Woman on beach staring out to sea at sunset
Through a generous donation from Ashfords Solicitors, the  Marine Institute is able to offer bursaries to undergraduate students, which are intended to help enable an external placement, research visit, expedition or training course that is related to the student’s degree and to the marine/maritime sector, either in the UK or overseas. The scheme provides a unique opportunity for students to add to their experience and develop their skillset, maximising their opportunities.

The bursary 

The bursary can support an extracurricular activity (taking place outside of normal timetabled teaching and assessment periods), a formal placement year, or it could contribute to a final year research project or dissertation work.
As the scheme is new, it is intentionally relatively open and unrestricted in terms of which types of activity are considered suitable for funding, as long as they fall within the three main categories (outlined in detail in the application form guidelines). This will be used to inform and refine future iterations of the scheme. Contact marineinstitute@plymouth.ac.uk if you’re unsure about potential suitability of your activity.
Students can apply for a bursary in the range of £300–£1,500. The number of bursaries awarded each year will be determined by the total amount of funding available versus the amounts applied for.
Applications must be made using the specified forms, providing full details of the proposed activity and an anticipated cost breakdown. A written report (1,000 words) must be submitted upon the completion of the activity.
Applications should be submitted to marineinstitute@plymouth.ac.uk by the deadline below. We anticipate contacting applicants regarding the outcome within a couple of weeks from the deadline.

Calls for applications

The call for applications for the 2023–2024 Ashfords Bursaries has now closed.
The call for the 2024–2025 round of applications is expected to open at the start of Semester 1 in Autumn 2024 and to run on an annual basis from that point onwards.

Support for marine students from Ashfords

We are very pleased that continuing support from Ashfords has funded prizes for excellent final year research projects relating to UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Life Below Water, as well as scholarships to retain talented marine students in Plymouth, and bursaries have now also been added to the opportunities on offer.

Marine-themed courses at the University of Plymouth