Support during the placement
If it wasn’t for Sponge coming to the University and doing the talk, I wouldn’t have ever found them. I wasn’t at all interested in doing a placement before I went to that talk, so if it wasn’t for that then I wouldn’t have done a placement!
Our lecturers were amazing; I think that the support we had from some staff during my second year is what helped me feel confident and allowed me to present myself well during interviews. During the placement my lecturer was always there if I needed help or advice. I knew that if I ever felt concerned about something that I had a safe space where I could go. I was also in the year of placements that were affected by COVID so they were also there to support with all of the unknowns that came from that. Throughout the whole four years they were absolutely amazing, and I owe a lot of my drive and ambition to them. I don’t think I’d be in my current role if it wasn’t for the time they spent with me, and how they helped me to grow and push myself.
I think attention to detail was probably one of the core skills that we learnt at university, which was crucial to the placement, it helped me become better at quality testing my own work and others. Also bug fixing, being confident at finding solutions to new issues and being able to solve them yourself without having to lean on others.