sponges that live deep beneath the ocean surface. Together, they will develop new methods of microbial cultivation, apply them to unique samples from a source rich in bioactive molecules, and identify urgently-needed new antimicrobials.
Mat is also chief scientific officer of Amprologix, a University spin-out company established to help tackle the problem of drug resistant infections by developing new antibiotics and bringing them to market. The company is aiming to meet a growing need for new antibiotics as harmful microbes become increasingly drug resistant. The company has recently won a £1.2 million contract from the Department for Health and Social Care to accelerate development and scale up its lead antibiotic candidate to tackle antimicrobial resistant MRSA and related superbugs.
The person behind the pioneer
We are rapidly running out of options to treat the ever more prevalent ‘resistant’ bacteria. For so long we have taken them for granted. Read more about Professor Mat Upton
To enquire about future collaborations, please contact Professor Mathew Upton
We believe that deep-sea sponges contain diverse populations of new cultivable and non-cultivable bacteria. These represent a substantial uncharacterised and untapped source of bioactive molecules which could help meet the urgent need for new antimicrobials and have other health benefit applications.
Professor Mat Upton
Current projects and research activity
Plymouth Pioneers: marine researchers
 Professor Jason Hall-Spencer
 Professor Awadhesh Jha
 Dr Sanjay Sharma
 Professor Kerry Howell
 Professor Deborah Greaves, OBE FREng
 Professor Kevin Jones
 Professor Gerd Masselink
 Professor Alison Raby
 Professor Richard Thompson, OBE FRS
 Professor Mat Upton
 Dr Abigail McQuatters-Gollop
Professor Mel Austen
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