Conference presentations
Marine Physics Research Group

Hosegood, P. J., K. Adams, J. R. T. Taylor, J. B. Sallee, M. Stamper, S. Bachmann, 2016. Submesoscale dynamics at the Subantarctic Front in the Scotia Sea: Implications for vertical exchange and water mass transformation. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, USA, February 2016.
Torres, R. J., J. B. Sallee, J. Schwarz, P. J. Hosegood, Adams, K., Taylor, J. R. T., Stamper M., S. Bachmann, 2016. Birth, life and death of an Anticyclonic eddy in the Southern Ocean. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, USA, February 2016.
Adams, K., Hosegood, P. J., J. R. T. Taylor, J. B. Sallee, M. Stamper, S. Bachmann, 2016. Submesoscale In-Situ Observations Across the ACC during the Formation of a Mesoscale Eddy during SMILES. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, USA, February 2016.
Taylor, J. R. T., Hosegood, P. J., K. Adams, J. B. Sallee, M. Stamper, S. Bachmann, 2016. Submesoscale Wrinkles in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, USA, February 2016.
Stamper M., Taylor, J. R. T., Hosegood, P. J., K. Adams, J. B. Sallee, M. Stamper, S. Bachmann, 2016. Numerical Simulations of the Competition Between Restratification and Mixing Induced by Submesoscale Instabilities. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, USA, February 2016.
Hosegood, P. J., D. Fernando, K. Adams, A. Brierly, R. Proud, 2015. Movements patterns and ecology of Manta Alfredi within the Chagos MPA in the BIOT: a multidisciplinary approach. The Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Conference, Plymouth, UK, July 2015.
Manning, A.J., and Mehta, A.J., 2015. Vertical structure of organic-rich fine sediment relevant to resuspension: Lake Apopka, Florida. Proceedings of European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna Conference Centre, Vienna, Austria, April-May 2014.
Ye, L., Parsons, D.R., Schindler, R.J., Manning, A.J., Hope, J.A., Baas, J.H., Peakall, J., Aspden, R.J., Malarkey, J., Simmons, S., Paterson, D.M., Lichtman, I.D., Davies, A.G., Thorne, P.D., Bass, S.J., 2015. The Dynamics of Suspended Sediment over Bedforms in Mixed Sand-Clay-EPS. Proceedings of European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna Conference Centre, Vienna, Austria, May 2014.
Cox, S. L., Embling, C. B., Hosegood, P. J., Ingram, S. N., Votier, S. C., 2014. Interactions between oceanography and seabirds at a frontal system off the North Cornwall coast. International Seabird Group Conference, Oxford, UK, 21st - 23rd March, 2014.
Cross, J., Dale, A. and Hosegood, P; 2014. Interaction of the Northeast Atlantic slope current with a submarine canyon: results of a Lagrangian dye-tracing experiment. Challenger Society for Marine Science 2014, Plymouth University, September 2014.
Dale, A., Cross, J., Hosegood, P., 2014. Recruitment to the Ekman drain from the shelf edge to the west of Scotland. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2014
Hope, J.A., Manning, A.J., Aspden, R.J., Baas, J and Paterson, D.M., 2014. The roles of physical mixing and biochemical composition on the depositional characteristics of flocculated suspended sediment in the Eden estuary, Scotland. Proceedings of American Geophysical Union (AGU) San Francisco, California, USA, December 2014.
Hosegood, P. J., van Haren, H., 2014. High resolution measurements of turbulent convection generated by internal waves radiating from the base of a slope current. AGU Ocean Sciences, Honolulu, USA, February 2014.
Howell, K.L., Ross, R.E., Kirby, I., Nimmo Smith, W.A.M., Read, J. 2014. Larval dispersal potential decreases with depth - implications for open ocean connectivity. AGU Ocean Sciences, Honolulu, USA, February 2014.
Manning, A.J. and Schoellhamer D.H., 2014. Factors controlling floc settling velocity within San Francisco Bay, USA and comparisons with parameterisation approaches. Proceedings of European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna Conference Centre, Vienna, Austria, April-May 2014.
Manning, A.J., Schoellhamer D.H., 2014. Floc Depositional Characteristics within the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, northern California, USA. Proceedings of Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, California, USA, October 2014.
