Terrorism and cyber security awareness

About the course

The course is divided into three substantive sections: information security and reducing risk; cyber vulnerabilities; and cybersecurity and cyberterrorism.
By the end of the course, students should be able to
  • Ascertain what information should be regarded as security sensitive
  • Recognise the need to protect information from unauthorised disclosure
  • Recognise methods used to protect security sensitive information
  • Identify the most common breaches of information security
  • Develop, review, monitor and audit a Cyber Security Plan (CSP)
  • Recognise key aspects of cyberterrorism and cyber attacks
  • Recognise key challenges in fighting cyber terrorists and cyber attacks and demonstrate insight into cyberterrorism tools, techniques and methodologies
  • Outline and discuss the key characteristics of cyber warfare, cyber attacks and ways to counter them.

IISP Skills Core

A1 (Governance), A2 (Policy & Standards), A3, (Information Security Standards) and A5 (IS Awareness & Training).

Course Level



1-day course


An end of course exam will assess students.


Delivered on the University of Plymouth main campus.


Aerial view of Plymouth naval base