International Marine Litter Research Unit publications
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Science Advice for Policy by European Academics
Science Advice for Policy by European Academics
From: Government Office for Science. Part of: Future of the sea. Published: 3 August 2017. A report examining the trends and implications of plastic pollution in the sea. Professor Richard C. Thompson.
Themed issue of the journal Analytical Methods showcasing high quality research in the field of microplastics in the environment now published. Guest edited by: Professors Fiona Regan, Chelsea Rochman and Richard Thompson.
Thompson, R. C. (2015) Microplastics in the Marine Environment: Sources, Consequences and Solutions. In Marine Anthropogenic Litter (ed. M. Bergman, L. Gutow & M. Klages), pp. 447: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-16509-7
Hartley, B. L., Holland, M., Pahl, S. & R.C., Thompson. (2015) How to communicate with stakeholders about marine litter - a short guide to influencing behavioural change. Plymouth: Plymouth University Press. ISBN 978-1-8410240
Thompson, R.C. (2013) Plastics, environment and health. In: Accumulation. The material politics of Plastics. Gabrys, J., Hawkins, G. and Michael, M. pp150-169.
GEF. 2012 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel GEF, Impacts of Marine Debris on Biodiversity: Current status and Potential Solutions, vol. 67, pp. 61. Montreal. RC Thompson was lead author.
STAP. 2011 Marine Debris as a Global Environmental Problem: Introducing a solutions based framework focused on plastic. In A STAP Information Document. , pp. 40. Washington, DC: Global Environment Facility. RC Thompson was lead author.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. Galgani, F., Fleet, D., van Franeker, J., Katsanevakis, S., Maes, T., Mouat, J. Oosterbaan, L., Poitou, I., Hanke, G., Thompson, R., Amato, E., Birkun A., and Janssen, C.
Thompson, R.C., (2006). Plastics. In: Dominant wave theory. Hughes, A. and Carson D. pp. 112-116, Booth-Clibborn, London, UK.
Anderson, A. G., Grose, J. Pahl, S. Thompson R. C., & Wyles, K. J. (2016) Microplastics in personal care products: Exploring perceptions of environmentalists, beauticians and students, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113: 454-60. Read the article
Gago, J., Galgani, F., Maes, T. & Thompson, R. C. (2016) Microplastics in seawater: Recommendations from the marine strategy framework directive implementation process, Frontiers in Marine Science, 3. Read the article
Rochman, C. M., Browne, M. A. Underwood, A. J. Van Franeker, J. A. Thompson, R. C. & Amaral-Zettler, L. A. (2016). The ecological impacts of marine debris: Unravelling the demonstrated evidence from what is perceived, Ecology, 97: 302-12. Read the article
Napper, I. E. & Thompson, R. C. (2016) Release of synthetic microplastic plastic fibres from domestic washing machines: Effects of fabric type and washing conditions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 112, 39-45. Read the article.
Bakir A, O'Connor IA, Rowland SJ, Hendriks AJ & Thompson R.C. (2016) Relative importance of microplastics as a pathway for the transfer of hydrophobic organic chemicals to marine life. Environmental pollution 219, 56-65. Read the article.
Wyles, K. J., Pahl, S., Thomas, K. & Thompson, R. C. (2016) Factors That Can Undermine the Psychological Benefits of Coastal Environments: Exploring the Effect of Tidal State, Presence, and Type of Litter. Environment and Behavior 48, 1095-1126. Read the article.
Veiga, J. M., Vlachogianni, T., Pahl, S., Thompson, R. C., Kopke, K., Doyle, T. K., Hartley, B. L., Maes, T., Orthodoxou, D. L., Loizidou, X. I. & Alampei, I. (2016) Enhancing public awareness and promoting co-responsibility for marine litter in Europe: The challenge of MARLISCO. Marine Pollution Bulletin 102, 309-315. Read the article.
