School of Society and Culture

BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies with Foundation

UCAS tariff 32 - 48 Contextual offers
A contextual offer is an offer to study at university that takes personal circumstances that may affect grades into account.
UCAS course code X312
Institution code P60

4 years

Course type


Study location Plymouth

Take a fresh look at childhood. Explore the theory and reality of children's early years through a variety of perspectives including sociology, social psychology, history, and philosophy. You will engage with young children and families through course activities and placements having the option of gaining professional recognition of your practice. If your qualifications don’t allow direct entry to degree level or you have been out of formal education for some time, this course is for you.

Helping you to succeed from the start

Our goal is to provide you with the opportunities and support you need to embark on a rewarding future as a practitioner with children.
We are passionate about...

Enriching children's lives and learning

Varied placement opportunities in diverse settings

Advocating for positive change

Careers with this subject

Do you dream of working with young children, in a children’s centre, nursery or school setting or as a social worker, teacher, psychologist or researcher? Wherever you want to end up, BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies is a great place to start. A combination of academic knowledge and practical skills makes graduates from this course stand out from the crowd.

Key features

This four-year course is designed to give you the grounding necessary to progress through your undergraduate programme in BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies giving you a broader view of children’s development by studying the subject in practical, historical and international contexts.
Your first year will:
  • enable you to enter University from non-traditional entry routes, whether you are returning to education after a break or if you come with qualifications other than A levels
  • introduce you to supportive and accessible academic staff in a welcoming community with personal tutor support
  • prepare you for level 4 study in a research-rich environment, establishing relationships with the University, support services, teaching staff and other education students
  • provide research-informed teaching opportunities which build on your prior learning, encouraging you to draw on your work/professional/personal experiences
  • provide you learning experiences which offer small group work, problem-solving and interactive approaches through a wide range of diverse and innovative teaching methods
  • support you in developing essential study skills through a variety of coursework-based inclusive assessments – from essays and presentations to creative projects, personal development plans and written projects.
This course is an integrated part of the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies degree at the University of Plymouth. Successful completion of the foundation year (Year 0) will not lead to a separate award or qualification its own right but provides progression onto Year 1 of BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies or BA (Hons) Education .
When you join the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies with Foundation, you will:
  • explore the relationships between play and learning in your own studies as well as in child development
  • see for yourself how theories and policies are applied in practice by visiting a wide range of provision for children and families
  • expand your options beyond traditional teaching and open up further career opportunities in education, social care, community work, psychology, management and research
  • learn from experienced lecturers and tutors who are actively engaged in national and international research projects.

Course details

  • Foundation year

  • In your foundation year (year 0), you’ll acquire the knowledge and skills you’ll need to progress through your studies and become a confident, independent learner. You’ll take four 30 credit modules which will introduce you to a range of education-related topics whilst preparing you for degree-level study at the University of Plymouth.
    Please note that BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies with Foundation and BA (Hons) Education with Foundation will be combined for the foundation year only.

    Core modules

    Questioning Education 30 credits

    The module introduces students to the key debates within education in its widest sense. It takes a sociological perspective, exploring how education has been shaped throughout history, policy and society. Exploring both popular, political and personal perspectives of education and the education system.

    Studying Learning and Learning to Study 30 credits

    The module introduces students to the theories and approaches of learning. Key ideas of how learning is facilitated will be explored and considered in light of students own learning and transition to university study. Academic skills will be introduced and embedded in the learning activities engaging in application and development of these.

    Children and Stories 30 credits

    This module will explore ideas about children and their stories from a number of perspectives. These might include philosophical, methodological and literature based approaches. It will look at the importance of story in the early years; narrative, thought and language; story, fantasy and role play in children's understanding of the world.

    Independent Enquiry 30 credits

    This module centres on a desk-based enquiry into an aspect of education and learning. Students will be supported to undertake a detailed exploration of their chosen topic using a range of secondary data.

  • Year 1

  • In your first year of your extended degree, you’ll get an overview of the factors that affect children’s lives and begin considering your own professional identity within the sector. You’ll explore how children grow and develop, drawing on the latest research around thinking, playing and learning. You’ll also gain an understanding of different approaches to observing children. Modules on social policy and equality and diversity will introduce you to key contemporary issues.

    Core modules

    An Introduction to Early Childhood Studies 20 credits

    A series of lectures given by members of the Early Childhood Studies team, focusing on their own research, interests and enthusiasms, and weekly seminars, will introduce students to the wide range of areas of study which are included in Early Childhood Studies. The diversity of interests and approaches introduced in lectures will be balanced by process of developing study skills and dispositions and integrating themes and ideas by means of active engagement in small seminar groups.

