MaCRA®, Maritime Cyber Risk Assessment framework, is a unique solution for maritime cyber risk assessment. It dynamically responds to changes made within ships’ systems and to threats associated with voyage-specific route and cargo contexts to provide real-time, operation-specific cyber risk assessment. MaCRA is a unique and valuable toolkit which also addresses the International Maritime Organization’s 2021 guidance requiring ship operators to systematically address cyber security.
In 2021, MaCRA was awarded the Lloyd's Science of Risk Prize and won the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) ‘Cyber Den’ competition. The project has also secured funding to drive the technical development of commercial tooling from MarRI-UK. These developments build on initial support from the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s CyberASAP academic cyber-security start-up accelerator programme.
The beta version of MaCRA’s software tooling will be released early in 2022.
We are keen to collaborate with additional shipping operators, insurers and specialist consultancies to share early insight into the development, and we are open to conversations with investors interested in working with us on the commercialisation of this opportunity.