Plymouth Peatland Research Group
Investigating the link between historic and current land-use change, climate change and disturbance impacts on peatland functioning

Researching the carbon stocks, fluxes or ecohydrological dynamics of wet woodlands in the UK
Using the power of citizen science to monitor the health of wetland environments
Building understanding of risk awareness and the impacts of wildfire on communities in the Peak District National Park
Developing interdisciplinary insights into the ecological consequences of 19th century moorland ‘improvement’
Investigating the ability of rewetted mire systems to sequester carbon from atmospheric CO2
Creating imagery to visualise carbon dioxide storage in peatlands on Dartmoor, a Creative Associates project
Strack, M., Davidson, S.J., Hirano, T. and Dunn, C. (2022) The potential of peatlands as nature-based climate solutions, Current Climate Change Reports, DOI
Davidson SJ, Daze E, Byun E, Hiler D, Kangur M, Talbot J, Finkelstein S & Strack M (2022) 'The unrecognized importance of carbon stocks and fluxes from Swamps in Canada and the USA' Environmental Research Letters, DOI Open access
Nelson PR, Maguire AJ, Pierrat Z, Orcutt EL, Yang D, Serbin S, Frost GV, Macander MJ, Magney TS & Thompson DR (2022) 'Remote Sensing of Tundra Ecosystems using High Spectral Resolution Reflectance: Opportunities and Challenges' Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, DOI Open access
Schmidt M, Davidson SJ & Strack M (2022) 'CO2 uptake decreased and CH4 emissions increased in first two years of peatland seismic line restoration' Wetlands Ecology and Management 30, (2) 313-329, DOI
Davidson SJ, Goud EM, Malhotra A, Estey CO, Korsah P & Strack M (2021) 'Linear Disturbances Shift Boreal Peatland Plant Communities Toward Earlier Peak Greenness' Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126, (8) , DOI
Davidson SJ, Smith M, Prystupa E, Murray K, Nwaishi FC, Petrone RM & Strack M (2021) 'High sulfate concentrations maintain low methane emissions at a constructed fen over the first seven years of ecosystem development' Science of The Total Environment 789, 148014-148014 , DOI
Drever CR, Cook-Patton SC, Akhter F, Badiou PH, Chmura GL, Davidson SJ, Desjardins RL, Dyk A, Fargione JE & Fellows M (2021) 'Natural climate solutions for Canada' Science Advances 7, (23) , DOI
Elmes MC, Davidson SJ & Price JS (2021) 'Ecohydrological interactions in a boreal fen–swamp complex, Alberta, Canada' Ecohydrology 14, (7) , DOI Open access
Engering A, Davidson SJ, Xu B, Bird M, Rochefort L & Strack M (2021) 'Restoration of a boreal peatland impacted by an <scp>in‐situ</scp> oil sands w <scp>ell‐pad</scp> 2: Greenhouse gas exchange dynamics' Restoration Ecology 30, (3) , DOI
Harris LI, Richardson K, Bona KA, Davidson SJ, Finkelstein SA, Garneau M, McLaughlin J, Nwaishi F, Olefeldt D & Packalen M (2021) 'The essential carbon service provided by northern peatlands' Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment , DOI
Irvine S, Davidson SJ, Price JS & Strack M (2021) 'Dissolved organic carbon production and transport within a constructed fen watershed in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada' Journal of Hydrology 599, 126493-126493 , DOI
Lane M, Hanley M, Lunt P, Braungardt C, Knight M & Ellis J (2021) 'Addition of composted green waste and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi fails to facilitate establishment of Atlantic heathland species' Restoration Ecology , DOI Open access
Lunt P, Leigh J, McNeil S & Gibb M (2021) 'Using Dartmoor ponies in conservation grazing to reduce Molinia caerulea dominance and encourage germination of Calluna vulgaris in heathland vegetation on Dartmoor, UK' Conservation Evidence Journal 18, 25-30 , DOI Open access
Woodbridge J, Fyfe R, Smith D, Pelling R, de Vareilles A, Batchelor R, Bevan A & Davies A (2021) 'What drives biodiversity patterns? Using long-term multi-disciplinary data to discern centennial-scale change' Journal of Ecology 109, (3) 1396-1410 , DOI Open access
