AHRC Impact Acceleration Account
Fostering innovative collaborations to deliver meaningful, sustainable solutions to global challenges

"All human history is in our scope, but so are the challenges of the present and the possibilities for the future… Our ambition is to sustain a rich, diverse and creative research ecosystem, which will engage with other constituents of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and stakeholders across the UK and the world. AHRC is committed to UKRI’s holistic vision of science, in which arts and humanities research is enriched and emboldened by engagement with technology, medicine and our environment, and informs and enriches those disciplines in turn. We will place our values, creativity and imagination at the heart of the reinvention of public life, successful economies, constructive civil discourse and a rich cultural infrastructure."
We aim to embody this AHRC vision of innovative partnership, experimentation, interdisciplinary working, and creativity within the activities and projects we fund through the Impact Acceleration Account.
Dr Louise Rutt
Senior Impact and Knowledge Exchange Manager
The Impact Award has allowed me to make connections with various collaborators that will carry on for years and allow me to develop other projects off this initial IAA funded project. It has also allowed me to experiment and try things, which has made a really big difference to my practice. And that is what is really good about the IAA, it allows room for experimentation and, from that, new opportunities can come along. So, the IAA allows you to see if the project has a longer future, which this project does. For me, it has been really positive.
Dr Heidi Morstang
Associate Professor in Photography
This was the first project that I worked on which was solely impact driven, and that was quite novel. Working in this way has given me a better understanding of the importance of impact and its significance in dislocating the outdated idea of a schism between academia and the wider community. We need to work more collaboratively with communities; I think this is certainly one trajectory that my research will now take.
Dr Nikolina Bobic
Lecturer in Architecture (History & Theory)
Through five place-based research themes, we investigate the intricate relationships between communities, the natural world, and technology.
Locally, we co-create sustainable solutions to complex problems in order to build resilient and thriving neighbourhoods, cities, and regions. This work transcends geographical, social and political boundaries to become applicable on a global level.