Second phase: December 2023–July 2025
Katherine and Kathrin reflected on the pilot phase of the evaluation and revised the toolkit. The River of Hope programme has been rolled out in primary schools in Newham (London), Norfolk, Tees Valley and the wider Plymouth area. During this phase, schools will explore their local river and climate change through arts-based activities. With the help of the toolkit, children will reflect on what they know and have learned about the river, climate change and how they feel about the River of Hope programme.
For four Devon-based schools, Katherine and Kathrin will additionally observe children, teachers and the artists during the activities. The naturalistic (narrative) observation and children's data generation are underpinned by the principles of the Mosaic approach. This in-person aspect will help the researchers to further understand the use of the toolkit and contribute to the evaluation of the River of Hope programme through an appreciative inquiry.