Napper, I. E., Bakir, A., Rowland, S. J. & Thompson, R. C. (2015) Characterisation, Quantity and Sorptive Properties of Microplastics Extracted From Cosmetics. Marine Pollution Bulletin 99, 178-185. Read the article
Green, D. S., Boots, B., Blockley, D. J., Rocha, C. & Thompson, R.C.(2015) Impacts of Discarded Plastic Bags on Marine Assemblages and Ecosystem functioning. Environmental Science and Technology 49, 5380-5389. Read the article
Gall, S. C. & Thompson, R.C. (2015) The impact of debris on marine life. Marine Pollution Bulletin 92, 170-179. Read the article
Browne, M. A., Chapman, M. G., Thompson, R. C., Zettler, L. A. A., Jambeck, J. & Mallos, N. J. (2015) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Stranded Intertidal Marine Debris: Is There a Picture of Global Change? Environmental Science & Technology 49, 7082-7094. Read the article
Woodall, L. C., Gwinnett, C., Packer, M., Thompson, R. C., Robinson, L. F. & Paterson, G. L. J. (2015) Using a forensic science approach to minimize environmental contamination and to identify microfibres in marine sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 95, 40-46. Read the article
Browne, M. A., Underwood, A. J., Chapman, M. G., Williams, R., Thompson, R.C. & van Franeker, J. A. (2015) Linking effects of anthropogenic debris to ecological impacts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 282. Read the article
Eerkes-Medrano,D., Thompson, R. C. & Aldridge, D. C. (2015) Microplastics in freshwater systems: A review of the emerging threats, identification of knowledge gaps and prioritisation of research needs. Water Research 75,63-82. Read the article
Wyles, K. J., Pahl, S., Thomas, K. & Thompson R.C. (2015) Factors that can undermine the psychological benefits of coastal environments: exploring the effect of tidal state, presence, and type of litter. Environment and Behaviour 15/07/15, 1-32. Read the article
Hartley, B.L., Thompson, R.C. & Pahl, S. (2015) Marine litter education boosts children’s understanding and self-reported actions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 90 (1-2), 209-217. Read the article
Woodall, L.C., Sanchez-Vidal, A., Canals, M., Paterson, G.L.J., Coppock, R., Sleight, V., Calafat, A., Rogers, A.D., Narayanaswamy, B.E. & Thompson R.C. (2014) The deep sea is a major sink for microplastic debris. Royal Society Open Science 1, 140317. Read the article
Obbard, R.W., Sadri, S., Wong, Y.Q., Khitun, A.A., Baker, I. & Thompson, R.C. (2014) Global warming releases microplastic legacy frozen in Arctic Sea ice. Earth’s Future 2, 315-320. Read the article
Law, K.L. & Thompson R.C. (2014) Microplastics in the seas. Science, 345, 144-145. Read the article
Bakir, A., S.J. Rowland, & Thompson R.C., (2014) Transport of persistent organic pollutants by microplastics in estuarine conditions. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 140, 14-21.
Bakir, A., Rowland, S.J., & Thompson, R.C. (2014) Enhanced desorption of persistent organic pollutants from microplastics under simulated physiological conditions. Environmental Pollution 185, 16-23. Read the article
Sadri, S.S. & Thompson R.C. (2014) On the quantity and composition of floating plastic debris entering and leaving the Tamar Estuary, Southwest England. Marine Pollution Bulletin 81, 55-60 Read the article
Holmes, L.A., A. Turner, & R.C. Thompson, (2014) Interactions between trace metals and plastic production pellets under estuarine conditions. Marine Chemistry 167, p. 25-32.
