BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Education
A specialist pathway available to BSc (Hons) Mathematics students

This degree pathway is offered as an option on our flexible BSc (Hons) Mathematics course.
You will initially be enrolled on BSc (Hons) Mathematics, where you will follow a common first year so you acquire a mastery of the fundamental skills that characterise a mathematician.
As your knowledge and understanding deepens, you will be able to follow your interests and, if you wish, transfer to one of our specialist pathways - BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Education or BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Finance.
All application details, entry requirements and fee information can be found on the BSc (Hons) Mathematics course page.
Apply for BSc (Hons) Mathematics via UCAS
Student Thomas Woodland-Scott tells us why children should learn about mathematics, and the opportunities that come from pursuing a mathematics degree.
In the first year you’ll study the same modules as students on BSc (Hons) Mathematics. This gives you both the expertise required to be confident in the classroom and also flexibility in your future career choices. Modules include calculus, linear algebra, numerical methods and probability. There is also a module on proof and reasoning that includes more surprising material such as the mathematics of cryptography. You'll also use professional software. The flexibility of the course allows you to change to other mathematics degrees at the end of the first and second years.
Core modules:
See BSc (Hons) Mathematics course page for full module listings
During the second year you will take the Learning Matters (EDST502) module which is led by experienced lecturers from the Plymouth Institute of Education. This module builds capacity to recognise and evaluate learning in educational, work and recreational settings. It teaches the established theories on learning and human development, applying them to examples of educational practice from current research and your own experience. You will also study a range of modules which further develop your high-level mathematical and statistical skills, from advanced calculus and differential equations, to statistical inference and regression.
Core modules:
See BSc (Hons) Mathematics course page for full module listings
An optional placement in Year 3 to gain valuable paid professional experience and help make your CV stand out. You will be better able to advise your future students on careers.
In the final year you'll carry out a year long placement module offering you experience working alongside a mathematics teacher in a primary or secondary school for one morning a week over two terms. Together with our tutorial system, the school placement will strengthen your oral and written communications skills and greatly enhance your employability. You'll also carry out an individual mathematics education project on a topic of your choice. The placement and project combination gives you an ideal start for PGCE teacher training. The degree also gives you excellent prospects in other mathematical careers through a wide choice of final year modules.
Core modules:
See BSc (Hons) Mathematics course page for full module listings
"The reason I chose mathematics with education is that the specialism of the education comes in the final year. I wanted to get a feel for if teaching is the right thing for me. The course is the reason I came to Plymouth."
"Having the support of a project mentor throughout my final year project meant that I could further my understanding of mathematics within education and how to research literature, analyse it and draw conclusions, all within the confines of a word limit. I would strongly recommend the mathematics and education degree as a brilliant route into the PGCE course."
Get an overview of what our graduates get up to
Becky - Secondary Mathematics Teacher
One of the many reasons I chose to study Mathematics with Education was the chance to gain valuable experience in a school during my third year
Nathan - Head of Mathematics Department
The course allowed me to get both an insight into teaching and a mathematics degree at the same time – essential if I decided teaching was not for me
Rebecca - Marketing Research Assistant
Plymouth offered me the type of course I was looking for, whilst studying in a lovely area where I felt I could enjoy three years of my life
6In the 2022 National Student Survey, 100% of our final year students said that ‘Staff are good at explaining things’.*
rAccredited by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Did you know that the differential equation which describes the change in price of stock market options is, in disguise, the same equation that describes how heat diffuses through materials?
Understand how your credit-card details are kept secure when you shop online and the amazing maths behind it.
Based on the ideas of analysis this module introduces the notions of convergence and divergence and hence allows the study of trends in sequences of numbers and data.
In this module you will work on an open-ended case study inspired by real-life problems and developed in cooperation with companies such as Babcock International.
Fluid dynamics is everywhere – from the air we breathe, to the oceans that sustain our planet, to the industries that power our economy. Explore one of the most vibrant areas of modern applied mathematics.
Recent coursework in this module has involved fitting models to COVID-19 cases, comparing engine performance under different environmental conditions, and using historic data to assess how life expectancy has increased over time.
Spend your first year acquiring a mastery of the fundamental skills that characterise a mathematician. Modules include calculus, linear algebra, numerical methods and probability.
As your knowledge and understanding deepen you may choose to take advantage of the flexibility provided by this course.
Elect to continue along the BSc (hons) Mathematics pathway or select one of our specialist pathways - BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Education or BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Finance.