2022 Get Involved Awards
In 2023 we again invited communities to apply to work with our researchers to find sustainable solutions to community problems, challenges or support to pursue new ideas to solve local problems through research. 
We then funded eight projects from a range of community partner and researcher partnerships - please find a synopsis of the projects available below. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Get Involved Awards, please email getinvolvedawards@plymouth.ac.uk
1. Dr Jasmine Kelland and Lauren Packham, Pillars of Wellness and Wellbeing CIC
Project Title: Single Working Mothers and their access to Wellness and Wellbeing Interventions in Plymouth.
Researching the real-life impacts of being a working parent and what we can do to improve their mental health and wellbeing.  The project explores potential relationships and perceptions between single working mother status and how they could improve their wellbeing.  This research will help understand the potential barriers to accessing wellbeing and mental health interventions and find practical solutions.
Jasmine Kelland
2. Ms Penelope Welbourne and Nicola Lambert, Plymouth Highbury Trust Parent Project.
Project Title: Enhancing positive connections for parents with learning Disabilities
This project explores ways of making community and statutory services more responsive to the positive parenting potential of many parents with learning disabilities.  Establishing whether the parenting assessment “journey” is of quality and timed appropriately. Developing training materials to help people understand what is helpful when working with parents with a learning disability.  Offer support and knowledge in accessing facilities already in use such as libraries, sports, and advice centres. 
Penelope Welbourne
3. Dr Angela Piccini with Adam Milford and Chloe Hughes, The Box Foundation
Project Title: The Way We Live: Community Centres.
This research investigates what “centres” a community – is it a building, a place, a memory, or a culture?  Through a series of community-based sharing sessions and archive film screenings in the city, Community Centre/s will invite people to uncover and share amateur home videos within private collections, to explore stories and memories connected to things that no longer exist or have undergone major change.  The project engages in creative remixing of both private and archival collections to develop new visions for a shared future.
Angela Piccini
4. Professor Katharine Willis and Hannah Sloggett, Nudge Community Builders.
Project Title: Blooming Well – Growing the impact of the Greenhouse.
This project takes open source/free to use technology and contributes to grassroots innovation in a sustainable way.  The research has enabled Nudge to explore models that create more sustainable governance and ways of operating that can scale and strengthen the offer, whilst fostering an accessible and inclusive approach to digital skills in a disadvantaged community.
Katharine Willis
5. Dr Sophie Fauset and Ele Waters, Tregovenek Community Farm
Project Title: Planting Hope with Muddy Hands 
This scientific work assesses above and below ground carbon stocks within Tregovenek, informing future land management at the site and engaging the local community with positive solutions to the climate and biodiversity crisis.  The work is utilising a co-design approach, whereby site managers and volunteers assist with data sampling design and collection.  The project engages the wider community and local school with active participation such as tree planting.
Dr Sophie Fauset leaving the Nouragues Research Station in French Guiana (Credit Sophie Fauset)
6. Carl Evans with Nigel Jackson and Wailim Wong, Citizens Advice South Hams (CASH) 
Project Title: Local Housing Allowance Campaign 
This project informs CASH about the effects of the continuing Government freeze re Local Housing Allowance (LHA) on local tenants on benefits and aims to provide statistical and qualitative information for the redrawing of boundaries used to find average rents to set LHA and to demonstrate why LHA needs to be increased.  The research looks at alternative, realistic market areas that the Valuation Office could use to calculate average rents in Devon and Cornwall.
Dr Nigel Jackson, Associate Professor in Persuasion and Communication at Plymouth
7. Alison Anderson and Patrick Holden with Ed Whitelaw, Real ideas Organisation CIC 
Project Title: E(co) Democracy
This project researches and develops deliberate democracy approaches to community-led urban nature renewal in the public realm, using open-source, artificial intelligence platform Polis to inform new approaches to e-democracy.  Polis will examine Devonport resident’s views about nature and their environment.  It will identify areas of consensus/conflict and inform actions.  The research will combine qualitative, quantitative, and participatory methods and generate a real-time visual map of patterns of agreement and disagreement as the discussion evolves.   
Alison Anderson, Professor of Sociology at the University
7. Lauren Ansell with Dan Godfrey, PEC Trust (Plymouth Energy Community) 
Project Title: Retrofit Credits 
This project explores the concept of carbon offset credits generated through housing retrofit activities.  A methodology and a platform already exist, but PEC are going to look at how this could be applied in Plymouth.  This research will combine specialist analysis of existing datasets to establish the number of properties requiring different combinations of measures and the carbon savings that are likely to result from their implementation.
Dr Lauren Ansell,  Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Plymouth

What’s next for our successful researchers?

Our researchers have been working collaboratively in the community and supporting each other across projects. Community partners are made associate members of the University of Plymouth for access to our support, resources and services to develop their research skills. SERIO, Research & Innovation’s applied research unit, also led community researcher training with our community partners.