    Understanding Development; Biology and Psychology 20 credits

    In this module we will explore the nature of the disciplines of biology and psychology. We will look at how biologists and psychologists study young children. We will look at some current biological and psychological perspectives of child development. Students will carry out psychological tasks with young children and reflect upon the implications of what they have found and the nature of their own learning and understanding of children and themselves.

    Politics for Equality 20 credits

    This module explores the concepts of equality, inclusion, diversity and anti-discrimination and investigates cultural structures, discrimination, social exclusion, power and participation. Students will consider the impact of political and policy developments at global, European, UK and local levels drawing on theoretical frameworks and real examples, including students own experiences, to explore how culture and policy impact on young children and their families.

    Places and Spaces for Learning and Playing 20 credits

    Throughout this module students will be introduced to a range of places and spaces that facilitates children's learning and play. There will be opportunities to link these experiences with academic theories with an aim to support the students' skills in noticing and understanding the process of learning.

    Children in Society 20 credits

    This module will focus on the complexity and diversity of young children’s experiences of growing up in contemporary societies. It will examine how children’s everyday lives are shaped through a wide range of structural influences and through children’s own active engagement with their worlds.

    Multi Professional Perspectives 20 credits

    An introduction to the diversity of early childhood settings, their structures and the varied heritages of the practitioners that work with them/in them. Notions such as communication, team work, working with parents and as part of a multi-professional team are explored along with an understanding of self as a reflective practitioner

  • Year 2

  • Your second year of the extended degree focuses on developing your analytical and reflective skills and expands your hands-on experience of early years roles. You will develop your understanding of research while studying children’s development and communication. You’ll choose two modules from a range of options including outdoor learning, the developing world and working with professionals. You’ll work directly with young children and families, learning both academically and practically from these experiences.

    Core modules

    Developing Communication in the Early Years 20 credits

    This module has two related purposes: to give students a sound understanding of how children develop their ability to communicate and to help them develop their own communication skills. Language development is a central focus, but set within a wider understanding of different forms of communication.

    Work Based Learning (in a setting with young children and/or families) 20 credits

    This module is intended to provide students with the opportunity to experience work-based learning opportunities in a setting which involves work (paid or unpaid) with young children (0-8) or with children and their families. There is recognition that such work-based learning can take place in a wide variety of situations and settings, but for this module it will normally involve more than one child and more than one family. A reflective approach to this learning experience provides students with the opportunity to develop their professional practice.

    Perspectives on Child Development

    The module will draw on approaches from Sociology, Psychology, Education and Biology to explore physical, emotional, social and cultural influences on child development. Co-production, as a means to support development, through working with families will be emphasised. Students will construct an informed personal perspective on co-production and early development, based on observation and understanding of relationships between theoretical models and research findings.

    Research Matters

    The module provides a basic introduction to research methods to establish some of the fundamentals of research design and process. Students will explore methodological approaches and existing research studies. Students will have an opportunity to engage with a range of innovative and creative methodologies.

    Optional modules

    Working with a Range of Professionals 20 credits

    This module is intended for those who wish to understand more about working with other professionals whose work impacts on young children and their families in some way; in Case Conferences; strategy meetings as well as report writing, producing and implementing developmental and/or safeguarding plans, etc.

    100% Coursework

    Work Based Learning Plus (in a setting with young children and/or families)

    This module is intended to provide students with the opportunity to maximise professional learning opportunities during a work-place experience (paid or unpaid) with young children (0-5) or with children and their families. There is recognition that such work-based learning can take place in a wide variety of situations and settings, but for this module it will enable students to meet the Early Years Educator Standards. A reflective approach to this learning experience provides students with the opportunity to develop their professional practice.

    Child Well-being in the Developing World Challenge Module 20 credits

    Through this module you will be thinking about the big challenges facing young children today in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through reflecting on childhood and the well-being of young children in the developing world (defined as those that are low on the UN Human Development Index), we will be looking critically at issues such as poverty, global inequalities, access to resources, education, health, conflict, livelihoods and sustainability.

    100% Coursework

    Sustainable Education in Action - Challenge Module 20 credits

    Through this module you will be thinking about the big challenges of today in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through a service learning and collaborative sustainable education approach, you will be creatively engaged with pressing issues across the city and local area in order to facilitate learning that helps us make positive change together. This module will enable you to reflect on your development as: competent and confident professionals, sustainable and global citizens, resilient and thriving individuals, and critical and creative learners.

    100% Coursework

    Learning Outside the Classroom 20 credits

    This module focuses on the understanding and personal exploration of Learning Outside the Classroom and Outdoor Learning. Understanding of the fieldwill be gained through theoretical and practical sessions. Students are encouraged to link theory with practice and will devise and justify (drawing on literature and personal reflection) a program of activities for a targeted group in a named real-world location.