Koelmans, A.A., Gouin, T., Thompson, R., Wallace, N & Arthur, C. (2014), Plastics in the marine environment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33, 5–10. Read the article
Rochman, C.M. Browne, M.A., Halpern, B.S.,Hentschel, B.T., Hoh, E., Karapangioti, K., Rios, L.M., Takada, H.,Teh, S. & Thompson, R.C. (2013) Classify Plastics as hazardous. Nature 494, 170-171. Read the article
Browne M.A., Niven S.J., Galloway T.S., Rowland, S.J. & Thompson, R.C. (2013) Microplastic Moves Pollutants and Additives to Worms, Reducing Functions Linked to Health and Biodiversity. Current Biology 23, 2388-2392. Read the article
Wright, S.L., Rowe, D. Thompson, R.C. & Galloway T.S. (2013) Microplastic ingestion decreases energy reserves in marine worms. Current Biology 23, R1031-R1033, Read the article
Lusher, A. L., McHugh, M. & Thompson, R. C. (2013) Occurrence of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of pelagic and demersal fish from the English Channel. Marine Pollution Bulletin 67, 94-99. Read the article
Wright, S. Thompson, R.C., & Galloway, T.S. (2013) The physical impacts of microplastics in marine organisms: a review. Environmental Pollution 178, 483-492. Read the article
Bakir, A., Rowland, S. J. & Thompson, R. C. (2012) Competitive sorption of persistent organic pollutants onto microplastics in the marine environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 2782-2789. Read the article
Hidalgo-Ruz, V., Gutow, L., Thompson, R. C. & Thiel, M. (2012) Microplastics in the Marine Environment: A Review of the Methods Used for Identification and Quantification. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 3060-3075. Read the article
Holmes, L. A., Turner, A. & Thompson, R. C. (2012) Adsorption of trace metals to plastic resin pellets in the marine environment. Environmental Pollution 160, 42-48. Read the article
Browne, M. A., Crump, P., Niven, S. J., Teuten, E., Tonkin, A., Galloway, T. & Thompson, R. (2011) Accumulation of Microplastic on Shorelines Woldwide: Sources and Sinks. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 9175-9179. Read the article
Browne, M. A.; Galloway, T. S., & Thompson, R. C., (2010) Spatial Patterns of Plastic Debris along Estuarine Shorelines. Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 3404-3409. Read the article
O’Brine, T. & Thompson, R.C. (2010) Degradation of plastic carrier bags in the marine environment Marine pollution Bulletin 60, 2279-2283. Read the article
Thompson, R.C., Moore, C.M., vom Saal, F.S. & Swan, S.H. (2009) Our plastic age. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B., 364, 1973-1976. Read the article
Thompson, R.C., Moore, C.M., vom Saal, F.S. & Swan, S.H. (2009) Plastics, the environment and human health: current consensus and future trends. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B., 364, 2153-2166. Read the article
Thompson, R. C., Swan, S. H., Moore, C. & vom Saal, F. S. 2009 Our Plastic Age Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364, 1973-1976. Read the article
Barnes, D.K.A., Galgani, F., Thompson, R.C. & Barlaz, M. (2009) Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B., 364, 1985-1998. Read the article
Teuten, E.L., Saquing, J.M., Knappe, D.R.U., Barlaz, M.A., Jonsson, S., Björn, A., Rowland, S.J., Thompson, R.C., Galloway, T.S., Yamashita, R., Ochi, D., Watanuki, Y., Moore, C.M., Viet, P., Tana, T.S., Prudente, M., Boonyatumanond, R., Zakaria, M.P., Akkhavong, K., Ogata, Y., Hirai, H., Iwasa, S., Mizukawa, K., Hagino, Y., Imamura, A., Saha, M. & Takada, H. (2009) Transport and release of chemicals from plastics to the environment and to wildlife. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 364, 2027-2045. Read the article
Ogata, Y., Takada, H., Master, M.K., Hirai, H., Iwasa, S., Endo, S., Mato, Y., Mahua, S.M., Okuda, K., Nakashima, A., Murakami, M., Zurcher, N., Booyatumanondo, R., Zakaria, M.P., Le Q Dung, D., Gordon, M., Miguez, C., Suzuki, S., Moore, C.M., Karapanagioti, H., Weerts, S., McClurg, T., Burres, E., Smith, W., Velkenburg, M.V., Lang, J.S., Lang, R., Laursen, D., Danner, B., Stewardson, N. & Thompson, R.C. (2009) International Pellet Watch : Global monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in coastal waters. 1. Initial phase data on PCBs, DDTs, and HCHs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58, 1437-1446. Read the article
Browne, M.A., Dissanayake, A., Galloway, T.S., Lowe, D.M. & Thompson R.C. (2008). Ingested microscopic plastic translocates to the circulatory system of the mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.) Environmental Science and Technology 42, 5026-5031 Read the article
Teuten, E.L., Rowland, S.J., Galloway, T.S. & Thompson R.C. (2007). Potential for Plastics to Transport Hydrophobic Contaminants. Environmental Science and Technology 41, 7759-7764 Read the article
Browne, M.A., Galloway, T., & Thompson R. (2007). Microplastic – an emerging contaminant of potential concern? Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 3, 559–566 10. Read the article
Thompson, R., Moore, C., Andrady, A., Gregory, M., Takada, H. & Weisberg S. (2005). New directions in plastic debris. Science 310, 1117. Read the article
Thompson, R.C., Olsen, Y., Mitchell, R.P., Davis, A., Rowland, S.J., John, A.W.G., McGonigle, D. & Russell A.E. (2004). Lost at sea: Where does all the plastic go? Science 304, 838. Read the article