Manning, A.J., Schoellhamer D.H., 2014. Floc Depositional Characteristics within the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, northern California, USA. Proceedings of British Sedimentological Research Group (BSRG) AGM, Nottingham Conference Centre (Hosted by BGS), Nottingham, UK, December 2014.
Manning, A.J., Wendling, V., Gratiot, N., Legout, C., Michallet, H., 2014. Flocculation characteristics of freshly eroded aggregates. Proceedings of European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna Conference Centre, Vienna, Austria, April-May 2014.
Ross, R.E., Nimmo Smith, W.A.M., Howell, K.L. 2014. Increasing the depth of current understanding: Sensitivity testing of larval dispersal models for biologists. Challenger Society Meeting, Plymouth, UK. September 2014.
Schwarz, J.N., C.S. Law, 2014. A Time Series of Coccolithophores in New Zealand Waters. Presented at the 7th New Zealand Ocean Acidification Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand, 11-12 February, 2014.
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., Inall, M. E. and Aleynik, D., 2014. Horizontal dispersion in shelf seas: high resolution modelling as an aid to sparse sampling. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu 24-27 February 2014.Stashchuk, N., V. Vlasenko, M. E. Inall, and M.Palmer (2014). Nonlinear baroclinic tides over an isolated underwater bank "Nonlinear effects in internal waves", Ithaca (USA) 9-12, June 2014.
Taylor, J., Manning, A.J., and Crossouard, N., 2014. Developments in the SediView Technique for the processing of ADCP backscatter data to extract suspended sediment concentration profiles in flocculated sediments. Proceedings of European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna Conference Centre, Vienna, Austria, April-May 2014.
Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., Inall, M. E., and Hoppkins, J., 2014. Three dimensional dynamics of baroclinic tides in the Celtic Sea on the results of in-situ observations and numerical modeling. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu 24-27 February 2014.Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., M. E. Inall, and J.Hoppkins (2014). Nonlinear dynamics of baroclinic tides in the Celtic Sea. International conference "Nonlinear effects in internal waves", Ithaca (USA) 9-12, June 2014.
Chen, F., Shapiro, G., Thain, R., 2013. Effect of Environmental uncertainty on Low Frequency Sonar Propagation in a Shallow Sea, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2013.
Chen, F., Shapiro, G., Thain, R., 2013. Sensitivity of ocean models to different meteorological forcing, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2013.
Grimshaw, R.H., Helfrich, K., Guo, C., Vlasenko, V., 2013. The combined effect of rotation and variable depth on internal solitary waves. 3rd DNVA-RSE Norway-Scotland Waves Symposium, Oslo, 16-17 September (Proceedings, PP.71-72).
Hosegood, P. J. , Torres, R. J., 2013. Nutrient pumping by submesoscale instabilities in the Mauritanian upwelling system. 45th International Liege Colloquium, Liege, Belgium, May 2013.
Manning, A.J., Spearman, J.R., Whitehouse, R.J.S., Pidduck, E.L., Baugh, J.V., Spencer, K.L., 2013. Laboratory Assessments of the Flocculation Dynamics of Mixed Mud:Sand Suspensions. In: A.J. Manning (Ed.), Sediment Transport Processes and their Modelling Applications, Publisher: InTech (Rijeka, Croatia), pp. 119-164, ISBN: 978-953-51-1039-2, DOI: org/10.5772/3401.
Schindler, R.J., D. Parsons, L. Ye, J. Baas, A. Manning, J. Malarkey, J. Hope, D. Paterson, R. Aspen, S. Bass, P. Thorne, D. Lichtman, 2013. The influence of cohesive sediments on dune development. InterCoh, Gainesville,Florida.
Schindler, R.J., Parsons, D.R. & Ye, L, 2013. Role of cohesive sediments in modification of bedforms. International Conference on Fluvial Sediments X, Leeds, UK.
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., Inall, M. E., 2013. Three dimensional dynamics of baroclinic tides in the Celtic Sea on the results of in-situ observations and numerical modelling. 3rd DNVA-RSE Norway-Scotland Waves Symposium, Oslo 16-17 September (Proceedings, PP. 93-94).
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., Inall, M., 2013. Dye-release experiment: In-situ measurements and modelling. Fluxes and Structures in Fluids, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 25-28 June 2013. (Proceedings, p.297-298).
