The Lovelace HPC centre has been designed to support the diverse needs of researchers from across the University and and in industry. The Lovelace HPC is being applied to numerical simulations in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE), particle physics, earthquake simulations, predictive phenomics of developing organisms and an incredible large-scale data analysis in fields such as health sciences, bioinformatics, and operational research.
The centre supports Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications with two nodes accelerated by state-of-the-art GPUs and is equipped with a cutting-edge interconnect (network), enabling the parallelization of large, communication-intensive problems.
Furthermore, the system is complemented by Lenovo’s LiCO software, which provides a graphical interface to simplify the use of clustered computing resources for AI development and has been designed to improve accessibility by students and staff. The centre also has an expansive, cutting-edge, large object storage solution with a capacity of 2PB.
The Lovelace HPC centre has strong links with
Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub
Big Data group
Brain Research & Imaging Centre (BRIC)
, the
EmbryoPhenomics Research Group
and others.