Sunscreen bottle and sunglasses on the sand, with the sea in the background.

The chemicals found in sunscreens are becoming an increasing presence in our ocean. But there are still significant gaps in our understanding of how they might affect marine ecosystems, according to a new study.
Sunscreens contain chemical compounds that filter out the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV filters are also added to personal care products (e.g. shampoos, moisturisers, lipsticks, shower gels) and various other commercial products including plastics, rubber, paint and cement, to enhance light resistance and prevent photodegradation.
As a result of modern lifestyles, with UV filters vital for human health and extending the lifespan of materials, they are emerging as a major environmental concern due to their widespread use and worldwide distribution.
With global sunscreen sales projected to reach $13.64 billion by 2026 and an estimated 6,000-14,000 tonnes of UV filters released annually into coral reef zones alone, researchers emphasize the urgent need for more comprehensive studies on their environmental impact.

This review indicates that current research has only scratched the surface of understanding how these chemicals can affect marine life.

What's particularly concerning is that these compounds are considered 'pseudo-persistent pollutants' due to their continuous introduction into marine environments as well as an overall lack of understanding of how these chemicals then interact with others in the sea. That’s why it’s so important for us to be researching the effects of these compounds on marine life from all geographical regions – temperate and tropical, including the work we are conducting here at PML and the UoP on UK marine organisms. We really need to understand how these chemicals interact in the marine environment and if they have the potential to bioaccumulate within the food-chain.
Miss Anneliese Hodge
PhD researcher at the University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory

PhD researcher Anneliese Hodge collecting seaweed as part of her studies into the effect of sunscreen on the marine environment Not to be used without permission of Anneliese Hodge

How does sunscreen get into the ocean?

UV compounds can enter the marine environment either directly or indirectly. Direct pathways include swimming or other water-based recreational activities, and indirect pathways include washing towels that have been used to dry sunscreen-coated skin, washing off residue during showering and even in urine.
Traditional sewage and water treatment technologies cannot effectively remove most UV filter compounds, and organic UV filters have been reported in 95% of wastewater effluents and 86% of surface waters globally. UV filters have also been detected in marine environments worldwide, from busy tourist locations to remote areas, such as Antarctica and the Arctic, highlighting the extent of this contamination.
Sunscreen pollution has recently been linked with agricultural practices too, whereby recycled water from wastewater treatment plants and sludge biosolids are used as soil fertilisers. This practice can result in the spread of UV filter contaminants not only onto crops, but also into agricultural run-off and discharge mechanisms that flow into aquatic environments.
Another source of UV filter contamination in the aquatic environment is through the use of beach showers. A study found that sands around the beach showers of Hanauma Bay, Hawaii were highly contaminated with sunscreen residues, level of which directly correlated with high visitation rates.

There are increasing amounts and varieties of sunscreens entering the environment, and contaminants occur in all possible combinations.

It is therefore imperative that we understand their bioaccumulation potential across the food chain, and the mechanisms through which they act at molecular and cellular levels, alone and in combination with other stressors. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach will help to find the relative sensitivities of the organisms and to estimate potential environmental risks, in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This should also enable us to explain any potential risk to human health, as marine food constitutes an increasingly important part of our diet globally, with 4.3 billion people reliant on fish for as much as 15% of their animal protein intake. Safeguarding the production of healthy seafood in the changing environment is crucial for the sustainability of aquaculture industry too.

Awadhesh JhaProfessor Awadhesh Jha
Professor in Genetic Toxicology and Ecotoxicology

Sunscreen bottle on the sand, ocean in the background.

Complex combinations of chemicals

The new study, published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin, was based on a review of more than 110 publications linked to sunscreen, UV filters and their ecotoxicological or environmental impact. It highlighted that at least 25% of sunscreen products wash off during sea bathing and a single beach with 1,000 visitors can be subject to more than 35kg of sunscreen deposits per day.
The chemicals or ingredients used in sunscreens can either be organic (chemical-based) or inorganic (mineral or metal-based) and each type can have different properties, structures and solubilities. Organic UV filters, which consist of up to 55 different compounds registered for use globally, act by absorbing incoming UV radiation. In contrast, inorganic UV filters, which are sometimes marketed as ‘reef safe’, include titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) that reflect or scatter incoming radiation.
A single UV filter on its own has a limited absorption wavelength capability against UV radiation, and therefore, combinations are used to protect against the whole UV spectrum. Typically, between three to eight different UV filters are used in a single organic-based sunscreen formulation, which can make up to 15% of the overall product mass.
Benzophenones (BPs) are the most common and extensively used UV filters in sunscreens, with a total of fourteen BP derivatives being used in commercial personal care products. Benzophenones have been classified as persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic substances, and benzophenone-3 is currently on the European Chemical Agency’s watch-list as ‘under investigation as a hormone-disrupting chemical’.
“This review highlights the mindboggling range of sunscreen-derived chemicals that we know are released into coastal marine environments – and demonstrates that our understanding of the effects of these toxic compounds on marine organisms is surprisingly limited. Such environments face a range of human-induced stressors, from marine heatwaves and eutrophication to longer term ocean warming and acidification, so it is vital we understand the additional impact of this pervasive chemical pollution on these already stressed ecosystems.”
Dr Frances Hopkins
Marine Biogeochemist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory

A pressing need for research and action

Little research has been conducted on the specific ecotoxicological effects of these omnipresent compounds, and the long-term effects associated with their dispersal in marine environments.
“This work underscores the vast unknowns surrounding the impact of toxic chemicals on our already fragile marine environment. With marine ecosystems facing immense stress, we are essentially sitting on a ticking time bomb. It is crucial to exercise caution in introducing new substances, as they could exacerbate existing challenges. Thoughtful, science-driven decision-making is essential to prevent further harm.”
Dr Mahasweta Saha
Marine Chemical Ecologist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • The full study – Hodge et al: Ecotoxicological effects of sunscreen derived organic and inorganic UV filters on marine organisms: A critical review – is published in Marine Pollution Bulletin, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2025.117627.

A fellowship with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology

Anneliese Hodge, a graduate of our Environmental Science and Marine Biology programmes, has recently begun a fellowship with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST).
POST plays a crucial role in bringing the latest research evidence into parliament, and ensures that legislators and policymakers can access good, reliable information.
Running alongside her PhD studies, Anneliese will use her fellowship to research and produce a POSTNote on Barriers to Digital Transformation in Government.
PhD researcher Anneliese Hodge carrying out analysis in the labs at Plymouth Marine Laboratory as part of a study exploring the ecotoxological effects of sunscreen Anneliese Hodge