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., Inall, M., 2013. Dye-release experiment: In-situ measurements and modelling. 5th International workshop on modelling the ocean, Bergen, Norway, 17-20 June. 2013.
Thain, R.H., Holmes, J.D., 2013. Maintaining Professional Standards in Digital Hydrography, Hydro 13, Southampton UK, 28-30 October 2013.
Vlasenko, V., Guo, C., Stashchuk, N., 2013. A and B-type internal solitary waves in the northern South China Sea. 3rd DNVA-RSE Norway-Scotland Waves Symposium, Oslo, 16-17 September, (Proceedings, PP. 67-68).
Vlasenko, V, Stashchuk, N., Palmer, M.C., Inall, M., 2013. Fine-resolution modelling of baroclinic tides. Invited talk at the workshop `The Science of deep-water oil spills', Aberdeen (Abstract).
Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., Palmer, M.C., Inall, M., 2013. Baroclinic tides over an isolated underwater bank. Fluxes and Structures in Fluids, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 25-28 June 2013. (Proceedings, p.327-329).
Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., Palmer, M.C., Inall, M., 2013. Modelling of baroclinic tides over an isolated underwater bank. 5th International workshop on modelling the ocean, Bergen, Norway, 17-20 June. 2013.
Cross, J., Nimmo-Smith, W.A.M., Hosegood, P.J., Torres, R. Dispersal of phytoplankton populations in response to enhanced turbulent mixing in shelf seas. Challenger UK, Norwich, 3rd-6th September, 2012.
Cross, J., Nimmo-Smith, W.A.M., Hosegood, P.J., Torres, R. 2012. Investigating the temporal variability of suspended particle populations in a shallow shelf sea. AGU Ocean Sciences, Salt Lake City, USA, 20th-24th February 2012.
Guo, C., Vlasenko, V., Alpers, W., Stashchuck, N., Chen, X., 2012. Short internal waves trailing strong internal solitary waves in the South China Sea studied by a numerical model and Envisat synthetic aperture radar images. JONSMOD-2012, IFREMER, Brest, France, 21-23 May 2012.
Jeans, G., Calverley, M., Jeffery, W., Jackson, C., Vlasenko, V., Osborne, A.R., 2012. Worldwide internal soliton criteria. Oceanology International 2012, London, UK, March 14-15, 2012.
McEwan, R., Lohan, M., Vlasenko, V., Stashchuck, N., 2012. Modelling the dynamics of a large-scale river plume and their effect on nutrient distribution. JONSMOD-2012, IFREMER, Brest, France, 21-23 May 2012.
Ross, R.E., Howell, K.L., 2012. Use of predictive habitat modelling to assess the distribution and extent of the current protection of 'listed' deep-sea habitats. 13th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Wellington NZ, 3-7 December.
Schindler, R.J., Manning, A., Bass, S., 2012. Effects of evolving estuarine floc population on acoustic and optically-derived estimates of SPM concentration over a tidal cycle. Physics of Estuaries & Coastal Seas, New York, U.S.A.
Shapiro, G.I., Chen, F., Thain, R. H., 2012. Sensitivity of ocean model simulation in the coastal ocean to the resolution of the meteorological forcing. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU 2012-2967, EGU General Assembly, Austria, Vienna, April 2012.
Stashchuck, N., Vlasenko, V., 2012. 3D numerical simulations of the baroclinic tides in the Celtic Sea. JONSMOD-2012, IFREMER, Brest, France, 21-23 May 2012.
Steele, E. C. C., Nimmo Smith, W. A.M., Vlasenko, A., Vlasenko, V., Hosegood, P.J., 2012. 3D Turbulence structures in the Bottom Boundary Layer of the Coastal Ocean. Challenger Conference, UEA, UK, September 2012.
Thain, R.H., Jenks, A., McNeill, A., Ventura, D., 2012. Degrees of success: Meeting professional standards through distance e-learning. Hydro 12, Rotterdam, October 2012.
Thain, R.H., Scott, J., 2012. No Internet? No problem. Delivering distance learning to offline users. National HE STEM Conference, Birmingham, UK. 4-6 September 2012.
Cross, J, Nimmo-Smith, W.A.M, Hosegood, P.J, Torres, R., 2011. Quantifying the Energetics of Mixing and Suspended Particle Dynamics in the Western English Channel. Warnemunde Turbulence Days 2011, Isle of Vilm, Germany, 5th-8th September 2011.
