Fish Intel Network
An array of underwater receivers to track the movement of marine animals

Investigated how European bass use nursery areas in the southwest of England). The project was funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
Explored how commercially-important mobile species interact with an offshore longline mussel farm. Target species included brown crab and European seabass. The project was funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
It focused on seven pilot sites within the English Channel/la Manche and tracked economically-important fish species. Target species included crawfish, European bass, black seabream, pollack and bluefin tuna.
Working with charter skippers from the recreational angling community to track the movements of the pollack around southwest England. The project is funded by Defra.
Works with local skippers and anglers to study recreationally-valuable black seabream and elasmobranchs (tope, starry smooth-hound, thornback ray and undulate ray). The project is funded by Defra’s Fisheries Industry Science Partnership scheme.
Working with the aquaculture industry to explore the environmental benefits of the UK’s first mussel farm. The project is funded by Defra’s Fisheries Industry Science Partnership scheme.