Davidson SJ, Goud EM, Franklin C, Nielsen SE & Strack M (2020) 'Seismic Line Disturbance Alters Soil Physical and Chemical Properties Across Boreal Forest and Peatland Soils' Frontiers in Earth Science 8, , DOI
Arndt KA, Santos MJ, Ustin S, Davidson SJ, Stow D, Oechel WC, Tran TTP, Graybill B & Zona D (2019) 'Arctic greening associated with lengthening growing seasons in Northern Alaska' Environmental Research Letters 14, (12) 125018-125018 , DOI
Davidson SJ, Elmes MC, Rogers H, Beest C, Petrone R, Price JS & Strack M (2019) 'Hydrogeologic setting overrides any influence of wildfire on pore water dissolved organic carbon concentration and quality at a boreal fen' Ecohydrology 12, (7) , DOI
Davidson SJ, Strack M, Bourbonniere RA & Waddington JM (2019) 'Controls on soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from a peat swamp vary by hydrogeomorphic setting' Ecohydrology 12, (8) , DOI
Davidson SJ, Van Beest C, Petrone R & Strack M (2019) 'Wildfire overrides hydrological controls on boreal peatland methane emissions' Biogeosciences 16, (13) 2651-2660 , DOI
Hill TCB, Hill GE, Brunning R, Banerjea RY, Fyfe RM, Hogg AG, Jones J, Perez M & Smith DN (2019) 'Glastonbury Lake Village revisited: a multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental investigation of an Iron Age wetland settlement' Journal of Wetland Archaeology , DOI Open access
Lunt PH, Fyfe RM & Tappin AD (2019) 'Role of recent climate change on carbon sequestration in peatland systems' Science of the Total Environment 667, 348-358 Author Site , DOI Open access
Gatis N, Luscombe D, Carless D, Parry L, Fyfe RM, Harrod T, Brazier RE & Anderson K (2018) 'Mapping upland peat depth using airborne radiometric and lidar survey data' Geoderma 335, 78-87 , DOI Open access
Woodbridge-Fisher J, Roberts CN & Fyfe RM (2018) 'Pan-Mediterranean Holocene vegetation and land-cover dynamics from synthesised pollen data' Journal of Biogeography 45, (9) , DOI Open access
Davidson S, Santos M, Sloan V, Reuss-Schmidt K, Phoenix G, Oechel W & Zona D (2017) 'Upscaling CH4 Fluxes Using High-Resolution Imagery in Arctic Tundra Ecosystems' Remote Sensing 9, (12) 1227-1227 , DOI
Fyfe RM, Ombashi H, Davies HJ & Head K (2017) 'Quantified moorland vegetation and assessment of the role of burning over the past five millennia' Journal of Vegetation Science 29, 393-403 , DOI Open access
Davidson S, Santos M, Sloan V, Watts J, Phoenix G, Oechel W & Zona D (2016) 'Mapping Arctic Tundra Vegetation Communities Using Field Spectroscopy and Multispectral Satellite Data in North Alaska, USA' Remote Sensing 8, (12) 978-978 , DOI
Davidson SJ, Sloan VL, Phoenix GK, Wagner R, Fisher JP, Oechel WC & Zona D (2016) 'Vegetation Type Dominates the Spatial Variability in CH4 Emissions Across Multiple Arctic Tundra Landscapes' Ecosystems 19, (6) 1116-1132 , DOI
Fyfe RM, Blackford JJ, Hardimann M, Hazell Z, MacLeod A, Perez M & Littlewood S (2016) 'The environment of the Whitehorse Hill cist' in Jones AM Preserved in the Peat An Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and Its Wider Context Oxford Oxbow Books 158-181
Gearey B & Fyfe RM (2016) 'Peatlands as knowledge archives' in Bonn A; Allott T; Evans M; Joosten H; Stoneman R Peatland Restoration and Ecosystem Services Science, Policy and Practice Cambridge University Press 95-113
Loader NJ, Street-Perrott FA, Mauquoy D, Roland TP, van Bellen S, Daley TJ, Davies D, Hughes PDM, Pancotto VO & Young GHF (2016) 'Measurements of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope variability in Sphagnum moss along a micro-topographical gradient in a southern Patagonian peatland' JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE 31, (4) 426-435 Author Site , DOI Open access
van Bellen S, Mauquoy D, Payne RJ, Roland TP, Hughes PDM, Daley TJ, Loader NJ, Street-Perrott FA, Rice EM & Pancotto VA (2016) 'An alternative approach to transfer functions? Testing the performance of a functional trait-based model for testate amoebae' Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 468, 173-183 , DOI Open access
