Community services
Making a dent in the 'dental desert' and filling a critical need for legal support

These are groups that fall between the cracks. We see people who often feel embarrassment and shame when going into healthcare settings.
Professor Robert Witton
Professor of Community Dentistry
To have our work recognised at a national level was further evidence to us that our approach is delivering positive change. It is the result of an amazing team effort that continues to benefit our students and staff, and the people of Devon and Cornwall.
Professor Ewen McColl
Head of Peninsula Dental School
“It’s sometimes hard to imagine the trauma that the people we speak to must have experienced,” saysRosie Brennan , Associate Professor of Law and one of the directors of the Law Clinic. “We are there for people when they are very often at their lowest possible ebb. At the end of the day, all we can do is listen and use our expertise to try and help in whatever way we can.”
“Our areas of focus are governed, to a large extent, by the expertise we have in the University,” Rosie says. “But they are also influenced by the demand that exists in Plymouth, and across the South West. Changes locally and globally over the past decade, and the support or lack of it now available, mean we are never short of people coming to us for help.”
We know this is a positive experience for the graduates who work in the Law Clinic, but the experience they gain here is also valued greatly by the local legal profession. We are constantly hearing stories of people who worked on something here that is now inspiring their career elsewhere.
Luke Fisher
Lecturer in Law (Education)