Aerial view of Plymouth
Project title: Scaling up climate education in schools
Funding body: AHRC Impact Acceleration Account – Fellowship
Project duration: May 2024 – March 2025
University of Plymouth PI: Professor Alison Anderson
Project partners: The Box – Adam Murray
In partnership with The Box, this project evaluates how recommendations from a prior collaboration with the British Science Association are being applied locally.
It focuses on a new initiative designed by The Box to engage young people with climate change by exploring its impact on Plymouth Sound and showcasing the efforts of inspiring 'Marine Citizens' who help to care for and protect the Marine National Park. The research aims to assess the depth of this rollout and provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of place-based, arts-driven educational approaches to climate awareness.

Project background

Secondary-level climate education is often confined to subject silos like science and geography GCSEs, excluding many students and lacking a holistic approach. While most students and teachers support integrating climate change and sustainability across the curriculum, teaching remains constrained by exam specifications and disconnected from social, economic, and political contexts. Lessons emphasise impacts but rarely address solutions, leaving young people feeling disempowered. A key recommendation is investing in experiential, arts-based learning to explore local issues and solutions, fostering transformative climate education.
Secondary school lesson
Creative Associates 2021 - Visualising Climate: Young People’s Responses to the Climate Emergency.
This research builds on the Visualising Climate study and an IAA project in collaboration with the British Science Association. It included a national survey of 1,000 young people aged 14–18 and two in-depth workshops with 41 participants, examining their attitudes towards climate education.
These findings informed the report 'Climate Change in Secondary Schools: Young People's Views of Climate Change and Sustainability Education', launched on 27 June, 2023, at the House of Lords, hosted by Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle.

Driving impact for schools and policymakers

By engaging local schools in workshops and interviews, we aim to build an evidence base to support climate education reform.

Outputs will include a comprehensive report for policymakers and a peer-reviewed article, extending the influence of this approach nationally through established networks in education and the arts.
This project not only enhances local youth engagement but also contributes to a broader movement towards inclusive, solution-focused climate education.

Alison AndersonProfessor Alison Anderson
School of Society and Culture

Part of The Box’s mission looks to use the collections to explore the pressing issues of our age.

Partnering with the University of Plymouth has meant that we been able to work with leading experts to bring climate education into our learning programme at a pivotal moment for schools. Through the development and delivery of the climate action workshop and resources we have been able to provide professional development to teachers, develop partnerships with climate activists such as Surfers Against Sewage, and deliver climate action education to underfunded schools.
Adam Murray
Learning Officer, The Box

Exploring climate change locally

Using insights from a previous IAA-funded British Science Association report, The Box created an innovative resource pack to educate young audiences about how climate change affects us locally. As the pack requires deeper evaluation beyond basic metrics like school participation, this study involves interviewing students and teachers to assess its effectiveness across various student socio-economic and age groups.

Climate action: Plymouth’s Marine Citizens

This workshop allows students to explore how climate change is affecting Plymouth's National Marine Park. They will learn about the human impact on marine habitats and species and how Plymouth's 'Marine Citizens' – scientists, engineers, activists, and others – are addressing these challenges. Students will use 21st-century skills to understand climate change and become advocates for action.
Plymouth’s Marine Citizens workshop Dom Moore/The Box
Plymouth’s Marine Citizens workshop Dom Moore/The Box
Plymouth’s Marine Citizens workshop Dom Moore/The Box
The Box

Project partner: The Box

The Box is a major award-winning museum, art gallery and archive in Plymouth which includes a formal learning programme for schools (early years foundation stage to university stage) and communities.
One of their strategic aims for 2024–2026 is to support teachers, students and wider communities to learn about the importance of protecting the National Marine Park through interactive workshops and citizen science activities.

Environment and sustainability

At Plymouth, the environment and sustainability research theme uses the lens of place to offer a transdisciplinary perspective on environment and sustainability. Drawing from fields such as politics, geography, sociology, psychology, literature, education, and the arts, we focus on the human experience and values.
Working with local communities, organisations, authorities and schools, we uncover cultural and social influences on environmental attitudes and explore ethical considerations to foster communication and advocacy and guide efforts toward a more sustainable future.
Environmentalist demonstrators with placards