Walker DA, Breen AL, Druckenmiller LA, Wirth LW, Fisher W, Raynolds MK, Šibík J, Walker MD, Hennekens S & Boggs K (2016) 'The Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK)' Phytocoenologia 46, (2) 221-229 , DOI
Charman DJ, Amesbury MJ, Hinchliffe W, Hughes PDM, Mallon G, Blake WH, Daley TJ, Gallego-Sala AV & Mauquoy D (2015) 'Drivers of Holocene peatland carbon accumulation across a climate gradient in northeastern North America' Quaternary Science Reviews 121, 110-119 , DOI
Davies H, Fyfe R & Charman D (2015) 'Does peatland drainage damage the palaeoecological record?' Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 221, 92-105 , DOI
Loader NJ, Street-Perrott FA, Daley TJ, Hughes PDM, Kimak A, Levanic T, Mallon G, Mauquoy D, Robertson I & Roland TP (2015) 'Simultaneous determination of stable carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopes in cellulose' Anal Chem 87, (1) 376-380 Author Site , DOI
van Bellen S, Mauquoy D, Hughes PDM, Roland TP, Daley TJ, Loader NJ, Street-Perrott FA, Rice EM, Pancotto VA & Payne RJ (2015) 'Late-Holocene climate dynamics recorded in the peat bogs of Tierra del Fuego, South America' The Holocene 26, (3) 489-501 , DOI Open access
Chambers FM, Brain SA, Mauquoy D, McCarroll J & Daley T (2014) 'The 'Little Ice Age' in the Southern Hemisphere in the context of the last 3000 years: Peat-based proxy-climate data from Tierra del Fuego' HOLOCENE 24, (12) 1649-1656 Author Site , DOI
Fyfe RM, Coombe R, Davies H & Parry L (2014) 'The importance of sub-peat carbon storage as shown by data from Dartmoor, UK' SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT 30, (1) 23-31 Author Site , DOI Open access
Gearey BR, Fletcher W & Fyfe R (2014) 'Managing, Valuing, and Protecting Heritage Resources in the Twenty-First Century: Peatland Archaeology, the Ecosystem Services Framework, and the Kyoto Protocol' Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 16, (3) 236-244 , DOI
Van Bellen S, Mauquoy D, Payne RJ, Roland TP, Daley TJ, Hughes PDM, Loader NJ, Street-Perrott FA, Rice EM & Pancotto VA (2014) 'Testate amoebae as a proxy for reconstructing Holocene water table dynamics in southern Patagonian peat bogs' JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE 29, (5) 463-474 Author Site , DOI
Woodbridge J, Davies HJ, Blake WH & Fyfe RM (2014) 'Recent environmental change in an upland reservoir catchment: a palaeoecological perspective' JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY 52, (3) 229-244 Author Site , DOI
Daley TJ & Barber KE (2012) 'Multi-proxy Holocene palaeoclimate records from Walton Moss, northern England and Dosenmoor, northern Germany, assessed using three statistical approaches' QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 268, 111-127 Author Site , DOI
Daley TJ, Mauquoy D, Chambers FM, Street-Perrott FA, Hughes PDM, Loader NJ, Roland TP, van Bellen S, Garcia-Meneses P & Lewin S (2012) 'Investigating late Holocene variations in hydroclimate and the stable isotope composition of precipitation using southern South American peatlands: an hypothesis' Climate of the Past 8, (5) 1457-1471 , DOI
Fyfe RM & Woodbridge J (2012) 'Differences in time and space in vegetation patterning: analysis of pollen data from Dartmoor, UK' Landscape Ecology 27, (5) 745-760 Author Site , DOI
Hughes PDM, Mallon G, Essex HJ, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Blundell A, Chambers FM, Daley TJ & Mauquoy D (2012) 'The use of k-values to examine plant 'species signals' in a peat humification record from Newfoundland' QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 268, 156-165 Author Site , DOI
Woodbridge J, Fyfe RM, Law B & Haworth Johns A (2012) 'A spatial approach to upland vegetation change and human impact: the Aber Valley, Snowdonia' Environmental Archaeology: the journal of human palaeoecology 17, 80-94 , DOI