Calling on tech-curious (not necessarily tech-credentialed) volunteers to take part in our Maritime Cyber Defence Hackathon, Saturday 19 November 2022, 10:00 to 16:00.
What is a hackathon?
Hackathons are all-day events to tackle a problem. In this, our second Cyber-SHIP Lab hackathon following a successful pilot, volunteers—ideally generalists or arts and humanities people as well as techies—will confront a cyber attack scenario. Non-techies contributing essential experience and perspectives that complement the arch geekery of your computer science peers.
What’s this hackathon about?
We won't give the game away! All we will say for now is that teams will be asked to intervene to help an International organisation deal with a cyber attack scenario that could escalate to the point where supply chains, critical infrastructure and lives are at risk. It will involve detective work, lateral thinking, empathy and, yes, defensive and even offensive hacking. Some of you will role-play dealing with Government, law enforcement and lawyers, the media and more.
Who can take part?
The hackathon is open to current University of Plymouth students from any course or discipline.
Can I pick my own team?
No, the Cyber-SHIP Lab Team will assign participants into teams on the day - but if you are coming with a friend, you can request being in the same team.
When and where is this happening?
Saturday 19 November 10:00 to 16:00. Team allocation and briefing 10:00 sharp at Cyber-SHIP Lab, 101 Marine Building.
What about lunch?
No catering for now, but if we can make a surprise pizza appear, we will.
Is there a prize?
If participants sign up early enough, we hope to be able to organise something for everyone who takes part. A t-shirt maybe, possibly with a different version for the winning team.
How do I sign up?
Email saying why you would like to be involved. Please include:
- Your name
- Your subject area
- Any friends you'd like to try and be on a team with (no guarantee).
Use the subject line: Maritime Cyber Defence Hackathon.