Stethoscope and medical statistics. 
Welcome to the Medical Statistics Group at Peninsula Medical School, University of Plymouth. The Medical Statistics Group aims to improve the methodological quality of research projects through the provision of expert statistical input through collaboration with all areas of the Faculty of Health , the Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR) , and with the wider medical and health-related research community.
The Medical Statistics Group aims to:
  • collaborate with colleagues to develop and deliver high-quality research that is recognised both nationally and internationally.
  • develop and maintain a strong portfolio of research relevant to medical and health-related research.
  • develop and deliver excellent quality research-informed teaching relevant to today's students, at undergraduate, postgraduate and professional development levels.
  • contribute to the aims of the PIHR, Faculty of Health and the University, and engage with the wider external community in a manner that will benefit the group.
As part of the support offer by our Statistical Consultancy Service , our research projects are in collaboration with clinicians and health researchers across the South West Peninsula and further afield. We work closely with the NIHR Research Support Service, the Clinical Research Network and other partners from across the South West Peninsula and beyond. We have responsibility for the statistical design, programming and analyses of clinical trials and other well-designed studies, in collaboration with the UKCRC registered Peninsula Clinical Trials Unit (PenCTU) .
We are an enthusiastic and growing group of medical statisticians, with a broad range of knowledge, skills and experience. Working closely with investigators we are able to provide support at all stages of a research project and tailor advice and support to suit the requirements of every project.
We are proud to have run the Down’s syndrome screening Quality Assurance Support Service (DQASS) since its inception in 2006 and provide statistical leadership for the internationally-renowned EarlyBird study . We also host the ALLSTAT service; a UK-based worldwide email broadcast system for the statistical community. We develop and deliver teaching to undergraduate and postgraduate students within the Faculty of Health .
We are particularly keen to encourage and nurture talented and enthusiastic junior statisticians. We do this by offering paid summer internships, training grade posts for recent graduates, including the opportunity to study part-time for an MSc in statistics and PhD opportunities.
Our Statistics Clinics provide staff and students an opportunity to meet with a statistician for a consultation. Please complete the request form if you wish to book a consultation.

Contact us

Telephone: +44 1752 764437
Medical Statistics
Faculty of Health
Room N16
ITTC Building 1
Plymouth Science Park
Devon PL6 8BX

View the map of the Plymouth Science Park.
