Magnetic Interactions 2025 will take place at the University of Plymouth on 9–10 January 2025.
This two-day meeting provides a forum for the UK Earth Magnetism community (and visiting friends and colleagues) to share their recent research and engage in discussion in a friendly atmosphere in Britain’s Ocean City.
We welcome contributions on research related to paleo-, archeo- and geo-magnetism, rock and environmental magnetism, biomagnetism, magnetic fields and properties of other planetary bodies, and magnetism in general.
Early career researchers and PhD students are particularly encouraged to participate.
Snacks and drinks will be provided.
" View the programme and Book of Abstracts (PDF)
Registration and abstract submission
Registration is free. Please submit your oral/poster abstract by completing the registration and abstract submission form by Friday 3 January. All abstracts should be no more than 250 words. Posters should be in A0 portrait format. Fixings will be provided.
If you encounter any problems, or if you would like to register after the deadline, please email
Professor Antony Morris
This is a not-for-profit meeting, generously supported by AGICO, Magnetic Measurements Ltd, the Mineralogical Society and Lake Shore Cryotronics.