Calls for cold water swimming to be made safer for women
The research, published in the journal Women’s Health, explored the habits of women who enjoy the activity

Our studies are vital to help gather evidence towards safe swimming.
Professor Jill Shawe
Professor of Maternal and Family Health
One of the health risks linked to cold water swimming is the increased likelihood of gastroenteritis and other infections due to pollution in UK rivers and seas.
Barriers to cold water swimming can be overcome and our early research in non-pregnant populations suggests that the activity has a significantly positive effect on mental health.
Our previous research has found that women strongly perceive cold water swimming to benefit their health. Exercising in nature, with a community, is a combination that should be encouraged. However, it is currently not well supported.
In recent years cold water swimming has become a passion for many thousands of women across the UK, bringing numerous benefits to wellbeing.