Publich health research


Title: A novel way to understand and communicate the burden of Antipsychotic Prescribing for Adults across Specialist Intellectual Disability Services in England and Wales.
Chief Investigator: Professor Rohit Shankar , Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth


Title: Β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation to optimise outcomes in advanced liver cirrhosis: a multicentre double blind placebo controlled
randomised trial.
Chief Investigator: Dr Ashwin Dhanda , Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth


Title: Personalised social and self-management support for better living with multiple long-term conditions in the community.
Chief Investigator: Dr Dorit Kunkel, University of Southampton


Title: A feasibility randomised controlled trial, of administering daytime only enteral feeding compared to standard continuous enteral feeding, to reduce delirium in mechanically ventilated, critically ill adults.
Chief Investigator: Dr Jessie Welbourne , University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust


Title: Realist informed mixed methods evaluation of the Dementia-Personalised Aligned Care Team intervention (D-PACT): a complex intervention for individuals with dementia and carers.
Chief Investigator: Professor Richard Byng , Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth

Empowered Together: Coordinated Social Care in Prison

Title: A feasibility and definitive randomised controlled trial, with embedded realised informed process evaluation.
Chief Investigator: Dr Katrina Forsyth, University of Manchester


Title: Randomised, Phase II open label study of Rituximab/Ibritinib vs Rituximab/Chemo in older patients with mantle cell lymphoma.
Chief Investigator: Dr David Lewis, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust


Title: Evaluating the efficacy of Remdesivir for the improvement of lung function, perfusion, and symptom profile in long-covid patients.
Chief Investigator: Dr Mark Faghy, University of Derby


Title: Does in-bed Cycling delivered within 48 hours of mechanical ventilation, rEduce the occurrence of Delirium in critically ill patients: A mixed-methods Feasibility Randomised controlled trial protocol.
Chief Investigator: Jacqueline Bennion

MCL Biobank

Title: Establishing a biobank and database as a national resource for characterising indolent and aggressive forms of mantle cell lymphoma.
Chief Investigator: Dr David Lewis, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
CRUK / Janssen Pharmaceuticals

Oasis II

Title: A randomized phase II trial evaluating Ibrutinib plus CD20 Ab and Ibrutinib-Venetoclax plus CD20 Ab in patients with untreated mantle cell lymphoma.
Chief Investigator: Professor Steven Le Gouill, Institut Curie – Paris
Associate Coordinating Investigator: Dr David Lewis, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust


Title: RAtionalising Psychotropic medications for adults with Intellectual Disabilities: sCOPing
Chief Investigator: Professor Shoumitro Deb, Imperial College London


Title: Older people with intellectual disabilities and epilepsy – recognising and correcting anticholinergic inducing polypharmacy
Chief Investigator: Professor Rohit Shankar , Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth


Title: nutRition intervEntions For malnouRished oldEr adultS in care Homes: a parallel, superiority, three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial.
Joint Chief Investigator: Professor Mary Hickson , Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth
Joint Chief Investigator: Professor Jane Murphy, Bournemouth University


Title: Reducing SteatOsis Prior to Liver Resection – A feasibility multi-centre randomised controlled trial to test if a pre-operative two-week very low-calorie diet with dietitian education and support reduces intra-operative blood loss and improves post-operative outcomes following liver surgery, compared with a control group
Chief Investigator: Mr Somaiah Aroori , Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth


Title: The Efficacy of Peroneal Nerve Functional Electrical STimulation (FES) for the Reduction of Bradykinesia in Parkinson’s DiSease: An Assessor Blinded Randomised Controlled Trial
Chief Investigator: Professor Paul Taylor, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust


Title: The South West Impact of Multiple Sclerosis (SWIMS) project – a patient-orientated longitudinal study of the impact of multiple sclerosis in South West England.
Chief Investigator: Professor Jeremy Hobart , Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth