FLUX. Students working on business idea, using Xing tool provided, interacting and discussing the scenario with each other and experts from outside the University.
Use of storytelling
Use storytelling to embed employability in the curriculum. The Sheffield University project 'Storying Sheffield' used this method across a wide range of disciplines. Students collect discipline related stories using a range of media, audio, art, photographs, films, written etc. ​Storying Sheffield found the experience offers new frames of reference and critical skills increased social and community awareness and developed a range of interdisciplinary knowledge and experience.
Micro employer interviews
  • Small groups of 2nd years visit a practitioner from their discipline.
  • Film a short interview using a pre-agreed discussion guide.
  • Students interrogate practitioners about current developments in the industry and ask job securing advice.
  • Films are shown to the rest of the class to stimulate discussion and debate.
  • University 'Employer Insights': podcast of embedding employability in the curriculum Anderson Deborah, Kingston University.
Job interview assessment
  • Students write a job application and CV.
  • Students prepare for a 10 minute video recorded interview.
  • Students receive individual feedback from the interviewee.
  • Students complete a piece of reflective writing on assessment for their course work portfolios.
*This assessment can be extended by the student delivering a 5 minute presentation in the context of an interview *
Authentic Assessment - further information and guidance
  • Discipline related mini conference
  • Students write a 500 word abstract for a conference.
  • Students deliver a 10/15 minute paper and participate in a Q&A session.
  • Students complete a piece of reflective writing on assessment for their course work.
  • Employers can be invited to observe/assess the presentations/research papers.
  • The assessment can be adapted through being a group assessment and/or production of a conference poster.
  • Use of the mini-conference in geography and environmental sciences at Edge Hill.

Enhancing employability through dissertations.
  • Using student dissertations for the benefit to society and offer students an insight into the challenges of the real working world.
  • Students work with an organisation to conduct research and write their dissertation report both for their academic studies and the organisation.
'Dissertations for Good' (NUS) offer an online portal to match organisations, research topics and students.
Other employability-related assessment ideas
  • Replace academic research project with action research.
  • Infographic reports.
  • Information boards.
  • Customer/patient information leaflets.
  • Blogs / e-journals.
Community organisation projects including:
  • Finance and accounting project
  • Marketing
  • Websites or wikis
  • Event organisation

Dr Victoria Hurth - Associate Professor in Marketing and Business

Dr Victoria Hurth talks about working with employers to deliver and assess learning