Grimshaw, R., Guo, C., Helfrich, C., Vlasenko, V., 2011. Combined effect of rotation and topography on shoaling oceanic internal solitary. General Assembly of the EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.
Guo, C., Chen, X., Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., 2011. Numerical simulation on the transformation of large amplitude second mode internal solitary waves over a slope-shelf topography. General Assembly of the EGU, April 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Jones, A. R., Wynn, R. B., Hosegood, P.J., 2011. Harbour Porpoise Distribution in Relation to Small Scale Topographic and Hydrodynamic Controls. The Biology of Marine Mammals 19th Biennial Conference, Florida, USA, November 2011.
Polton, J., Hobbs, R., Perratt, O., Vlasenko, V., Inall, M., 2011. Seismic imaging, modelling and observations of the Wyville Thomson Ridge dense water overflow. XXVI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Melbourne, Australia, 1-10 July 2011.
Schindler, R.J., Bass, S., Manning, A. 2011. Measuring cohesive flocs using acoustic \amp optical instruments: a case study in a meso-tidal estuary. InterCoh, Shanghai, China.
Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., 2011. Investigation into deep-water circulation in the Faroese Channels. Proceedings of 2nd Marine Institute research centre conference, Plymouth, 5 May 2011.Cross, J., Nimmo-Smith, W.A.M, Hosegood, P.J., , Torres, R., 2010. The behaviour of suspended particles in the presence of turbulence during the onset of stratification at a site in the Western English Channel. Challenger UK, Southampton, 6th-9th September, 2010.
Cross, J., Nimmo-Smith, W.A.M., Hosegood, P.J., Torres, R. 2010. Measuring the response of biological particles to turbulent events using holographic imaging. Particles in Europe, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 14th-18th November 2010.
Cross, J., Nimmo-Smith, W.A.M., Hosegood, P.J., Torres, R. 2010. Investigating suspended particle dynamics during turbulent events using digital holography. Spirit of Discovery Marine Institute Conference, Plymouth, 21st December 2010.
Hosegood, P. J., Gregg, M.C., Alford, M.H., 2010. Density compensated interleaving at the subtropical front, Eurôpole Mer, Aber Wrac'h, France, May 2010.
Hosegood, P. J., Gregg, M.C., Alford, M.H., 2010. Submesoscale subduction at the east Pacific subtropical front: The role of stirring in the absence of lateral buoyancy gradients, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, USA, February 2010.
Manning, A.J., Schoellhamer, D.H., Mehta, A.J., Nover, D., Schladow, S.G., 2010. Video measurements of flocculated sediment in lakes and estuaries in the USA. Proceedings of the Joint Federal Interagency Conference on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27th June - 1st July 2010.
Manning, A.J., Schoellhamer, D.H., Mehta, A.J., Nover, D., Schladow, S.G., 2010. Video Observations of Flocculated Sediment from Three Contrastingly Different Natural Environments in the USA. In:Proceedings of the 2nd Particles in Europe international conference, Villefranche-sur-mer, LOV, France, 14-17 November 2010.
McEvan, R., Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., Lohan, M., 2010. Non-hydrostatic effects in a propagating large-scale river plume. Challenger Conference, UK, 8-10 September.Schindler, R.J., Manning, A., Bass, S. 2010. Measuring estuarine hydrodynamics and flocculation in a meso-tidal estuary: problems & solutions. British Sedimentological Research Group AGM, Southampton, U.K.
Schindler, R.J., Manning, A., Bass, S. 2010. Development of Acoustic & Optical Measurements of Cohesive Flocs via In Situ Particle Visualization. Particles In Europe, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France.
Schindler, R.J., Manning, A., Bass, S. 2010. Towards the prediction of cohesive sediments dynamics: developing acoustic and optical measurements via in situ particle visualization. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Stashchuk, N, Vlasenko, V., 2010. Multimodal structure of baroclinic tides in the South China Sea. Norway Scotland Symposium- Internal Waves, Edinburgh, Scottland, 1-3 November.
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., 2010. Numerical investigation of the Nordic water overflow in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. JONSMOD-2010, Delft, Netherlands, 10-12 May.
