An illustration representing research in health and biomedical sciences
This SEI Forum Event took place on Wednesday 1 May 2024, 14:00–16:00, and was held in partnership with the Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research.
There is growing recognition from academics, policy-makers and research funders of the interdependencies between action to improve human health and work to promote environmental sustainability.
With extremes of heat estimated to have resulted in 11,000 excess deaths across Europe during the summer of 2020 alone, the impact of climate change on health is becoming increasingly apparent. In addition, as it accounts for almost 5% of net global carbon emissions, healthcare can also play a key role in decarbonisation as recognised through the NHS’s adoption of a net zero target, as well as by recent calls from funders like NIHR and the Wellcome Trust.
Researchers from across the University with an interest in human health and/or sustainability were invited to attend this workshop to explore how we can further support research around health and environmental sustainability.
The workshop included:
  • Guest speaker Kirsty Wavish of University Hospital NHS Trust talking about their work in developing a net zero NHS. 
  • A talk from Professor Clive Sabel on using spatial data informatics on health and the environment. 
  • A presentation from Dr Clare Pettinger on her work around sustainability and health. 
  • An update on current opportunities in what is a growing area for research funding. 
  • Breakout sessions giving you the opportunity to explore research synergies and develop project concepts with other attendees from a range of disciplines.


13:45 | Tea, coffee, cake and networking
14:00 | Welcome and aims for the workshop – Professor Mona Nasser
14:05 | Developing a net zero NHS: University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust approach – Kirsty Wavish
14:15 | The impact of nanoparticles on human health – Professor Matthew Cramp 
14:25 | Spatial data informatics, health and the environment – Professor Clive Sabel
14:35 | Urban climatology, heat stress and human health – Dr Charlie Lam
14:45 | One Blue Dot: developing an environmentally sustainable diet – Dr Clare Pettinger 
14:55 | Overview of research funding – Susan Eick / Francesca Vinecombe / Sue Anderson 
15:10 | Table breakout discussion: Health/ Sustainability research in:
  •  Healthy Landscapes/SDG 15: Life on Land
  • Net Zero Carbon/SDG 13: Climate Action
  •  Natural Resources/SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  •  SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
15:55 | Wrap up and next steps – Professor Mona Nasser
16:00 | Final close