University of Plymouth side event at INC-4
Alternatives and substitutes: if plastics are the problem, is switching to different polymers or materials the solution?

TwentyTwo, The Westin Ottawa, 11 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON K1N 9H4, Canada
Over the past two decades, we have developed a detailed understanding of the impacts of plastic marine litter and driving a solutions-based approach.
"Twenty years ago there was denial that plastics presented an environmental issue. We now have that consensus exemplified in the UN Global Plastics Treaty. That’s a mandate for global change. What is critical now is that we have the same quality of independent scientific evidence to guide the way to solutions as we have had in defining the problem. The role of science is critical in addressing environmental challenges or we will repeat mistakes of the past."
Marine litter is a global environmental problem with items of debris now contaminating habitats from the poles to the equator, from the sea surface to the deep sea.
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