    100% Coursework

  • Final year

  • In the final stage of the course, you will be helped to make the transition from ‘knowledge consumer’ to ‘knowledge producer’. You will use your developing knowledge and experience to challenge, extend and critique other people’s ideas and your own. You will plan and carry out a research project to develop and disseminate understanding of what you have identified as an area of interest and you will continue to develop your capacity to act as a strong advocate for young children and families. If you are joining the final stage from a partner college you may choose to study on our FLECS (Flexible Learning in Early Childhood Studies) route.

    Core modules

    Adults' Concepts of Childhood: their impact on the past and present treatment of children 20 credits

    This module will explore how childhood and adulthood are related concepts with deep historical roots. It will explain contemporary changes in young children's lives by tracing the historical forces that have shaped different concepts of childhood, defining the ways in which adults think, act and behave with young children.

    Enabling Environments for Young Children's Learning

    This module considers issues surrounding the spaces in which adults interact with children in teaching and learning relationships. Students will examine governments’ and practitioners’ beliefs and principles that influence the creation of these ‘spaces’ and the pedagogic practices within them.

    Research Dissertation

    This module enhances students’ knowledge and understanding of the nature, significance and role of research and its impact on theory, policy and practice in the field of education and early years. It develops students’ knowledge, skills and understanding in respect of planning, designing, carrying out and critically evaluating their own independent research enquiries.

    Optional modules

    Education for the 21st century: Global, Sustainable and Wild 20 credits

    This module offers an integrated approach to key themes in envisioning future fit education; namely global citizenship, sustainable development and environmental care. It asks the learner to explore contemporary educational issues such as the impact of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Global Action Programme for ESD. It critically and creatively considers the role of compassionate engagement in education with regard to ecological literacy, global citizenship, human rights, social justice, peace and planetary well-being.

    100% Coursework

    Children and Risk 20 credits

    Looking at the complexity of child protection issues, within a personal, institutional and community context, addressing the issue of risk and the decision-making process the right decision against the defensible decision, in order to develop a personal, and critical perspective on issues of protection and control. In addition an exploration of the concept of Risk In the wider context.

    100% Coursework

    Current Issues in Early Childhood: Politics, Welfare and Society 20 credits

    This module will enable participants to focus on current debates related to early childhood studies with a focus on the political, welfare and society. By its nature the content of the module will change each year, as issues change, new understandings emerge and different perspectives apply. Key social, political and educational issues that affect the lives of young children, 0-8, and their families will be studied in this module. Some comparisons will be made with Europe and other countries. Students will be encouraged to develop a considerable personal perspective on social questions related to early childhood services.

    Wellbeing and the 'Good Life' 20 credits

    What is meant by ‘wellbeing’? How do we know what it is, what affects it, and how to evaluate ours? What do we need to consider if we are going to ‘manage’ our own and to have achievable goals for a ‘Good Life’? This module is about exploring concepts and theories surrounding wellbeing, and to question our own individual and cultural values and expectations in regard to it. Essentially, though, it is about questioning our own, and looking at a small but significant wellbeing toolkit to help us negotiate the myriad challenges of daily life.

    100% Coursework

The modules shown for this course are those currently being studied by our students, or are proposed new modules. Please note that programme structures and individual modules are subject to amendment from time to time as part of the University’s curriculum enrichment programme and in line with changes in the University’s policies and requirements.

DBS assessments and other requirements

It is important to note all offers of a place to study with us are made subject to receipt of satisfactory screenings prior to starting your course.

Entry requirements

UCAS tariff

32 - 48

Contextual offers: Typically, the contextual offer for this course is 8 points below the advertised tariff. A contextual offer is an offer to study at university that takes into account individual circumstances that are beyond your control, and that can potentially impact your learning and your exam results, or your confidence in applying to university.

