Developing a research skilled workforce image
  • Rolle Marquee, University of Plymouth

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As part of the South West Developing a Research Skilled Workforce, we are delighted to invite you to attend our regional conference at Rolle Plaza Marquee on the University of Plymouth city centre campus on 2 April 2025.
Registration, networking and poster set-up is open from 08:30 for a 09:30 start. Further information on poster set-up can be found below though all posters should be AO portrait. We aim to finish the conference at around 16:00, with an optional networking session taking place in the marquee until 16:45.
This is a free, one-day event, funded by NHSE and hosted by the Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth.
The event will showcase and celebrate research and evidence-based projects undertaken by the health, science and social care workforce across the South West of England.
The research curious, research active, and research leaders are warmly welcomed.
For any queries meanwhile, please contact
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Conference information

Booking details – due to popularity, registration is now closed.

If you still wish to attend as a delegate, please add yourself to the waiting list below and we will notify you if a place becomes available.
Registration, networking and for those allocated a poster, set-up is open from 08:30 for a 09:30 start. Please do not bring a poster if you haven’t been allocated one. Further information on allocated poster set-up can be found below though all posters should be AO portrait and fixings will be provided.
We aim to finish the conference at around 16:00, with an optional networking session taking place in the marquee until 16:45, please check your emails from Eventbrite to attend the networking session.

Getting here

View information on how to reach our campus using green modes of transport, as well as on parking, accessibility and maps.


The day will involve guest speaker presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops, oral and poster presentations, and networking opportunities.
Confirmed speakers include Dr Joanne Cooper (PhD RN), NHSE Head of Nursing Research (Research Transformation) for CNO Policy and Strategy Unit, and Professor Ruth Endacott, NIHR Director of Nursing and Midwifery.
View the full programme via the above link.

Conference FAQs

Recording an oral presentation or a poster presentation

Anyone who has an abstract accepted at conference, either as an oral presentation or a poster presentation, will have the option to also record a short video of their presentation. This will be uploaded onto our dedicated webpage prior to the event (details to follow soon), ensuring your work is shared as widely as possible both at conference and beyond this event.
There are strict guidelines to follow:
  • It must be no longer than a two-minute pre-recording of your poster
  • It must be sent as an mp4 file
  • Please send us the electronic recording by 26 March 2025 to allow our technicians to upload this for conference webpage viewing.
Please follow the guidelines by clicking onto this document: 'Recording an Online Presentation'

Presenting a poster in person

For those allocated an in-person poster, it should be in A0 portrait size and boards and fixings will be provided. Posters will be grouped into the following themes and you'll be allocated your space on the day.
• Developing research capacity and engagement
• Advancing practice through evidence
• Promoting inclusion/diversity in practice and research
• Wellbeing and person-centred care
• Research in primary, community and social care
• Culture and identity: Research reflections
• Innovations in digital health
Please note, if you haven’t been allocated a poster, we can’t accommodate any extra.

How do I get to the conference venue, Rolle Plaza Marquee?

Rolle Plaza Marquee is located on the main University of Plymouth campus which is in close proximity to railway station.
There are many options for transport, including train, bus, coach and car. Please visit the University's Getting here webpage for information on how to help you reach our campus using green modes of transport, as well as advice on parking, accessibility and maps.
The location of Rolle Plaza Marquee can be found on the University campus map.
Please note there is no parking on the University campus.

Is this an accessible venue?

View further information about the accessibility of the venue. If you have specific questions about accessibility, please don’t hesitate to contact us on

Who can attend?

Any health, social care, and scientific professions in the South West region are welcome. This is an inclusive event, for anyone interested or curious in research, already actively involved in research or leading research.

What if I am unable to register for a place?

Please note and due to popularity, this event is fully booked. You can add your name to the waiting list through the registration link and you will be notified if a place becomes available. Anyone selected to present a poster or oral presentation will be automatically allocated a conference place and we have contacted you.

What if I cannot attend after I’ve registered?

We will send out reminders to attend via Eventbrite. If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place through the Eventbrite email you were sent when registering or contact

How will I access the conference presentations and recordings?

The conference is face to face and the Rolle Marquee conference sessions will be recorded where possible, though we will not be recording the workshops. Any recorded sessions and presentations will be made available on our dedicated conference webpage and we will send you a link to view these after the event.
NHS England South West
University of Plymouth

Event photography and video

Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth's public events (both online and offline) may be attended by University staff, photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, brochures or leaflets. If you, or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please let a member of staff know.