This project will address this critical research frontier through the study of recent events and computer modelling. Firstly, we will create new landslide catalogues before, during and after recent large earthquakes for different regions, using high-resolution satellite imagery. These new landslide inventories will allow us to accurately determine the long-term average rate of landslide occurrence in each region and confidently identify the size and duration of periods of increased landsliding following an earthquake. The regions and earthquakes selected span a range of climates, tectonic settings, and earthquake sizes to enable us to investigate the influence, and determine the relative importance that different control factors (e.g., rainfall, slope, topography, earthquake size) have at a global level, ensuring that the research outputs have wide applicability. These datasets will then be used in landslide susceptibility models at regional level to form outputs that can be used in hazard and risk mitigation by national/regional governments and agencies.
Secondly, we will develop a new process-based computer model to investigate the mechanism of earthquake landscape damage. Unlike empirical statistical models, process-based models explicitly simulate the drivers of landslide occurrence and can consider the impact of sudden and rapid environmental changes. The results of the model will be validated by the susceptibility maps, and the ability to model multiple earthquakes over 10s to 1000s of years will lead to new insights into the role of earthquake-induced and earthquake-preconditioned landslides in long-term landscape evolution, ultimately increasing the ability to accurately forecast the location of landslides across earthquake cycles.