This annual online South West SENCo conference promotes the role of Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCos) in improving practice for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
We question what works in schools and how we can draw on research and examples from practice to drive school improvement. It is in this light that SENCos hold a strategic role to lead on SEND in order to improve practice and outcomes for children and young people.
This conference provides a forum for local authority staff, educational leaders, SENCos and practitioners to share ideas and practice, to network and ask questions. Researchers and SENCos from across the region will share their research on a range of topics related to inclusion.
Our keynote speaker is Dr Sarah Martin-Denham from the University of Sunderland who will share with you her work on school exclusion and childhood adversities. Sarah’s work has a particular focus on the lived experiences of school exclusion as she considers the factors that impact upon social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people from 3–16 years, which may lead to exclusion from school. Through her collaboration with children and families she has been able to share their experiences through the use of creative arts as a powerful vehicle to amplify the voices of those often unheard.
14:00 – Welcome, introductions, housekeeping (
Dr Vicky Bamsey
14:10 – Keynote: #Pullupachair with Dr Sarah Martin-Denham (Dr Vicky Bamsey (Chair), Dr Sarah Martin-Denham)
15:10 – Break
15:30 – Parallel sessions
14:10 – Keynote: #Pullupachair with Dr Sarah Martin-Denham (Dr Vicky Bamsey (Chair), Dr Sarah Martin-Denham)
15:10 – Break
15:30 – Parallel sessions
- Parallel Session 1 – Inclusion and exclusion (Chair: Kitty Huthwaite)
- Parallel Session 2 – Cognition and learning (Chair: Dr Vicky Bamsey)
- Parallel Session 3 – SEMH and relationships with children and families (Chair: Eleni Dimitrellou)
16:45 – Closing remarks and next steps (Dr Vicky Bamsey)
17:00 – Finish
17:00 – Finish