Thain, R. H., Priestley, A. D., Pickering, J., Shapiro, G., 2010. Predicted and observed variability in sound speed in the oceanic littoral. Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment Conference, NATO Undersea Research Centre, Lerici, Italy. 18-22 October 2010.
Torres, R., Cross, J., Nimmo Smith, A., Hosegood, P. J. , Smyth, T., Martinez, V., 2010. Linking Light, Suspended Particles and Turbulence in the Western English Channel Shelf. MyOcean Science Days, Toulouse, France, 1st-3rd December 2010.
Vlasenko, V. Stashchuk, N., 2010. Three-dimensional shoaling of large-amplitude internal solitary waves. Norway Scotland Symposium- Internal Waves, Edinburgh, Scottland, 1-3 November.
Vlasenko,V., Stashchuk, N., 2010. Insights into the structure of the Wyville Thomson Ridge overflow current from a fine-scale numerical model. JONSMOD-2010, Delft, Netherlands, 10-12 May.
Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., 2010. Wave dynamics of a supercritical tidal plume. Proceedings of the AGU annual 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, 22-26 February.
Davies, P., Cuthbertson, A., Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., Sherwin, T.J., 2009. Modelling of the Wyville Thomson ridge overflow, OCEAN-2025 annual meeting, Liverpool, 1-3 June 2009.
Priestley, A. D. Thain, R. H., 2009. Enhancing the Student Experience through Integrated Research and Education in Hydrography, Meteorology and Oceanography. Hydro 09, Cape Town, South Africa, 10-12 November, 2009.
Stashchuk, N, Vlasenko, V., Sherwin, T.J., 2009. Modeling of the Wyville Thomson ridge overflow, Joint Assembly of AGU, Toronto, Canada, 23-27 May 2009.
Thain, R. H., Piestley, A. D., Hall, G. W. R., 2009. An analysis of high frequency sonar performance in estuaries: Are we missing the target? Hydro 09, Cape Town, South Africa, 10-12 November 2009.
Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., 2009. Generation of internal waves by a supercritical stratified plume, Joint Assembly of AGU, Toronto, Canada, 23-27 May 2009.
Greaves, D., Hosegood, P.J.,, Conley, D., 2008. Development of Marine Renewable Energy in the South West of England. International Conference on Ocean Energy, Brest October 2008.
Hosegood, P. J. , Gregg, M.C., Alford M.H., 2008. Restratification of the Surface Mixed Layer at submesoscales. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2008.
Hosegood, P. J. , Gregg, M.C., Alford M.H., 2008. Restratification of the Surface Mixed Layer with submesoscale lateral density gradients: Diagnosing the importance of the horizontal dimension. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, USA, March 2008.
Spearman, J., Manning, A.J., (2008). On the significance of mud transport algorithms for the modelling of intertidal flats. In: T. Kudusa, H. Yamanishi, J. Spearman and J.Z. Gailani, (Eds.), Sediment and Ecohydraulics - Proc. in Marine Science 9, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 411-430, ISBN: 978-0-444-5318
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., 2008. Three-dimensional evolution of large-amplitude internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar. International Workshop: "Large-amplitude internal waves", International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, 1-4 December 2008.
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., 2008. Internal waves forced by a supercritical stratified plume. International conference JONSMOD, Bergen, Norway, 23-26 June 2008.
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., 2008. Nonlinear internal waves forced by a supercritical stratified plume. International conference "Nonlinear Waves - Theory and Applications", Beijing, China, 9-12 June 2008.
Priestley, A. D., Mason, T. E., Thain, R. H., 2008. Acoustic signatures of sediment transport on gravel and mixed sand and gravel beaches. International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Hamburg, Germany, 31 August-5 September 2008.
Vlasenko,V., Stashchuk, N., 2008. Amplification and suppression of internal waves in horizontally sheared currents: International Workshop: "Large-amplitude internal waves", International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, 1-4 December 2008.
Vlasenko,V., Stashchuk, N., 2008. Dynamics of large-amplitude internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar: Observational evidence and theoretical modelling International conference JONSMOD, Bergen, Norway, 23-26 June 2008.
Vlasenko,V., Stashchuk, N., 2008. Three-dimensional evolution of large-amplitude internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar. International conference "Nonlinear Waves - Theory and Applications", Beijing, China, 9-12 June 2008.