The University of Plymouth has a reputation for exceptional clinical learning, strong social engagement and world-class research. It is one of the largest providers of graduates for the health and social care sector, with an annual research income of over £4.5 million.
From basic research discovering the causes of disease to evaluating novel ways of delivering care to the most vulnerable people in society, the University’s Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR) is a thriving community that conducts adventurous world-leading research with the explicit purpose of improving the health and care of the populations we serve.
PIHR incorporates the Centre for Health Technology, which brings together digital health and technology expertise from across the University. This drives the development, evaluation and implementation of innovative technologies, products, services and approaches to transform health and social care.
Current collaborations are looking at:
- Health technology methodology, including health measurement
- ‘Blue health’, including the antimicrobial properties of deep-sea sponges, how deep-sea diving affects divers’ brain function, and the health benefits of living by the sea
- Understanding health inequalities and outcomes endemic in coastal communities
- Developing digital health technologies through eHealth Productivity and Innovation (EPIC)
- Hydroponic growing systems for medicinal plants through Plant Factory Cornwall.