Oman drilling project
The formation and evolution of the ocean crust is a fundamental Earth process, yet long standing scientific questions remain unanswered, principally due to the limited sampling of the lower crust and upper mantle from the ocean basins. The Oman drilling project represents an opportunity to study the exposed ocean crust in Oman in unrivalled detail by combining the detailed core logging typical of scientific ocean drilling with outcrop observations. Over two winter drilling seasons, a series of 9 diamond cored boreholes and 6 rotary drilled boreholes have been drilled into different levels of the lower oceanic crust and shallow mantle. The recovered cores were described onboard DV Chikyu to scientific drilling standards.
Dr Michelle Harris and
Professor Antony Morris, along with PhD students Louise Koornneef and Marta Grabowskaare members of the international science team for the Oman Drilling Project, working on the drill sites and participating in the core description campaigns. Dr Michelle Harris participated in the ChikyuOman2017 core characterisation campaign serving multiple roles including as a Co-chief scientist (Hole GT3) and Alteration Team Leader.