Ismael's placement experience
Ismael shares his placement experiences so far and how they are preparing him for his future career.

Placements are a core part of the course, and without a doubt the most enjoyable.
My first day of university was in September 2022. Exactly three and a half months later, I was already sitting in a frontline ambulance, nervously checking equipment with my paramedic educator. Starting out as a first year on the road was pretty daunting; we had covered all sorts of assessment techniques at university, as well as basic life support and received inductions from the local ambulance service, nonetheless, everyone’s first day is and will be daunting. The feeling of excitement, however, can’t be helped, especially when the ambulance computer announced “999 MODE ACTIVATED!” as we set off to our first patient on blue lights.
placements are crucial to the course, and I feel they have prepared me well for when I’m by myself on the road. It’s the best chance to put the theory into practise; and all the different corners of the healthcare world that I have been exposed to through hospital, ambulance and surgical placements will hopefully come together to allow me to deliver the best healthcare to my patients.