Wednesday 12 March 2025, 12:00–13:00 | Virtual
AI for Cyber Security and Security of AI: Where next? (speaker: Professor Phil Legg)
Abstract: The role of AI has long been a key part of cyber security data analytics, with machine learning techniques being used for Intrusion Detection Systems, recognising insider threat activity, and classifying malware characteristics. Now, with new AI techniques such as Large Language Models capturing public attention and commercial innovation developing at rapid pace, in this talk we will explore what this means for the future of securing AI systems, and new ways of imagining human-machine teaming to better aid cyber security decision making and response.
Biography: Phil Legg is a Professor of Cyber Security and Co-Director of UWEcyber Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education, at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol). He leads the Cyber Security Research theme at UWE, with projects ranging from ML-based fuzzing for software security and container-based infrastructure security, through to privacy-preservation in IoT networks and explainable AI in managing telecommunications security. His core research interests sit at the intersections of cyber security, machine learning, and visual analytics, and how human-machine collaboration can achieve improved decision support in cyber security, such as in applications of insider threat detection. He is a founding member of CSE-Connect, an NCSC-supported initiative to promote collaboration and innovation in cyber security education across industry, academia, and government. He completed his PhD in Computer Science from Cardiff University in 2010 and held post-doctoral research roles at Swansea University (2010–13) and University of Oxford (2013–15) before joining UWE in 2015.