Towards net zero
Learn how the Marine Institute takes a systems-thinking approach to meet the UK's Net Zero Strategy and Global Goals

Through our whole-system transdisciplinary approach to solutions-oriented research, we are accelerating sustainable developments towards Net Zero.
A £9 million project bringing together wave, tidal and offshore wind research to benefit academia, industry, policymakers and the public
Developing new transdisciplinary perspectives on carbon stores, restoring natural habitats, and improving the wellbeing of coastal communities
A research initiative bringing together technical capabilities and expertise to support the successful roll-out of floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea
Enabled the growth of the emerging offshore and marine renewable energy industry in the UK through increased technological understanding. Read the REF2021 summary
 Influenced legislation to protect 117 square miles of coastal seabed and allow for the regeneration of underwater seaweed forests.
 Co-founded the National Centre for Coastal Autonomy to drive towards a net zero oceanographic capability.
We also supervise postgraduate research in the following areas: