• Dr Clare Pettinger
    Associate Professor in Public Health Dietetics
    • Nutrition
    • Public health dietetics
    • Public health nutrition
    • Food insecurity
    • Food justice
    • Food systems and sustainability
    School/Division: School of Health Professions (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Martha Paisi
    Senior Research Fellow in Public Health
    • Health inequalities
    • Public health
    • Health services
    • Epidemiology
    • Mixed-methods
    • Systematic reviews
    School/Division: School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Julian Elston
    Senior Research Fellow- Integrated Care Evaluation
    • Social prescribing
    • Public health
    • Health services
    • Mixed-methods
    • Participatory action research
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Heather Hopper
    Associate Professor Midwifery (Education)
    • Infant feeding
    • Midwifery
    • Public health issues in midwifery
    School/Division: School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health)
  • Miss Rachel Carter
    Associate Professor (Education)
    • Nursing
    • Safeguarding children
    • Childcare in the community
    • Family public health
    School/Division: School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Cath Quinn
    Senior Research Fellow
    • Health inequalities
    • Health services
    • Mental health
    • Primary care
    • Public health
    • Offender health
    • Socially marginalised groups
    • Appreciative inquiry
    • Discourse analysis
    • Framework analysis
    • Grounded theory
    • Mixed-methods
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Professor Alison Anderson
    Professor in Sociology
    • Science communication
    • Climate change and media
    • Public engagement and climate change
    • Nanotechnology and public
    • Digital media and health
    • COVID-19 and the media
    School/Division: School of Society and Culture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)
  • Professor Sheena Asthana
    Director of Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research
    • Health services
    • NHS
    • Health inequalities
    • Health resource allocation
    • eHealth
    • Social prescribing
    • Formula funding
    • Public health
    • Applied statistics
    • Before-and-after studies
    • Big Data
    • Epidemiology
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Daniela Oehring
    Associate Professor in Optometry
    • Biostatistics
    • Ocular biomechanics
    • Keratoconus
    • Public health
    • Vision care for homeless people
    • Dry eye
    School/Division: School of Health Professions (Faculty of Health)