Virtual reality could help to reduce pain for people with nerve injuries
Soothing 360-degree scenes of the Arctic in virtual reality can help to ease pain symptoms such as prickling and pain following touch

The study, published in The Journal of Pain, showed that 360-degree scenes of the Arctic in virtual reality had an effect on the CPM efficiency, while the 2D versions of the same scenes (described as ‘sham VR’) reduced CPM efficiency.
Dr Hughes said:
“It’s brilliant that we’ve seen these results as it shows more evidence that virtual reality can not only reduce pain perception in human models of chronic pain, but also gives us insight into the mechanisms behind this effect. The next step of course is to conduct the study with people who experience chronic pain to see if it works for them. If it does work, it could be a really helpful in forming part of ongoing pain management by helping to target the dysfunctions in the brain that underpin chronic pain.”
The full study, entitled Exposure to an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment can Modulate Perceptual Correlates of Endogenous Analgesia and Central Sensitization in Healthy Volunteers, is now available to view in The Journal of Pain (doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2020.12.007).
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