- Discipline related mini conference
- Students write a 500 word abstract for a conference.
- Students deliver a 10/15 minute paper and participate in a Q&A session.
- Students complete a piece of reflective writing on assessment for their course work.
- Employers can be invited to observe/assess the presentations/research papers.
- The assessment can be adapted through being a group assessment and/or production of a conference poster.
- Use of the mini-conference in geography and environmental sciences at Edge Hill.
Enhancing employability through dissertations.
- Using student dissertations for the benefit to society and offer students an insight into the challenges of the real working world.
- Students work with an organisation to conduct research and write their dissertation report both for their academic studies and the organisation.
'Dissertations for Good' (NUS) offer an online portal to match organisations, research topics and students.
Other employability-related assessment ideas
- Replace academic research project with action research.
- Infographic reports.
- Information boards.
- Customer/patient information leaflets.
- Blogs / e-journals.
Community organisation projects including:
- Finance and accounting project
- Marketing
- Websites or wikis
- Event organisation