Marine Station
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    University of Plymouth Marine Station, Artillery Place, Plymouth, Devon PL4 0LU

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We are pleased to announce that the Radiowave Oceanography Workshop 2024, ROW2024, will be hosted at the University of Plymouth Marine Station, Plymouth, UK, on 3–5 September 2024.
The successful international Radiowave Oceanography Workshop (ROW) series has been conducted on a regular basis since 2001. Past workshops have focused on the oceanographic applications of High Frequency (HF) radar. They have provided a forum for researchers to discuss their results, swap data and algorithms, and identify priorities for future research. The upcoming workshop will continue this tradition in the ocean city of Plymouth.
We encourage researchers to give presentations on their current research and participate in the discussions.

Workshop format

The format of the meeting is as an informal workshop. As such, we encourage presentation of both published and unpublished work, lengthy discussions, and attempts to build consensus among researchers concerning data analysis and future research directions.
Please focus on the description of the approach, data results, and what you see as the issues and future directions. We look forward to hearing about your work and your input into wider discussions. 
If you would like to participate, please submit your abstract below.

Call for abstracts

If you wish to be considered for an oral or poster presentation (or both), please submit your abstract through this link here. Abstracts should be 250 words maximum. The submission deadline is Sunday 30 June, with decisions expected by July.  
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Registration fees

• General registration fee – £200
• PhD student registration fee – £150
Registration is now open via the link below.

Register your attendance

The conference fee includes:
• Refreshments during the conference (coffee breaks and lunches)
• Icebreaker reception on 3 September
• Conference dinner on 4 September
Please note, the conference fee does not include accommodation.

Draft conference schedule

Tuesday 3 September 2024 | University of Plymouth Marine Station
• 12:00 – Registration and welcome
• 13:00 – Session 1
• 17:00 – Icebreaker reception
Wednesday 4 September | University of Plymouth Marine Station
• 09:00 – Session 2
• 13:00 – Session 3
• 19:00 – Conference dinner (location TBC)
Thursday 5 September
• Optional field trip to Over the Horizon Radar (OTHR) site


EuroGOOS HF Radar Task Team in-person progress meeting – Tuesday 3 September, University of Plymouth Marine Station

Join the EuroGOOS HF Radar Task Team in-person progress meeting! 
We will review the status of work lines and draw together the Implementation Plan for 2024–26. The EuroGOOS HFR Task Team helps coordinate the European activities around the development and use of coastal HF radars. 
This meeting is open to all, members of the task team and radar experts wanting to know more. The event is free to attend and can be booked through registration.
European HF Radar Community

Optional field trip to Dual-Frequency HF radar site – Thursday 5 September, Perranporth, Cornwall

There is an opportunity to take part in a field visit to the University of Plymouth operated Perranporth site, which has been recently upgraded to simultaneously operate two HF radars: a long range Over the Horizon Radar (OTHR) and a medium range WERA system. 
Trip sponsored by Helzel Messtechnik GmbH. This event is free to attend and can be booked through registration.
Perranporth's linear receive array

Venue and travel information

The workshop will take place at the University of Plymouth Marine Station, an exceptional facility, supporting teaching and research in marine, environmental science and engineering.
University of Plymouth Marine Station, Artillery Place, Plymouth, Devon PL4 0LU
The nearest airport is Exeter International Airport. 
However, there are good train links from Bristol Airport and London airports.
Marine Station


CODAR Ocean Sensors
Oceanographic High Frequency Radar Systems, the global leader in high frequency (HF) radar systems for ocean surface current and wave monitoring. The world’s experts in HF radar theory and system design, including all hardware and software. Providing product research, design, manufacturing and support.
Helzel Messtechnik GmbH
Our OTHR and WERA HF radar systems are highly flexible, modular and can be optimised according to your specific requirements. We offer compact and array type antenna systems, multi-frequency and active antennas to reduce the visual impact. We provide surface currents, mapping of wave parameters and wind direction, tsunami detection and vessel surveillance with the highest temporal resolution in the market.

Event photography and video

Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth's public events (both online and offline) may be attended by University staff, photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, brochures or leaflets. If you, or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please let a member of staff know.