Blampied, S. R., Sheehan, E. V., Binney, F. C., Attrill, M. J. & Rees, S. E. (2022). Value of coastal habitats to commercial fisheries in Jersey, English Channel, and the role of marine protected areas. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 00, 1– 11.
Liconti, A., Pittman, S. J., Rees, S. E., & Mieszkowska, N. (2022). Identifying conservation priorities for gorgonian forests in Italian coastal waters with multiple methods including citizen science and social media content analysis. Diversity and Distributions, 00, 1– 15.
Williams, C., S. Rees, E. V. Sheehan, M. Ashley and W. Davies (2022). "Rewilding the Sea? A Rapid, Low Cost Model for Valuing the Ecosystem Service Benefits of Kelp Forest Recovery Based on Existing Valuations and Benefit Transfers." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
Rees, S., Ashley, M., Cameron, A., Mullier, T., Ingle, C., Oates, J., Lannin, A., Hooper, T. and Attrill, M.J. (2022), A Marine Natural Capital Asset and Risk Register – Towards securing the benefits from marine systems and linked ecosystem services. J Appl Ecol. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.14121
Niner, H.J., Barut, N.C., Baum, T., Diz, D., Laínez del Pozo, D., Laing, S., Lancaster, A.M.S.N., McQuaid, K.A., Mendo, T., Morgera, E., Maharaj, P.N., Okafor-Yarwood, I., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Warikandwa, T.V. & Rees, S. (2022). Issues of context, capacity and scale: Essential conditions and missing links for a sustainable blue economy. Environmental Science & Policy, 130, 25-35. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2022.01.001
Kleitou, P., Moutopoulos, D.K., Giovos, I., Kletou, D., Savva, I., Cai, L.L., Hall-Spencer, J.M., Charitou, A., Elia, M., Katselis, G., Rees, S. (2022). Interactions of non-indigenous species in commercial and recreational fisheries: A case study from the Mediterranean Sea. Fisheries Management and Ecology.
Giovos, I., Katsada, D., Spyridopoulou, R. N. A., Poursanidis, D., Doxa, A., Katsanevakis, S., Kleitou, P., ... & Hood, A. R. (2022). Strengthening Angel Shark Conservation in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(2), 269. doi:10.3390/jmse10020269
Kleitou P., Hall-Spencer J.M., Rees S.E., Kletou, D. (2022) Guide to lionfish management in the Mediterranean. University of Plymouth, 62 pp.
Ashley, M., Rees, S., Mullier, T., 2021 Natural Capital Asset and Risk Register to Inform Marine Site Management Plans and Implementation of Plymouth National Marine Park. Part One: Introduction to Natural Capital Assets and Ecosystem Service Benefits within Plymouth Sound, Estuaries and Coastal Area. Report compiled by staff at the University of Plymouth.
Ashley, M., Rees, S., Mullier, T., 2021 Natural Capital Asset and Risk Register to Inform Marine Site Management Plans and Implementation of Plymouth National Marine Park. Part Two: Baseline Asset and Risk Register. A report by research staff at the University of Plymouth.
Ashley, M., Rees, S., Mullier, T., 2021 Natural Capital Asset and Risk Register to Inform Marine Site Management Plans and Implementation of Plymouth National Marine Park. Part Three: Implications of Tamar Estuary Management Plan Actions on the State of Natural Capital Assets and Flow of Ecosystem Services.