Tracking the Colour of Peatlands project
Using the power of citizen science to monitor the health of wetland environments

We can use smartphone RGB photos to understand how these plants 'green up' over the summer, the timing of when they hit their maximum greenness and how they start to turn brown in the autumn. The photos will be used to analyse the change in growth over the growing season.
Dr Scott Davidson
Lecturer in Ecosystem Resilience
Using specialised RGB colour analysis software, photos from peatland sites can be used to monitor changes over time.
Specially-created signs and smartphone cradles are distributed to wetland and peatland sites around the world, with detailed instructions on how citizen scientists can take part in the project.
The cradles and signs are affixed to heavy-duty posts and deployed in a location with public access, often at the end of a boardwalk or next to a firm path to ensure that the cradles will be able to remain stable.
Members of the public can then use the cradles to take and submit photos like these ones, from RSPB Forsinard Flows, in Scotland. Dr Scott Davidson is then able to analyse the colour values to monitor change over time.