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  • University of Plymouth

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We are delighted to invite you to the NIHR INSIGHT South West Peninsula annual conference.
The first of our conferences takes place on Tuesday 1 April 2025 and is jointly hosted by the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter. This is a free event, funded by the NIHR INSIGHT programme. Places are limited and will be offered to our INSIGHT students from the University of Plymouth and the University of Exeter in the first instance. Additional places will be available for early career health and social care professionals.
The programme is an opportunity for both students and professionals to showcase their research and will include poster presentations, oral presentations, discussion panels and research skills workshops. This conference will also welcome those who would like to present their research-related experiences fostering a community-based culture where both challenges and triumphs can be shared in a welcoming environment.
The following groups are encouraged to attend the conference:
  • Healthcare, social work and public health professionals who have worked for a period equivalent of up to three years following registration.
  • Students enrolled in courses of healthcare, social work and public health professions.
  • Priority will be given to those living, working or studying in the South West Peninsula or with an offer of employment in this area.
The conference is being developed with input from our INSIGHT Masters Student Steering Committee to ensure content is relevant to current student interests and to develop student-led panels and presentations.
Register attendance on Eventbrite via the above link. For more information, please contact us at nihrinsight-swpeninsula@plymouth.ac.uk.
Visit the PenARC website for more information about the NIHR INSIGHT South West Peninsula programme.
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Poster Presentations and Elevator Pitch Presentations

Poster Presentations

Posters should be submitted in A2 portrait format. You can submit one or more posters in any of the following three categories and a prize of £100 for the best poster will be awarded in each of the categories:
  • Category 1 – A research design proposal (or a full research project if completed but this is not anticipated at this stage of an INSIGHT delegate’s career).
  • Category 2 – An overview of a problem or gap in the evidence-base in an area of personal interest, leading to the development of a research question. This does not have to go as far as developing a full research proposal but in contrast to category 1 would offer more theoretical justification for development of a research question.
  • Category 3 – A reflection of a significant learning experience gained relative to developing research skills (this could be about any experience within masters study, in any engagement event or external research development opportunities, including and not limited to practice-based experience of research in action).
Read the poster submission guidelines for more information on submitting a poster at our conference.
Once you have read the guidelines, you can submit an application to present a poster via our online application form.

Elevator Pitch Presentations

Slots of up to three minutes are available for delegates who are interested in entering our “elevator pitch” competition to win £1,000 to attend a relevant conference of their choice.
The presentation should identify a specific conference that you would like to attend and state how the £1,000 would help you to access this. It should clearly identify the reason(s) you would like to attend the conference considering factors like your personal or career development, profile building and networking opportunities, ability to present and potential to bring new knowledge and learning back into the South West Peninsula.
Read the elevator pitch guidelines for more information on submitting an application for an elevator pitch slot at our conference.
Once you have read the guidelines, you can submit an application to present a an elevator pitch via our online application form.

Personal Access Funds

Funding is available to students funded by the NIHR INSIGHT South West Peninsula project and other eligible early career professionals to support and enable access to their studies and career development. You can apply for funds to cover travel costs, childcare or other caring costs, conference and other event attendance-related costs or for the loan of laptops or other IT support for the duration of relevant study.
Please read the policy on the disbursement of Personal Access Funds for more information on submitting an application, including details on eligibility and categories for which funding is available.
Once you have read the policy, please feel free to submit an application for personal access funding via our online application form.
NIHR INSIGHT Project logo
University of Plymouth
University of Exeter
Funded by NIHR

Event photography and video

Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth's public events (both online and offline) may be attended by University staff, photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, brochures or leaflets. If you, or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please let a member of staff know.