Endotoxin and Immunity Research publications
Learn more about the publications our research has featured in

Baron MG, Mintram KS, Owen SF, Hetheridge MJ, Moody AJ, Purcell WM, Jackson SK & Jha AN (2017) 'Pharmaceutical Metabolism in Fish: Using a 3-D Hepatic In Vitro Model to Assess Clearance' PLOS ONE 12, (1) e0168837-e0168837 DOI PEARL
Rawson FJ, Cole MT, Hicks JM, Aylott JW, Milne WI, Collins CM, Jackson SK, Silman NJ & Mendes PM (2016) 'Electrochemical communication with the inside of cells using micro-patterned vertical carbon nanofibre electrodes' Scientific Reports 6, 37672-37672 DOI PEARL
Sattar A, Bradley G, Abate W, Fejer G, Jackson SK (2016) ‘Evaluation of health effects of contaminated marine bathing water using in vitro cell culture models’ Journal of Environmental Immunology and Toxicology (in press)
Langan LM, Dodd NJF, Owen SF, Purcell WM, Jackson SK & Jha AN (2016) 'Direct Measurements of Oxygen Gradients in Spheroid Culture System Using Electron Parametric Resonance Oximetry' PLOS ONE 11, (2) e0149492-e0149492 DOI
Rawson FJ, Hicks J, Dodd N, Abate W, Garrett DJ, Yip N, Fejer G, Downard AJ, Baronian KHR & Jackson SK (2015) 'Fast, Ultrasensitive Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species Using a Carbon Nanotube Based-Electrocatalytic Intracellular Sensor' ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, (42) 23527-23537 DOI PEARL
Helley MP, Abate W, Jackson SK, Bennett JH & Thompson SWN (2015) 'The expression of Toll-like receptor 4, 7 and co-receptors in neurochemical sub-populations of rat trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons' Neuroscience 310, 686-698 DOI PEARL
Lilley E, Armstrong R, Clark N, Gray P, Hawkins P, Mason K, López-Salesansky N, Stark A-K, Jackson SK & Thiemermann C (2015) 'Refinement of animal models of sepsis and septic shock' Shock 43, (4) 304-316 Author site DOI
Abate W and Jackson SK (2015) ‘Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase (LPCAT)- 2 Co-localises with TLR4 and Regulates Macrophage Inflammatory Gene expression in Response to LPS’ The FASEB Journal 29, S 888.2
Alrammah H, Woldie WA, Avent N & Jackson SK (2014) 'Overexpression of lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2 (LPCAT2) up-regulated LPS-induced responses in a murine macrophage' Immunology 143,104-105 Author site
Sattar AA, Jackson SK & Bradley G (2014) 'The potential of lipopolysaccharide as a real-time biomarker of bacterial contamination in marine bathing water' J Water Health 12, (1) 105-112 Author site , DOI
Rawson FJ, Yeung CL, Jackson SK & Mendes PM (2013) 'Tailoring 3D Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Anchored to Indium Tin Oxide for Natural Cellular Uptake and Intracellular Sensing' Nano Letters 13, (1) 1-8 Author site DOI