Check your eligibility for a contextual offer

UCAS tariff
32 - 48
Don’t have 32–48 UCAS tariff points? We will consider ‘non-standard’ applications on a case-by-case basis.
A levels: For Level 3 entry the Tariff points entry level will normally be 32–48 points from A level or equivalent. Non-standard applicants will normally be interviewed.
BTEC National Diploma/QCF Extended Diploma/CACHE: All applications to be referred to the Admissions Tutor.
All Access courses: Pass a named Access to HE Diploma (preference to education/ social science/ health and social care, but all considered) with at least 33 credits at Merit/Dist.
T levels: Pass (preference to education, social science, health and social care, but all considered)
Welsh Baccalaureate: Refer to the Admissions Tutor.
Scottish Qualifications Authority: 32–48 points at Advanced Highers – refer to Admissions Tutor.
Irish Leaving Certificate: Irish Highers, H5 in five subjects equivalent to 32–48 points.
International Baccalaureate: 24 overall
GCSEs: Applicants are recommended to have GCSE (or equivalent) Maths and English at Grade C/Level C or above. If applicants do not have the equivalent, completing this during this degree will be promoted.
Proficiency in English: Students for whom English is an additional language will need to demonstrate ability in spoken and written English equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.0 and/or successfully complete the university’s special test before entering the Foundation Year.
We welcome applicants with international qualifications. To view other accepted qualifications please refer to our tariff glossary.
We are looking for applicants with good potential including with non-standard qualifications and background, so will consider every application on a case by case basis.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or concerns about meeting the entry requirements listed above we would encourage you to contact the Admissions Team on +44 1752 585858 or email, where a member of the team can offer you further advice.
Non-academic requirements
  • All candidates will be required to complete a satisfactory DBS (formerly CRB) Enhanced Disclosure, register with the Independent Safeguarding Authority and complete a criminal convictions self-declaration form.
  • All candidates will be expected to demonstrate an active interest in work with young children, evidenced through placement/practice experience.
For a full list of all acceptable qualifications please refer to our tariff glossary.

Fees, costs and funding

2024-2025 2025-2026 *
Home £9,250 £5,760
International £17,100 £17,600
Part time (Home) £770 £480
Full time fees shown are per annum. Part time fees shown are per 10 credits. Please note that fees are reviewed on an annual basis. Fees and the conditions that apply to them shown in the prospectus are correct at the time of going to print. Fees shown on the web are the most up to date but are still subject to change in exceptional circumstances. More information about fees and funding.

*UK Government announcement on tuition fees

Following an announcement in November, the government has confirmed its intention to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year.

Subject to final Parliamentary approval (expected in early March 2025), the tuition fee for UK students is increasing to a maximum of £9,535 from 1 August 2025. This change applies to current and new students at the University of Plymouth. The Student Loans Company (SLC) has confirmed loans for tuition fees will be increased accordingly.

Additional costs

This course is delivered by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business and more details of any additional costs associated with the faculty's courses are listed on the following page: Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business additional costs .

Essential technology for your studies

The university recommends that all students have access to their own technology to access their programme. If you’re purchasing a laptop, you should review the specifications listed below, but if you’re unsure about the requirements for your course, ensure that you ask your programme team before you buy anything:
  • Minimum specifications for basic processing (enabling the use of university web-based systems and general-purpose applications, such as Office 365): Intel Core i3, 8GB RAM, SSD storage, Full HD display or equivalent, Windows 10.
  • Recommended specifications for students intending to run a variety of software applications: Intel Core i5, 16GB RAM, SSD storage, Full HD display or equivalent, Windows 10.

Bursaries and funds

If you’re experiencing financial hardship due to extra costs, unexpected health issues or other factors, there are bursaries and funds to help you. Take a look at our Bursaries and support funds page.

How to apply

All applications for undergraduate courses are made through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).
UCAS will ask for the information contained in the box at the top of this course page including the UCAS course code and the institution code.
To apply for this course and for more information about submitting an application including application deadline dates, please visit the UCAS website.
Support is also available to overseas students applying to the University from our International Office via our how to apply webpage or email

The benefits of a foundation year

A foundation year forms part of a four-year degree and provides the understanding and basis needed to embark on the full degree, for those that have had a break in study, have qualifications other than A levels for consideration or did not get the grades they hoped for in their A levels. Our degree with foundation year courses have an outstanding record for retention and success.
In our experience, the additional foundation year gives students the opportunity to grow academically and personally in a university environment. This allows students more time to reinforce and complement existing understanding and perform to their full potential over the course of the four-year degree.

Lisa's story: a natural next step

"Having qualifications that were quite out of date, not having been in education myself for so long, it was really helpful to join the foundation year and work with the skills, be taught the skills, that are needed to progress to the full ECS degree"
After working for many years as a teaching assistant, mature student Lisa felt it was a natural next step to progress her own education and joined BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies with Foundation.

Emily's story: an alternative route to a degree

"The foundation gives you that chance to ease into it – you get so much help with writing essays, referencing, and all the foundations you need."
After not doing as well in her A levels as she had hoped, joining the course through a foundation year gave Emily Squire the support and confidence to qualify for the career she knew she wanted.

Academic staff


Multidisciplinary collaboration

Early childhood studies students and architecture students designed and built this amazing outdoor classroom space with the children of a local primary school.
The collaboration has been shortlisted for RIBA MacEwen Awards 2020.
Read more about the project
Outdoor classroom - image credit Toshiko Terazono
Outdoor classroom - image credit Toshiko Terazono
* These are the latest results from the National Student Survey. Please note that the data published on Discover Uni (Unistats) is updated annually in September.