Children and Families
Focusing on the lives of children and families and the professionals who work with them

Sorzio P & Campbell Barr V 2019 'The Reggio Approach in Motion. Documenting Experiences, Reflecting upon Practice and Disseminating the Ideas' Journal of Childhood Studies 44, (5) 1-12
Campbell Barr V 2019 'Professional Knowledges for Early Childhood Education and Care' Journal of Childhood Studies 44, (1) 134-146
Carter Dillon R. (2013) 'A critique of euro-centric perspectives on early childhood education and care in the Gambia' in Georgeson, J. and Payler, J. (Eds) International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Lavelle M 2015 'A Storm in a Tea-Cup? ‘Making a Difference’ in Two Sure Start Children's Centres' Children & Society 29, (6) 583-592
Webber L 2017 'A school’s journey in creating a relational environment which supports attachment and emotional security' Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 1-15
Wickett K (2019) 'An Empirical Approach to Preparing Children for School: Exploring the relationships between parents, practitioners and teachers', London: Routledge
Hohmann U (2018) 'Found in translation: an analytical framework to explore national and regional Early Childhood Education and Care systems'. Early Years, pp. 1-13.
Academic spotlight: Dr Verity Campbell-Barr, Associate Head of Research
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that children worldwide have seen their education disrupted for more than a year – but, crucially, it has also highlighted the inequalities in access to quality education provision.