Jessica Harvey – MSc Sustainable Aquaculture Systems graduate
Jessica talks to us about internships, resources and the benefits of getting a head start

Current job title: Scallop Hatchery Technician
Current employer: Ocean Conservation Trust at the National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth, UK
Being on an MSc programme led by scientists who were actively engaged in the field of study was extremely inspiring.
What have you been doing since graduation?
- Working in fish husbandry supporting academic research within a Home Office Licensed environment
- Assisting the management of the Biosciences research laboratories

Choosing Plymouth
The main reason for choosing this MSc stemmed from my undergraduate studies. I studied BSc Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology at Plymouth. As part of the course I completed a 6 month internship in Malaysia at the Marine Ecology Research Centre (MERC). During my time there, I cultured algae, helped in the coral nursery, spawned, bred and reared 8 species of Giant Clam for conservation purposes and helped to maintain a successful soft coral bio-rock project.
I heard numerous blasts from the destructive dynamite fishing method. This first-hand experience of destructive fishing methods paired with my love of culturing marine organisms lead me to this sustainability focused degree.
Being on an MSc programme led by scientists who were actively engaged in the field of study was extremely inspiring. It opened my eyes as to just how many different career routes there were in which I could go down with my degree.
The group trip to Nireus, Greece was an incredible bonding experience where I made friends for life. In addition, the course included talks from several guest speakers which were interesting. They all brought a range of knowledge from all areas of aquaculture.
I would recommend studying an MSc at the University of Plymouth because I left feeling completely ready both academically and personally, to start my career. The range of resources that were made available to me in my research project as well as support from the technical team really helped to enhance my laboratory skills and confidence.

Support throughout
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